
Chapter 314 Fey King's State

Some time has passed since Ashton\'s promotion to an Elite Member of the Demon Slaying Squad.

Recently, Ashton received an S-rank mission from the Demon Slaying Squad to act as a representative for the Forest Watch. Demonic activities have been on the rise in the surrounding forest, and there is a shortage of capable individuals who can ensure the safety of the area.

Ashton is tasked with leading a team of demon slayers to patrol the forest and root out any demonic activity. The forest is vast and dangerous, filled with all manner of treacherous terrain, deadly creatures, and powerful demons.

Ashton\'s team consists of seasoned demon slayers, each with their own unique set of skills and abilities. The team will need to work together and use all of their resources to keep the forest safe and eliminate any demonic threats they encounter.

Ashton and his team begin their mission, patrolling the forest and keeping a close eye out for any signs of demonic activity. They soon discover that the demonic presence in the forest is stronger than they had anticipated, and they come face to face with some of the most powerful demons they have ever encountered.

The battles are intense and grueling, with each member of the team pushing themselves to their limits to take down the demonic threat. But despite the odds stacked against them, Ashton and his team are determined to complete their mission and keep the forest safe.

After days of intense battling and patrolling, Ashton and his team finally manage to eliminate the last of the demonic presence in the forest. They report back to the Demon Slaying Squad, who are impressed with their performance and reward them accordingly.

But, truth be told, this isn\'t the highlight of this month for Ashton.

Once again, Ashton received a new mission. This time, it came from the Guildmaster himself.

The Imperial Family has requested the aid of the Guild\'s healers. The Fey King has fallen ill, and they need skilled healers to help him recover. If the news of the King\'s illness spreads, it could cause unrest among the Fey people.

Ashton is chosen to lead a team of healers to the Royal Palace, which made him feel a bit strange.

The current him doesn\'t hold any kind of compassion or relation towards the Fey King, but that doesn\'t really change the fact that the Fey King is this body\'s biological father.

What little connection they have remaining, compelled Ashton to accept this mission.

Hence, he gathers his team and they make their way toward the palace, passing through the bustling streets of Galadriel.

As they approach the palace gates, they are stopped by the guards, who demand to know their business. Ashton explains that they have been sent by the Guild to aid the Imperial Family, and after a brief inspection, they are allowed to enter.

Ashton and his team are led through the palace, past the ornate halls and grand chambers, until they finally reach the King\'s chambers. There, they find the Fey King lying in bed, his breathing labored and his skin pale.

He approaches the Fey King, introducing himself and his team. The King weakly nods in acknowledgment before drifting off into a fitful sleep.

Ashton examines the King carefully, noting the symptoms and recording them in his journal. He then turns to his team, assigning them tasks and delegating responsibilities.

One healer begins to mix herbs and prepare a tonic to help ease the King\'s breathing, while another begins to cleanse and dress the King\'s wounds. A third healer works to create a poultice to draw out the toxins from the King\'s body.

Ashton himself begins to cast healing spells, his hands glowing with a soft blue light as he channels his magic into the Fey King\'s body. He works carefully, using his knowledge of Fey physiology to pinpoint the source of the illness and heal it.

As the hours pass, Ashton and his team work tirelessly to heal the Fey King. They take turns monitoring his condition, adjusting their treatments as needed, and keeping detailed records of their progress.

After some rounds of healing attempts and observations, Ashton sighed as he realized the full extent of the King\'s condition. He knew that he and his team had done everything in their power to heal the Fey King, but the truth was that his days were numbered.

The Fey King was already at the end of his lifespan, and his illness was simply the natural course of life taking its place. Ashton felt a sense of emptiness at this result but it didn\'t come from him. Instead, it came from the roots of this body\'s origins.

Ashton and his team were summoned to the Fey King\'s council chambers to deliver their diagnosis of the King\'s condition. The King\'s wives and the Princes were also present, looking anxious as they awaited the news.

Ashton took a deep breath and began to speak. "I\'m sorry to say that while we have been able to improve the King\'s condition, his illness is not curable. He is already at the end of his lifespan, and it is only a matter of time before he passes away."

There was a collective gasp from the room as the gravity of Ashton\'s words sank in. The King\'s wives began to weep softly, and some of the Princes looked as though they had been punched in the gut.

"How long does he have?" asked one of the council members, her voice shaking slightly.

"As a healer, I cannot say for certain," Ashton replied. "But from what I have seen, I would estimate that he has a few months at most."

The room fell silent as the reality of the situation sunk in. The King\'s wives wept openly, and the Prince looked devastated.

"What are we supposed to do?" the Prince asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ashton cleared his throat and spoke gently. "I believe that the best thing you can do is to spend as much time as possible with the King, to make his remaining days as comfortable and happy as they can be. And when the time comes, to honor his memory and continue to lead the Fey people with the wisdom and compassion that he embodied."

The Prince nodded slowly, his face etched with sadness. "Thank you for your honesty, Ashton. We will do our best to honor my father\'s memory and carry on his legacy.

Ashton and his team gathered their belongings and prepared to leave the palace, their mission complete. He ignored the way how the other Princes took the news and how they blatantly plotted for the throne. As far as he knows, that\'s none of his concerns. So long as they don\'t touch Ashton\'s bottom line, they can continue to exist.

As they stepped outside, they were met with a mixed reaction from the crowd gathered outside the gates.

Some Fey was relieved to hear that the King would recover, even if only temporarily, while others were devastated to learn that their beloved ruler was nearing the end of his days.

In the end, they couldn\'t hide this incident from the crowd. They still managed to discover it,

Ashton and his team made their way through the crowd, answering questions and providing reassurance where they could. They knew that the Fey people would need time to come to terms with the King\'s condition, and they were determined to offer whatever support they could in the days ahead.

As Ashton and his team left the council chambers, one of the Fey Princes\' thoughts turned inward. He had listened carefully to the healer\'s diagnosis, but his mind was already racing ahead to what would come next.

He knew that with the King\'s passing, the battle for the throne would begin. As one of the six princes, he was keenly aware of the competition that existed between them, each vying for the support of the Fey people and the chance to rule the realm.

He felt a pang of guilt as he realized that he was secretly anticipating the King\'s end, knowing that it would be the signal for the struggle to begin. He knew that he should be focused on mourning his father\'s impending passing, but the allure of power was too strong to ignore.

He wondered what his chances were of coming out on top in the fight for the throne. He knew that he was well-liked by many of the Fey people, but he also knew that the other princes would be vying for their support as well.

As he walked back to his chambers, his mind raced with plans and strategies, each designed to give him the edge over his rivals. He knew that he had to tread carefully, though, as any misstep could cost him everything.

He felt a sense of unease as he realized that he was already thinking of his father\'s passing in terms of how it would affect his own ambitions. He knew that it was wrong, but he also knew that he couldn\'t help the way he felt.

As he closed the door to his chambers and settled down to rest, he resolved to honor his father\'s memory by being the best ruler he could be, should he come out on top in the struggle for the throne. He knew that it was the least he could do to make up for his secret anticipation of the King\'s passing.

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