
Chapter 232 Hubby

Chapter 232 Hubby

Zaki was storming out of Yu Chen’s study room when he suddenly halted just outside the door.

\\"Little-sis-in-law, y-you’re here.\\" He immediately smiled at Xiaolei who was quite surprised as well.

\\"Bro Zaki, I didn’t know you were coming over,\\" she replied and the man scratched his head as he laughed. In the last four months, Zaki had been helping Xiaolei a lot. He was worried about her, so he even sent his wife, Hinari, to visit her sometimes. Xiaolei didn’t have a big brother but Zaki’s treatment towards her made her think that that was how it might have been like to have an older sibling that was always there to support her. The Chens, especially this man and his wife had become Xiaolei’s closest friends and they were now among the most precious blessings that she had received in this second life of hers. \\"Is Sis Hinari here as well?\\"

\\"Oh, I came alone. Just got a little business with Yu Chen but that’s all sorted now.\\" He grinned and Xiaolei could only say \\"I see.\\"

\\"Juu came back with you, right?\\" he asked and when Xiaolei nodded, the man hastily said goodbye to her, telling her that he had to go and speak with his other two siblings first before leaving.

Xiaolei smiled as she waved at the man rushing down the stairs. She sometimes wondered if one of Zaki’s hobbies was collecting siblings since he always called everyone he liked as his brother or sister.

Heaving a sigh, Xiaolei finally opened the door and saw Yu Chen, sitting still on the sofa, looking so intently at his phone. His brows were pulled together and he was very serious. Seeing him like that made Xiaolei hesitate to disturb him but Yu Chen immediately noticed her.

The moment he lifted his face and looked at her, he froze for a split second before he stood up and immediately slipped his phone in his pocket. His somewhat frantic reaction made Xiaolei raise her brow but when their eyes met, Xiaolei just ran towards him and embraced him tight.

She felt like she held the warmth of the sunshine upon holding him. She buried her face on his chest, and thoughts about Yun Jinhan just flew away. Her anxious heart calmed down just like that. She couldn’t believe that one hug from this man was all she needed to erase all the bad thoughts. Before she realized it, this man, her Yu Chen, had already become her one and only safe haven.

\\"What’s wrong? Are you okay?\\" He asked, sounding worried, as he caressed her back. It seemed like he immediately noticed that there was something troubling her.

\\"I’m fine. I just wanted to hug you tight.\\" She grinned as she pulled her upper body away to look at his face. \\"What did you and bro Zaki talk about?\\" she asked, changing the topic when suddenly, Yu Chen slightly blushed.

His expression made Xiaolei narrow her eyes and she slightly tilted her head as she watched him intently. \\"Hubby, are you blushing?\\"

Yu Chen’s eyes widened a little. He was stunned, not because of her question, but because of the word she just used. ’Hubby...’

Xiaolei got even more intrigued when she felt his body stiffen. What did they talk about for this man to react like this?

She was about to ask again and try to make him spill out a little about their topic of conversation when Yu Chen suddenly rested his head at the nook of her neck.

\\"Xiaolei...\\" he uttered her name. \\"Can you say it again?\\" he asked, his voice was almost a whisper.


\\"That word you just used, I want to hear it again.\\"

Xiaolei immediately brainstormed to find the word he was talking about. Gladly, she was quick to find it and a wide smile carved on her face.

She moved her lips near his ear and whispered the word \\"hubby\\".

Yu Chen’s grip on her waist tightened. \\"Again, please?\\"

Xiaolei chuckled. This man really was making her forget about everything else by using his adorableness again. She cupped his face with her hands and made him look at her. \\"You’re being cute again, my husband.\\" She said with a sweet gentle smile and Yu Chen’s face brightened in utter happiness.

The words ’my husband’ were echoing in his head over and over again and he felt like his heart was about to explode in ecstasy.

They both ended up cuddling on the sofa after that until Xiaolei fell asleep in his embrace. It seemed like the shock and fear she experienced that morning had drained her energy.


Outside the black house, three almost translucent, pale men were sitting on the grass silently. Zaki was resting his face on his palm as his gaze darted back and forth between Juu and Kyuu. It seemed like he was waiting for them to speak.

The silence dragged on. Juu and Kyuu were looking in opposite directions, avoiding Zaki’s gaze. It was really hard to speak with these two as well.

\\"Sigh... look here, you two.\\" Zaki finally snapped and at least, unlike Yu Chen, Juu and Kyuu immediately listened to him.

\\"You should understand that Yu Chen obviously wants you both to participate in this. He wanted to force you two, actually, but he was trying to let you both decide for yourselves. I need your answers because my sister-in-law is waiting.\\" Zaki explained. \\"You have to decide now.\\"

\\"Sigh... I don’t know.\\" Kyuu lazily threw his head back as he stared at the sky. \\"I don’t have any reason to do this. I honestly don’t want to and this is not even a sure thing, right? They’re just going to do more experiments on us. We’ll still die in the end...\\"

\\"I understand where you’re coming from Kyuu, but... don’t be such a pessimist. I trust my sister-in-law. She and the others are doing everything they can for this work. If you don’t trust them enough, why don’t you just do this for Yu Chen? Apart from the fact that he still needs you both, he definitely doesn’t wish to just let you die like that. Don’t you think this is better than just sitting right here and waiting for your time to come? I know you’re already in severe pain Kyuu, so come with me now. Juu is still fine so he’ll stay here in the meantime.\\"

As Zaki waited for Kyuu’s response, Juu butted in.

\\"Bro Zaki, please take him with you.\\" He said and Kyuu looked at him with wide eyes.

\\"Juu, when did I let you decide for me?\\"

\\"Go with him, Kyuu. Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to him while you’re away.\\"

\\"That’s not what I’m talking about!\\"

\\"Don’t be stubborn. This is Chen’s wish so you must go. I’ll go after you when the time comes.\\"

\\"Tch! Fine! I get it.\\" Kyuu finally gave in, causing Zaki to celebrate.

\\"Good boy,\\" he smiled wide as he ruffled the man’s hair.

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