
Chapter 505

As we fly in the sky, Spot asked me if I have seen the camp where the cult will gather. But so far, we haven’t found it yet.

“Not yet. You’re using your camouflage, right? We can fly a little lower. Maybe they decided to camp underground,” I said.

“Are you sure about that?” Spot asked.

“I don’t know. But from what I have seen of so far, the cult has the tendency to stay underground,” I said.

That’s right. From the raid to the Professor’s location, they made a five-floor basement under the ground that goes to a dungeon we needed to pass. Also, here, they had a meeting room under the ground. The sewer. Ignoring the bad smell of the sewer. Or maybe the smell never reached their hiding spot there. I don’t know since I always protect myself with Air Barrier back then.

If the enemy is hiding underground, it will be difficult to fight them unless we have expert level earth mages. But our expert level mages are all busy with the tournament. Trying to bait the fake king, and some other hiding enemies, telling them that the kings are gathered in one place. Angela and the others will be important for the protection of the royalties.


I heard from the girls that some of them will not go all out and pretend to be weak so they can lose as soon as possible. But for Angela and some others, they really want to test their ability on each other. I hope they won’t get hurt too much.

They will stay in Consenza. That’s why Albert and old man Henry can send their armies to help me while leaving only the minimum number of guards to protect their countries. Though for Lynn, if she sent out her army, the cult will be suspicious. That’s why they will be staying behind to protect the empire.

We have been flying in the sky for a while, but there’s no sign of the enemy at all. Maybe they are hiding deeper underground. That will be dangerous, so I hope that’s not the case. I guess I’ll call for help for now.

“Spot, I will open a portal and get Elsie to come here,” I said to Spot, in which he stopped and stays stationary in the sky to make it easier for Elsie to enter the portal.

I opened a portal to where Lina is and asked her if I can borrow Elsie earlier than expected.

“You want to borrow Elsie? Sure. But take Sunny with you as well. They are already a pair that can’t be separated when there’s a fight,” Lina said.

“Sure. Elsie, Sunny, let’s go!”

It’s always a weird scene no matter how many times I have seen it. An eyeball with tentacles is walking. And one of the tentacles is holding a potted plant. A sunflower, with tentacles. There’s a lot of tentacles here.

Adding to the fact that one of the eyeball’s tentacles is wrapping around the tail of a giant flying serpent as it’s looking at the surrounding. What a sight.

“...I just can’t get used to the sight of different type of tentacles are wrapping around each other like best friend,” I said to myself.

“Why don’t you add more? You can have your Black Slime to grow tentacles, right?” Spot added after hearing what I said.

“Too many tentacles give me the creep. I’ll pass on that,” I said.

And now, we continue looking for the enemy camp. We only fly just a little higher than the trees in case they are hiding deep underground.

If they do hide underground, there really is not much that I can do. Since that mean they obviously have air mages to help them with breathing, I can’t use my gases as freely as usual.

Although the enemy is still waiting for more people to come, the first one to camp should at least have several strong people in charge. Probably more than one mohawks. And as the strongest within our joined army, I will have to fight them all alone.

Probably not since Spot is here. He should be able to handle one or two mohawks. As long as they don’t have good teamwork like the pair from before. But at least even if they have a giant with them now, Spot’s breath attack can defeat it instantly.

Even if the giant is a fully-grown one, Spot will be able to defeat it. That’s what I believe.

“Elsie! You see anything?” I asked.

Elsie shook her head. I mean eyeball. Whatever it is.

Any closer than this and the imperial guards would have seen them. And it’s not under the ground as well. Maybe instead of camping, they took over a village.

I haven’t seen any village nearby. There’s no village around this part in the map that I am holding right now. It’s the Blobbymap made by Blobbies imitating the map that Claudia showed me before.

Unless there’s a village recently made that haven’t been registered to be part of the empire yet. Then where should I look?

Obviously, somewhere with water source. There’s no lake nearby, but there’s a river. Let’s follow the river and see if we can find them.

“Spot, seems like we’re looking in the wrong area. Let’s follow the river and see if the enemy is there,” I said.

“A river? Which way? If you’re pointing your finger above my head again, I’ll drop you here,” Spot said.

Seems like he’s angry that whenever I told him to go somewhere I else, I always pointing my finger to that direction while I’m above his head. Which makes him unable to see where I’m pointing.

This time, I instructed him to the river with words. And we arrive in no time thanks to Spot’s speed.

Now, where should we go? Upstream or downstream?

Upstream, we will be further from the capital. And there’s a village a bit far from here that exist in the map. But it shouldn’t be where the cult is hiding. Well, we won’t know until we see it for ourselves.

“Spot, there’s a village upstream. Let’s check it first. If that village hasn’t been taken over by the cult, it means they are downstream,” I said.


The village we arrive in is quite peaceful. There are children playing as well, and there are farms that have been well-maintained. Which mean it’s impossible for them to be members of the cult. Unless they have been members since a long time ago. But I don’t think the cult will attack from here.

“Negative, huh? Let’s go downstream. Be careful since if the enemy is a mohawk, they would notice us,” I said.

“Okay. If that’s the case, once the enemy noticed us, you will drop here while I will bait them away from there to reduce the enemy’s strength. The one who noticed you should be strong, right?” Spot said.

“That’s a good plan. Let’s go!”

Once I jumped off of Spot’s back and landed on the ground, I will open a portal to get the army here.

But since it’s not in the area between Lenko and the imperial capital, I need to inform the other army marching from the capital. Seems like our pincer attack won’t be of use here.

“Sonia, the enemy is not between Lenko and the capital. The pincer attack won’t work. Tell them that I will open a portal to the rest of the army to come here,” I said after calling Sonia.

“There’s no pincer attack? Seems like the battle will be much harder than expected. I’ll tell Albert and the others,” Sonia said before leaving.

We continue flying downstream, and I finally see a village that is not exist in the map.

It may look like a village with the houses made of logs. But that’s a fake. The houses are built with earth magic to shape into a house, and they used logs only to cover the earth. This is it. This is where the enemy is.

“Spot, we found it. But I haven’t seen any strong enemies,” I said.

“How many of them are there?” Spot asked.

“A lot. But we have more people with us. Still, they don’t have all of them gathered over there yet,” I said.

“Okay. I will prepare my breath attack here. You keep looking for the strong enemies. If someone detected you, tell me where to aim and that’s where I will attack,” Spot said.

“Is it okay if I pointed with my finger?” I asked.

“As long as you are within my sight.”

I looked toward the fake village and finally, I see three people with mohawks. And the two of them noticed me quick.

“They noticed me. Attack that place!”

Instead of aiming to where the mohawks are, I aimed to where there are many enemies. This way, I hope a lot of expert level mages will be lost.

After saying that to Spot, I run to Spot’s tail to grab the two tentacle monsters, and jumped down. That’s right when Spot let out his breath attack.

His attack hit the fake village and destroyed it. Many people died, but some managed to escape. And I no longer look at them since the mohawks will know about me.

After attacking the fake village, Spot turned tail and fly as far away as possible. I see someone fly extremely fast to where Spot is without using Divine Vision to not alert the mohawk. At least none of the mohawk are children.

Now, it’s time to get everyone here.

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