
Chapter 477 - Against A Fat Mohawk

Chapter 477 – Against A Fat Mohawk

The two mohawks didn\'t hear when I gave the order to my two familiars. And when they broke through the floor to reach the floor we\'re in, I will stop talking again.

Before the mohawks broke through the floor, Shelia already made a move and charged at one of them. I guess she know his location from the smell.

Shelia kicked the man as far as she could. Since we\'re fighting against a mohawk, if we fight too close with the others in this place, there will be casualties. That\'s why Shelia kicked him as far away as possible from here, and followed him soon after.

I don\'t expect that all of us will survive, but we need to reduce as many casualties as possible. Though Shelia\'s real reason why she kicked the man away most likely because she wants to fight him herself. She hasn\'t had enough of fighting powerful enemies so far.

Our real mission is over, now she can do whatever she wants. As for me, Graham and I will take care of this fat old man with mohawk.

Although the enemy is an old man, he\'s still a mohawk. I mean he\'s still an experimental result to create a master level mage. His body is about as strong as the mohawk girl I fought in the past. And since I will only fight using a hammer, it might be difficult. But Graham and his clone should be able to help me.

Before the match started, I looked around the facilities outside the dungeon we just exited from. There are other mohawks facing other people. But none of them are working together, while we have teamwork and have trained for this situation. And I think Arin and Angela can take care of one mohawk each.

As for the rest, there are werewolves and vampires who can help. And several expert level mages. Also, the angels can heal the injured. Even if they can\'t defeat the mohawks, they should be able to stall for time until someone managed to defeat one first.

I\'d like to be the one who defeated the mohawk first, so let\'s get it done quickly.

Graham created a shadow clone from his own shadow thanks to the light entering the building from the hole I created to enter this place. Now, it\'s three on one against the fat mohawk.

"An angel, a shadow, and… a man in armor? I have been tasked to protect the Professor. Where did you take him?" the fat mohawk asked.

A man in armor? That\'s me. I guess even if he\'s artificial master level mage, he can still tell the difference between a real monster and a human wearing armor. Though I won\'t say anything to him back. It\'s best to keep it as secret.

I swung the hammer in my hand down at him, but he easily blocked it. Though I didn\'t use my full strength, that should be more than enough to squash any average people to death.

"Wait, the armor seems to be a living being. Is it a Living Armor?" the fat mohawk asked again.

Is it their trait to keep asking questions? Maybe the Professor\'s curiosity is planted in their brain because of the experiment.

"So, you are inside the Living Armor to protect yourself, while the living armor moves your body so you can fight? I guess that\'s to be expected. There\'s no way anyone could be this strong without experiment from the Professor."

Good. The fat man thinks I\'m inside the Living Armor to protect myself. At least I can still cover my identity. He didn\'t think that the Living Armor is the Black Slime.

"Enough questions. I\'ll kill you now and get everything done faster!" Graham said.

Graham and his shadow clone approached the fat mohawk, and thrusted their spears at him. But the fat mohawk grabbed the shaft of their spears before the blade reached his skin.

"You\'re an angel. An angel and a Living Armor? So, the man inside the Living Armor is a tamer who tamed powerful monsters. I guess if I defeat him first, I don\'t need to mind the monsters."

After the fat mohawk said that, he aimed a magic at me from his hand. It\'s a powerful wind magic much stronger than what Angela can use. I guess his element that reached master level is wind element.

I strengthened VIctoriarmor with my Aura to protect myself. Just the armor is quite durable. And combined with my Aura, I shouldn\'t receive any damage.

But when the wind slash appears, it hits me right on the chest. The armor protected my body well, but I still feel the pain. But it\'s not over yet as the fat mohawk continuously casted Wind Slash to attack me. Even the wall of the building has been destroyed.

Seems like this building won\'t last long. There are also other mohawks fighting in the lower floor.

I need to get this one away from this building.

Graham keeps attacking the fat mohawk, but the fat mohawk only focused on me. Which mean, I just need to get away so he will chase after me.

"Running away? No. You\'re looking for a better place to fight. Fine, I will follow you."

As expected, he followed after me.

I run away as far from the building as possible. And because he\'s a powerful wind mage, his speed is much faster than me. But luckily, I managed to escape to an empty land quite far from the building.

I faced the fat mohawk with the building behind him. Now, all his attack that is focused on me won\'t reach that building.

"I\'ll kill you now and ask you where the Professor is," the fat mohawk said.

"How do you ask dead person?" I asked back.

"Oh? You finally talked."

Oh, shit! Though I hope he won\'t recognize who I am just by the voice. It\'s not like he knows me already.

I\'ll keep quiet from now on. There\'s no need to talk with him anymore.

With that, I changed the head of the hammer to be bigger as I swung it down to the fat mohawk.

"Again, with that attack. You already know that it won\'t work against me-!"

This time, the head of the hammer is much bigger. And also, Victoria altered the weight to be at the heaviest, while I use my full strength and Aura. It\'s much faster than before, so he barely blocked it with his arms crossed after the tip of the hammer touched his rising mohawk. But he\'s quick, so he only got injured on his arms that tried to block the hammer.

"How did you get so much stronger!? And the weapon changed size!"

I didn\'t reduce my strength as the hammer is being stopped. His feet have sunk on the ground, but he still has a lot of strength.

To defeat him, just like before, I need to get him to waste as much mana as possible. Or, I need to use more powerful attack to defeat him. Though I\'m not alone, so we can defeat him without having to get him waste his mana first. After all, we need to be quick so we can help the others.

Graham and his shadow clone finally appear, and tried to pierce the fat mohawk\'s body with the spear. This time, the blade reached his body. But it didn\'t hurt him much. Still, Graham is an excellent fighter. He rapidly attacked the fat mohawk in the same place to make the wound bigger.

"Oh? I can\'t fight because my hands are tied with the hammer. Just how strong is the Living Armor? The Professor would have liked to have it along with the Black Slime," the fat mohawk said.

But that ended up as his last words.

"You won\'t get anything from us. Die already!"

Graham and his shadow clone used combination attack together. And finally, the two\'s spears pierced the fat mohawk\'s chest and stabbed his heart.

I already see that the mohawks in this place doesn\'t have Black Slime corrupting their inner organ, so I don\'t have to worry about their recovery. They will still die if their heart or brain stopped working.

"That was quick. I don\'t think Master need to come this far just to swing a hammer," Graham said as the fat mohawk no longer breathing.

"But if I used it somewhere else, it will destroy everything. Look at the crack on the ground you\'re standing on? With this much strength, I will disturb other people\'s fight. Let\'s go back quickly and help the others," I said to Graham.

"What about Shelia?" Graham asked.

"She wanted to fight a strong opponent, and she\'s getting one. Try to find anyone else in trouble first. As for me, I need to survey the surrounding and see if there\'s anyone else nearby," I replied.

With that, Graham and his shadow clone returned to the building and seek for people in need for help. As for me, I flew away and look around with my Divine Vision to see if there\'s anything worth watching.

Seems like other than at the entrance of the dungeon, there\'s really nothing else nearby.. I guess I\'ll help the others too now.

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