
Chapter 816 - 816 The Summoner Versus the Centaur

The two are prepared to fight. The centaur with a mace in his hand and fully covered in armor, including on the horse part of his body, and the summoner covered in armor equipped with a shield and a lance.

The two get some distance between each other. The distance that is wide enough for both sides to reach their full speed right in the middle. They are thinking of finishing each other in one attack even before the match started. And everyone here knows that.

By the way, Albert also has decided a horse for him to ride. His personal horse. He’s going to watch the match while riding that horse next to me who is sitting on Ray’s back.

The horse he picked is a silver horse with long hair and tail.

“Don’t I look very kingly when I’m riding on this one?”

That’s what Albert told me. Though that horse is not as good as the others. It’s just look good. Though it’s still faster than ordinary horse because after all, this one is still considered as a monster. That horse is even chewing on a whole chicken that it found nearby.

“...If you think that the horse with blood dripping from its mouth is kingly, then you might be a vampire,” I said.

“Once I take this one back to my palace, I will get the chef to cook him some meat so he won’t eat anymore living animal. Just like the werewolves. The horse monsters might be interested in cooked meat from then on and can no longer eat anything raw,” Albert said.


Well, if that’s what he thinks.

“I will also ask the blacksmith to prepare some amazing armor for this one to wear. For now, I will think of a good name for this,” Albert said.

“Want me to help?”

“Anyone but you. I want to think of a name properly,” Albert said.

“Well, that’s fine. But don’t you think that this horse is not as strong as the others?” I asked.

He’s slower than the other. And since this one look fancier than the others, I can find it easily. Especially when it was breathing heavily after we run to the forest to meet the centaur. This one has low stamina as well as being weak.

Hearing what I said, the horse looked at me angrily. I guess horse monsters can still understand what we’re saying. Though that’s obviously why Ray picked these horses. Because they can understand what we’re talking.

“This one is the most beautiful. That’s all I needed as a king. To show off. In a real situation, I don’t think I will go into the frontline with this horse. So it’s fine even if he’s not as fast as the others. I have other people to protect me after all. Or they can just bring me to safety,” Albert said. And his horse stood proudly hearing that.

Well, if it’s just for look, I guess this horse is the best-looking one indeed.

“Okay then. Good for you. Since both sides are ready, then I will start the match. Graham, don’t get too far from Albert. Make sure to protect him,” I said to Graham.

And then, I ride to the middle of the centaur and the summoner to act as the referee.

“Then, if you’re both ready, let’s begin the match!”

I started the match. And the two sides started to run forward as fast as possible.

The summoner, whose lance was originally pointed upward, is now had his lance pointed forward. That’s the only thing he trained in before as soon as he found out that he’s compatible with that weapon.

Wielding that huge lance with supposedly heavy weight in front of it with one hand, he moved forward on his horse as fast as possible and strike the lance toward the target without ever changing his posture. That’s what he was training.

I also tried to be his testing target. With Victoshield and Aura, I don’t need to worry about getting injured.

...I lied. It was still painful. He’s still a master level mage. But my ribs are fine even though the lance hit me right on the chest when I didn’t block it with Victoshield. Thanks to the Blobbylance he used being dull at the tip, it didn’t pierce me at all.

But this time, it’s a real lance. The tip is not dulled like before. And if it hits the heart, the target will die. Good thing we have a lot of angels prepared to cast healing magic.

This battle will end in an instant.

The two are going to meet in the middle soon. They are moving rapidly. And the centaur started raising his mace high preparing to hit the summoner. While the summoner didn’t move his lance at all. But he moved his shield so he can protect himself from the mace.

And then, the two meet.

The centaur swing down his mace while the summoner still keep his posture with the lance as the shield he has is ready to guard him.

It was at the same time. They hit each other and get hit at the same time.

While the mace hit the shield, it was still too strong for the summoner to receive. So the shield got pushed back and hit his body.

As for the centaur, the lance hit him straight in the chest. The armor that he wore is dented but it’s still protected the centaur. Though I can see a few broken ribs.

It’s confusing but I’ll say it. Centaurs have two sets of ribs. The one protecting the upper human body’s organ, and the other that’s protecting the lower horse body’s organ. As for their inner organs, it’s difficult to say. Because I myself who is looking at their inner organ is also confused.

And now the after effect of that clash. The centaur got blown back because of the hit and even had to stand on his two hind legs. He even dropped his mace.

As for the summoner, he got hit strongly. The shield is unusable anymore. Though that is Blobbies, but he wanted a fair fight. So he’ll consider that shield as unusable anymore even though it can recover.

And he was also blown back from the hit. He fell from his horse as his horse continued to run.

But he still has his lance in his right hand. He quickly recover himself as he ignores the damage on his body, and stand up. He then prepared his lance and instead of stabbing, he swung it and use the large area of the lance to hit the centaur.

The centaur can’t dodge it so he can only receive it. He tried to block the lance with his arms. But the summoner’s strength is too strong and he finally fell.

The summoner stood up and pointed his lance toward the centaur’s throat. The match is over with the summoner’s victory. Though that was a close call.

“I won. With this, will you make a contract with me to be my familiar?” the summoner asked.

“Huff... sure. You win, Master.”


The centaur accepted his loss and agreed to be the summoner’s familiar.

Wait, if they became partner, won’t it be difficult for him to fight? If he has lance and the centaur has mace, how will they fight? The summoner would get his vision blocked by the centaur then.

As I was thinking about that, before the angels could go there to heal the two, another creature approached the summoner first. It’s the horse that the summoner rode. The one that’s supposedly be ridden by him for this battle only.

Seems like that one is already close with the summoner after training for a while and went through a battle together.

Which mean that while the summoner ride that horse, he can still get the centaur to fight by his side. Which is great.

“The winner is... the Summoner!” I shouted.

“Try to remember people’s name, goddammit!!!”

Right. The summoner’s name is... the Summoner. And the tamer’s name is the Tamer. Let’s keep things simple. Even if it’s the king himself who is complaining.

And so, the battle is won. We now have the centaurs in our army. And the leader of the centaurs is now the summoner’s familiar.

Though everyone is still excited after the match. So the tamer decided to fight the second strongest centaur to see if he can tame him since asking nicely didn’t work.

The tamer also win. But it was a close fight. At least no one died.

I told the centaurs that they should move to this village now that they will join us in the fight. They agreed. And just like the weretigers and the werewolves, they are excited to be able to fight each other.

As usual, I informed them that fighting to death among the monsters in the village is not permitted. They have to have at least one angel to witness their fight so they can be healed right away even if they have self-recovery ability.

This is great. Today, I just hope to see how Ray’s doing. But not only we got the horse monsters, we also got another monster tribe to join us.

Not only that. The summoner and the tamer also showed their fighting ability. If only they trained from young age, they could become Aura users.

Whatever the case, today we got the best result. So let’s return back to the circus now.

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