
Chapter 408 Sparks Of War

The squad of five humans gathered at the outskirts of the camp, their expressions determined and their gear prepared for the task at hand. Each member carried a backpack filled with essential tools, ropes, and materials needed to construct traps and fortifications. They were the scouts, entrusted with the crucial mission of exploring the battlefield and identifying strategic positions to gain an advantage against the Nightmare Incarnates.

Their leader, a seasoned soldier named Captain Jensen, addressed the squad with a firm yet reassuring tone. "Alright, everyone, listen up. Our objective is to locate viable choke points and vantage points that will give us an edge against those Nightmares. We need to secure our camp and create traps that will hinder their movements. Stay vigilant and watch each other\'s backs. We\'re counting on you."

The squad nodded in unison, their determination shining through their eyes. They understood the importance of their mission and the lives that depended on their success. With a shared sense of purpose, they set off into the unknown, venturing beyond the safety of their fortified camp.

As they moved through the ancient battlefield, the squad maintained a tight formation, their senses heightened for any sign of danger. They navigated cautiously, mindful of their surroundings and the ever-present threat lurking in the shadows.

Their journey took them through desolate fields strewn with remnants of battles long past. Broken weapons lay scattered like forgotten memories, while rusted armor whispered tales of bygone warriors. The air carried an eerie stillness as if the very land held its breath in anticipation.

The scouts meticulously assessed the terrain, searching for natural choke points that could impede the advance of the Nightmare Incarnates. They climbed hills, crossed streams, and surveyed crumbling structures, all while keeping a watchful eye on the encroaching darkness.

At strategic locations, they marked potential vantage points with brightly colored flags, envisioning how their comrades would utilize these spots to gain an upper hand. They sketched rough plans and communicated with hand signals, silently collaborating to ensure their discoveries would benefit the defense of their camp.

With every step, the scouts remained alert, their senses finely tuned to any sign of movement or disturbance. They carefully planted traps along their path, relying on their training and ingenuity to create obstacles that would slow down and hinder the Nightmares when the time came.

As the day wore on, the squad\'s determination grew stronger, fueled by their commitment to protecting their fellow soldiers and reclaiming their homes. They knew that their efforts were just a small part of a much larger battle, but they embraced their role as scouts, knowing that their contributions were essential to the overall strategy.

Returning to the camp, the squad reported their findings to the commanding officers, sharing their insights and providing detailed maps of the terrain. They handed over the tools and materials they had carried, ready to be used by other scout teams to build traps and fortifications.

This was not a unique operation. In fact, scenes like this are happening all across the map.

Across the vast expanse of the ancient battlefield, the humans strategized and executed their plan with meticulous precision. They understood that a direct confrontation with the Nightmare Incarnates would be perilous, and so they chose a different approach—a methodical and patient one.

Groups of humans moved silently through the desolate landscape, setting up traps and ambush points in strategic locations. They carefully selected areas where the natural terrain could be utilized to their advantage, creating choke points and bottlenecks that would impede the Nightmares\' progress.

As the trap-laying teams worked diligently, another group of humans took on the role of bait, luring the Nightmares away from the carefully prepared defenses. With calculated movements and deliberate actions, they enticed the corrupted creatures, drawing them away from the areas where their comrades lay in wait.

It was a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where the humans relied on their agility, wit, and knowledge of the terrain to outmaneuver their monstrous adversaries. They employed distraction tactics, utilizing noise and movement to divert the attention of the Nightmares, guiding them further away from the strategically fortified zones.

The humans operated with an unwavering focus, understanding that patience and timing were key. They waited for the opportune moment to strike, biding their time until the Nightmares were vulnerable and trapped within the web of their own making.

With every successful trap laid and every Nightmare lured away, the humans gained confidence. The battlefield became a complex network of snares and surprises, where the Nightmares unknowingly trod upon the humans\' carefully constructed battleground.

But it was not a one-sided affair. The Nightmares, driven by their corrupted instincts, were relentless in their pursuit. They sought the taste of human flesh, their malevolent presence spreading like a plague across the ancient battlefield. The humans remained vigilant, ever watchful for signs of encroachment, ready to defend their prepared defenses at a moment\'s notice.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as the humans continued their calculated dance with the Nightmares. They moved swiftly and silently, adapting their tactics to the ever-changing circumstances of the battlefield. They honed their skills, sharpened their instincts, and grew more adept at countering the Nightmares\' relentless advance.

It was a battle of wits, a battle of patience, and a battle of survival. The humans knew that this war was far from over, but they had found their footing amidst the chaos. With every successful trap sprung and every Nightmare diverted, they gained a foothold in this ancient battlefield—a glimmer of hope in the face of darkness.

For now, they would continue to employ their methodical approach, striking when the Nightmares least expected it, chipping away at their forces one by one. They knew that the ultimate confrontation loomed on the horizon, but for now, they would rely on their ingenuity and strategic prowess to secure their position and turn the tide in their favor.


The air inside the meeting room was heavy with a sense of anticipation and determination. Three months had passed since their arrival on the Primeval Battlefield, and the time for action had finally come. Alice, Mary, Blake, and West Two sat around a table, poring over the reports and documents spread before them, their expressions grave and focused.

They meticulously reviewed the preparations that had been made during their time on this ancient battlefield. Supplies had been gathered, defenses fortified, and strategic plans devised. The scouts had scoured every inch of the terrain, identifying key choke points and vantage points, while the trap-laying teams had set up an intricate network of snares and obstacles to hinder the advance of the Nightmare Incarnates.

Silence permeated the room as they absorbed the gravity of the situation. Each of them understood the magnitude of the task ahead, the lives at stake, and the destiny of humanity hanging in the balance. They had all come a long way since the cataclysmic events that had transported them to this treacherous realm. Now, they stood on the precipice of the final battle.

Alice, the Sword Empress, broke the silence with a resolute voice. "Everything is in order. Our scouts have provided us with vital information about the movements of the Nightmare Incarnates. Our defenses are primed, and our troops are prepared. It is time."

Mary, the Oracle Sage, nodded in agreement. "We have analyzed their patterns and observed their vulnerabilities. We know their weaknesses, and we know where to strike. With our preparations, we have the upper hand."

Blake, the Titan, clenched his fists, a fire burning in his eyes. "I have been waiting for this. If these Nightmare Incarnates think they can annihilate us, then I\'m afraid they\'re in for a bad time."

West Two, the enigmatic doppelganger of the Dreamweaver, looked at his companions, a mix of determination and solemnity in his gaze. "This war has taken its toll on us, but we have persevered. We\'ve been away for so long. This war took way too long and it cost a lot from us. It\'s about time we get this over with, once and for all."

They locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. This was the moment they had been preparing for—a reckoning with the Nightmare Incarnates. The time had come to unleash their collective might, to unleash their fury against the encroaching darkness.

With grim determination, they rose from the table, their resolve solidified. The war would begin, and they would lead the charge. They would face the Nightmare Incarnates head-on, confronting the embodiment of terror itself. They would fight for their lives, for their comrades, and for the hope of a brighter future.

As they left the meeting room, the weight of their decisions and responsibilities settled upon their shoulders. The camp buzzed with a renewed energy, the soldiers preparing for battle, their faces a mix of fear and determination. The time had come to wage war against the Nightmare Incarnates, to fight for survival, and to reclaim their world from the grip of darkness.

Together, they marched toward the front lines, ready to face the unknown, ready to confront their fears, and ready to fight with unwavering resolve. The war with the Nightmare Incarnates had begun, and the fate of humanity hung in the balance.

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