
Chapter 523

Anyway, after talking with the general of the two armies, as well as asking for an advices from Albert and old man Henry, the cult will most likely go all out right during the final of the individual battle. That’s when most people will gather at the capital. And many people would even camp outside the arena just to hear the result even if the tournament is being aired in most big cities in the continent.

Even Fabio is watching it live in Arturo. And I can only hear the result. Just how big is the difference between a king of a country and a king of a race?

Well, of course the difference is big! I’m the werewolf king, but I can’t be considered as a king in this continent.

Also , I’m too busy!

Oh, I see some people. Though they don’t have mohawk as thei hairstyle. Are they scouts instead of reinforcement from the cult? That’s probably the correct answer.

If they are scouts, that mean if they don’t return to where they came from, the cult will realize something is wrong in the location they are going to. This fake village.


...isn’t it too late? I thought that they should at least realise it earlier. Well, I guess I’ll just kill them. It’s only three men. Killing them all on an instant should be easy...

Wait! I just remembered what I asked Sonia and Arin last night!

After I asked them to seduce the male prisoners, they succeeded and the charmed prisoners told the vampire and the ghost everything they know. Though we already know what they informed us about, it’s good since they wouldn’t speak a word before being charmed. Thah means Sonia and Arin’s charm magic is working.

And now, we have three men approaching us. Although Sonia isn’t here at the moment, Arin is here. She can charm those three to do what she wants.

I found Arin holding a bag of my blood as if it’s the most precious thing in the world. While drooling.

It seems like she’s holding back her desire to drink it and wanted to save it for later. She’s the kind that like to savor her favorite drink in a special way.

Like back then when I gave her a few drop of my blood. She would pour it on a wine glass, sitting on a rooftop and watched the moon while drinking my blood. Even though it was just a few drop.

Seeing how she can hold herself back from drinking the blood, I know how good her self-control is. Though that is not important right now.

“Arin, can I ask you something? If you can do what I asked you to do, I’ll give you a few more drop of my blood,” I said.


“It won’t be much though. I’ll just stab the tip of my finger with a needle and let out a few drop of blood. Will you do it?” I asked,

“...What do you want me to do?” Arin asked.

“I see three men coming. I’d like you to charm them and ask them what their intention is in coming here. I can just kill them, but I want to see if letting them live is a better thing to do or not. Will you do it?”

“Sure. That’s easy. I’ll go alone and greet them by myself. You can just watch from here. They’re just expert level mages, right?” Arin asked.

“Yes, I think so. You’re going to ask them yourself? Then, if they don’t belong to the cult, there’s no need to kill or capture them. Though the chance for them to not belong to the cult is slim. You can go now. They are in the northeast direction from here. Over there. Just go straight and you will meet them.”

I pointed my finger toward northeast where the three men are coming. None of them have explosive devices in their mouth. So, unless they are civilians or bandits, they are expert level mages from the cult. Though if they are scouts, why is the cult didn’t send wind mages who can fly? It would be faster that way, right?

Well, no one can tell what the cult is thinking. They might actually be stupider than everyone thought. Or maybe they are smarter than we thought.

Arin left on her own toward the three men while hiding her presence. If they are expert level mages, they will recognize Arin’s presence soon when she entered her range. I will see their reaction from here.

Just as I expected, they detected Arin’s presence when she is within their range. They are expert level mages.

Even if Arin’s charm is not working, Arin alone is strong enough to kill them in case they fight. Though I doubt she will fight them. She’s doing it just for a few drop of blood.

Arin talked to them. I can’t hear what they are talking about, but from what I can tell, her charm magic is working.

Oh, wait! Isn’t it working too well? Two of the three men have fallen too hard for her and are trying to assault her.

How did that happen? Well, the other man seem to can still control himself to not assault Arin, so he’s protecting her. Though Arin doesn’t need protection.

I forgot about charm magic. It’s similar to brainwashing, but charm magic can only make the target to fall for the caster. Which mean for those two who were attempting to rape Arin, they have fallen for her completely. But their mind still work to some extent. And as expert level mages, they must be thinking that they are strong enough to get what they want.

Unfortunately for them, Arin is too strong. And the other man is too gentlemanly. Though that gentleman felt afraid after seeing how powerful Arin is, he still can’t look away from her.

And now, Arin is interrogating them. My lip-reading skill is still bad, but I think I can tell what she said.

It should be something like how she prefers honest men and want them to answer everything truthfully.

A few minutes later, their conversation is over. And Arin led the three men into the prison where other charmed men are imprisoned. After that, Arin is approaching me.

“How was it?” I asked her about what those three wanted to do by coming here.

“They were supposed to be part of the previous wave. But they were late to go with the others, while they were not allowed to join other group which should come tomorrow. So, they came here on their own,” Arin said.

“I see. Which mean the next wave is tomorrow. That’s nice to know. And tomorrow is the final of the team battle. Sonia, anyone from the team that can come after the final is over?”

As soon as Arin arrives, I can see that Sonia appears next to me. So, I asked her if there is anyone who can come. Anyone from Tatrama team is powerful enough to defeat several expert level mages on their own.

“Just Sara and Jewel. The rest will stay behind to keep guard until the tournament is over.”

Sara and Jewel, huh? They haven’t reached expert level, right? But their strength is great enough tonhandle several expert level mages. That’s good.

“Alright. Tomorrow, as soon as the tournament is over and they can come, Sonia will inform me right away. I will transport the members from Consenza and Varadis who have lost the tournament. Tell them to prepare to enter the portal. Today, we will take a rest. Only let the minimum number of people to keep watch. Oh, Sonia. Tell Lina that tomorrow morning, I will get Elsie and Sunny here.”

After that, I spread the information and the plan for tomorrow. When Sonia returned, I opened a portal that let the two expert level mages from Varadis and Consenza to help. Everyone cheered at the arrival of the two expert level mages.

Today is another rest day. So, I’m thinking of getting a lot of sleep. But Arin stopped me.

“My reward.”

...I almost forgot. Though I thought that she wanted to savor it for later tonight. But maybe drinking it warm is better than drinking from a bag. That’s why she wanted my blood now.

“Okay, here.”

I stabbed the tip of my finger with Blobbyneedle. But there’s nothing for me to pour the blood at.

Instead, Arin grabbed my finger and sucked my blood directly from it. She’s gripping my finger so strong that anyone else would have their finger broken.

I told her that it’s just a few drops, but since she’s drinking it directly,it was more than that.

“That’s enough. If you’re drinking it like that, you should have asked for it later tonight so my blood will still be inside of you tomorrow for the battle,” I said as I pulled my finger out of her mouth.

“Sorry, I couldn’t think straight. The temptation is too strong. But does it mean I can ask for your blood again tonight?” Arin asked.

“No. And you still have some blood left in the blood bag, right? Use that.”

Althought I refused to let her to drink my blood again tonight, she doesn’t seem dejected as she returns ro the other vampires. I guess drinking my blood raises her mood.

...No one can know that I got turned on feeling her mouth sucking my finger.

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