
Chapter 527

But seriously, did the cult turns a human into a monster by injecting the monsters’ gene into human’s body? Just how low can they be?

And why is the stupid Evil God wants to destroy the world? What kind of grudge does he has? At least if he’s trying to conquer the world, I can understand that. Wanting to be the one above everyone. Becoming a real god in the end.

A way for someone to be recognized as a god by the people is simple. Even I know that. They just need to have the power to decide people’s lives. Conquering the world is also one way to be recognized as a god. Though I don’t know if there are real gods or not, a human being recognized as a god is quite simple. Though the method is difficult.

But this god wants to destroy not only this world, but also Monsters World. Just what’s going on in his head?

I thought that he only started killing Aura users because Sonia somehow seduced someone he cares about. But I guess that’s not all.

Well, whatever the reason he has, for me to have my peace, I need to kill him and everyone related to the cult. Though for those who are still children, I guess the only way to go is to let Russel brainwash them. But he’s old now, so I hope I can get another brainwashing mage like him.


Oh, I finally found one human. Unobstructed by the monsters. So, I aimed my gun toward the human target, but before I can shoot my bullet, another bullet from different direction took him down. When I looked toward the source, I saw Sara and several other air mages carrying a gun in their hand shooting from quite the distance.

Sara notices me. In fact, she knows that I was targeting her target. So, she waves her hand to tell me to go find another target.

It seems like I have been running around for a while, that I entered the front line of the enemy. I’ll leave things here to Sara and the others as I look for another location.

And of course since the enemies are mostly monsters, while I was running around, I spread the infuriating gases all around me so the monsters will fight each other. I also need to make sure that none of my allies affected by my gases.

The battle goes well this time as well. After all, most of the monsters don’t have anything to fight from distance. So, even our human soldiers can stop them. Though killing the monsters are still a bit too difficult for them. The modified monsters have been strengthened their defense so average magic won’t kill them.

...Also, the soldiers on our side were distracted by the fact that some monsters look like humans. Just like that goblin-human. The humans who wear loincloth and lifting their clubs. Just how and why did the cult think that was a good idea?

I think everyone will be traumatized after fighting them. And since they won’t be useful for the vampires, we will kill them all. As for the tamers and summoners, I guess only the lucky ones will be captured.

Though I will kill them all after this war is over.

Oh, found another human! Wait, he’s a vampire. Shooting him won’t kill him. I’ll just leave and find another human to kill.

How many of the human enemies are there? Because some monsters have human form, I can’t tell. And just how many monsters can one tamers tame? Aren’t there too many monsters compared to the humans?

But with Angela here, we should be able to defeat everyone sooner. It’s starting to get dark. We will lose our visibility soon.

Same with the enemies. But if the cult have experimented the monsters to be strengthened, they might make their monsters’ vision to be able to see in the dark as well. Not counting the monsters that already can see well, or sense the opponents using other means. Good thing many of the soldiers are wearing eye-patch just like I told them.

When it turns dark, their other eye that has been covered, would have adapted to the dark and they don’t need to get used to the dark. They can continue fighting as they were.

But where is Angela?

Wait! Is that her facing dozens of monsters with high magic resistance! Even if it’s her, it was a stupid thing to do!

Sigh... she’s just like usual. That mean I will be the one to take care most of the monsters here.

This time, I won’t care if they are monsters or humans. As long as they are in the enemy’s side, I will kill them. Not just the humans from their side that I will kill. Well, those humans might have been targeted by the shooting squad led by Sara.

After finding out that I was too close to the front line, I checked on the shooting squad from time to time. They are doing great in holding the enemy line. The enemy can only march slowly when they are under barrage of the guns.

It’s just as Victoria said. Guns are too amazing as it is dangerous.

Though after this battle, there will be more guns used for war. I’ll get more earth mage to create guns and share them to those we can trust.

As I was killing more monsters, I noticed the presence of the invisible Sonia. Seems like I received a message from someone. So, I retreated to a safe distance before I can listen to her message.

“Roy, a message from Sara. She wants you to open a portal to the Blobby that she left back in the classroom where you used to teach,” Sonia said.

“A portal over there? Does it mean she has reinforcement?” I asked.

“Yes. They are students for Sara’s air magic class. Sara has selected few of them that she can trust, and told them about the war. And she said that they are willing to help. Sara is moving to another location for this new squad to standby at. You can go meet her first so she can explain everything to you. I’ll be leaving now,” Sonia said before she disappears.

Hearing the message, I’m glad that those students have became strong enough to make Sara thinks they are capable to hold their candle in this war. I suppose being a professor even for a while is worth it.

I ran toward where Sara is. She’s hiding behind the bushes alone as the other shooting squad can do well on their own. It was just today that they received a gun, right? It’s either they can follow order and learn things quickly, or Sara is an amazing teacher. I guess it’s both.

“Sara! Can they be trusted?” I asked Sara right away as soon as I meet her.

“Yes. When you were busy with training, I had Candy and Wendy helped me to select the capable students. Although we can’t tell if they are lying or not, the three of us were experienced in selecting those who can join our rank as agents of the kingdom. I got Sonia to inform someone who was in standby in Cassau and get him to relay the message to those students to wait in the classroom tonight. They should be there already,” Sara explained.

If they have received approval from not only Sara, but Candy and Wendy as well, I think I can trust her.

“Alright. I’ll open a portal right now,” I said as I opened a portal to the Blobby she left in the classroom.

“Oh! What is this? The scenery changed!”

“It really as Ms. Sara said! We can go to the other side of the world thanks to Mr. Roy!”

I heard various surprised exclamation from my students during my teaching days. And not just them. There are also Sara’s students whom I’ve never met before.

Just hearing that someone called me Mr. Roy feels nostalgic. Even though it was just about one year ago since I left teaching profession...

“Quickly enter the portal. We’re at war now. I’ll explain the situation after all of you come to this side,” Sara said.

“Oh, okay!”

I can see the agent who was in Cassau standing in the corner of the classroom waving his hand to me. And seeing how everyone who entered the portal wearing purple armbands, I can tell that he also informed how we tell foes and allies.

After all of them entered the portal, Sara quickly explained the situation to them as they instantly stay in position. Seems like Sara has taught them not only to shoot, but other things about fighting as well. As expected, she’s an amazing teacher.

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