
Chapter 229 Something more importan

Chapter 229 Something more importan

Inside Yu Chen’s study room, Zaki was leisurely sitting on a couch, watching Yu Chen with amusement as he listened to him. He wasn’t making fun of him or anything. His innocence and cluelessness simply amused him to the core.

This man was undoubtedly the same species as Sei. Just like Sei, he had such a tragic past since childhood. They both grew up under extreme circumstances – so bloody and painful that they had forgotten how to express their emotions.

Zaki had met Yu chen when he was a teenager. Zaki remembered him as someone reckless, aggressive and cold as ice. Yu Chen was only fourteen when he started messing with him and Sei in that war-torn country many years ago. He always loved starting trouble even without any reason, as if he enjoyed it. Truth be told, the teenager Yu Chen during those times was nothing but a heartless kid. He was so troublesome and hopeless that Zaki even almost killed him not once but many times. But every time that happened, the teenager Yu Chen would just smile at Zaki and asked him to go ahead and kill him.

Every time he smiled like that, Zaki didn’t know why but he couldn’t kill him. For some reason, Zaki would always stop at the very last moment or Juu and Kyuu would come flying in to save him.

Zaki himself was just a killing vessel back then but there was something in Yu Chen that made him hesitate to hurt him. It was very strange for Zaki because during those times, there was no one whom he cared about but Sei.

Thinking about the past, Zaki was still wondering how this man had changed to this point. Unlike Sei, Yu Chen seemed to have changed overnight. It was honestly quite mind-boggling and he was sure that his men were also mystified about his inexplicable sudden change. Was it possible for a man as cold and ruthless as him to suddenly soften up overnight?

Five months ago, Zaki was with Yu Chen when he was dealing with another dangerous syndicate. Zaki was sent by Sei to warn him and to stop him from creating more unnecessary trouble. But that day, as expected, Yu Chen didn’t listen to him at all. He was as always, heartlessly doing whatever he wanted and Zaki knew he couldn’t do anything about it. The reason why Zaki always thought that Yu Chen was far worse than Sei was because Yu Chen really didn’t have any desire to live. He didn’t even care about the future, his future or anyone else’s future. It was as if he just didn’t have anything that he desired in this world. Nothing really mattered to him, not even his own life.

That day, Zaki was worried about him so he secretly followed them and as expected, a battle between the two groups broke out. The syndicate was prepared to kill Yu Chen from the very start so his men were utterly outnumbered. But because Juu and Kyuu were with him, the enemies couldn’t touch Yu Chen. Zaki was just standing by from afar, watching them, ready to jump in if things became worse, but as expected, Yu Chen won the senseless battle. However, suddenly, an accident happened. The scaffolding from above them collapsed. They were inside an abandoned, still under construction, building so there was scaffolding everywhere. Kyuu was quick to cover Yu Chen from the falling metal but Yu Chen seemed to have hit his head and lost consciousness. Yu Chen’s doctor was quick to the rescue. Zaki also joined them as they brought him to a nearby hospital. His injury wasn’t severe but Yang Jin was worried that there might be some internal bleeding. Gladly, he was fine. Zaki immediately left but he came back to the hospital later that night to visit him only to find out that Yu Chen was gone. His men told Zaki that he suddenly decided to attend a birthday party as soon as he woke up.

When Zaki met him again just a day after that party, he was quite surprised because Yu Chen seemed to have changed into a completely different person. He found out that the little devil found a girl at the party he attended but Zaki was still puzzled to the core. Could meeting the girl you love change you into a completely different person overnight?

He found it quite unbelievable. It was a little too unreal. He always knew how powerful love was but he at least knew that changing someone would take time. But no matter how outrageous it was, Yu Chen did change, completely, and Zaki could only think of it as a miracle. That was the only explanation he could think of.

Yu Chen was like an ice statue who suddenly transformed into something soft and fluffy, as if it was pure magic.

And because he never desired anything else in his life before, he was utterly clueless about the simple things in life he was finally experiencing. His cluelessness made him cute somehow, most especially his lack of knowledge about sexual matters.

Of course, this was one of the most fun moments for Zaki – giving advice to these sexually innocent species.

\\"Actually, you don’t have to worry about the wedding at all, Yu Chen. You can always marry her again if you want ya’know.\\" Zaki shrugged and Yu Chen almost jump from his seat.

\\"Huh? I can? I mean, is that even okay? Even if she’s already my wife?!\\" He looked like he couldn’t believe it. But Zaki already predicted his reaction.

\\"Sigh... this is why I’m always advising you to read or watch romantic novels or movies. Or at least read some articles about real life love stories. But you always think of those things as foolishness or disgusting. Now look at how clueless you are... sigh... you remember when I was trying to tell you about Sei’s love story? You didn’t even listen and fell asleep before I could even start, you punk! Now, you still don’t even know that Sei married Davi twice!\\"

\\"R-really? Bro Sei married Davi twice?!\\"

\\"That’s right, the wedding you attended was their second wedding. They were already legally married before that. And I’m telling you, their first wedding was worse than you and Xiaolei’s so stop whining about it. You should worry about something else that is more important for now.\\"

Yu Chen creased his brows. The question ’what is more important than giving her a proper wedding?’ was flashing in his eyes.

\\"What I’m saying is that... you don’t need to worry about your wedding for now. Since you two are already married, there is no need for you to rush the wedding anymore. Give it time. For your information, Sei and Davi took five years. Five years, you understand? So no need to rush it, especially now that you’re still in bad shape. You should be focusing on something more important for now. You get what I mean?\\"

Zaki was very serious as he told him those words and Yu Chen seemed to have understood that there was no need for him to worry because he could still marry her again. That news obviously made his complexion brighten up, as if he finally saw the shining sun again. He was so happy knowing that he could still redo the wedding. But he obviously didn’t get the ’something more important’ that Zaki was talking about.

\\"Mm. I understand.\\" Yu Chen nodded but Zaki suddenly slammed his hand on the table.

\\"No, you didn’t get the most important thing I’m trying to tell you.\\" Zaki leaned in on him, looking at him as if what he was about to say next was something that involves life and death. \\"Listen Yu Chen, she’s already your wife. So you have to think about your sexual relationship as well. Because you were unconscious, you two didn’t even have your wedding night. So what I’m saying is, you should be thinking about your honeymoon right now. Honey. Moon. You hear me?\\"

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