
Chapter 106 Family First

Agda sat there in the dining room, her heart heavy with a mix of anger and disappointment as she glared at her husband. The tension between them was palpable, the air crackling with unresolved emotions. Her eyes were fixed on him, her gaze unrelenting, as she struggled to contain her rising frustration.

After what felt like an intense period of staring, Agda finally spoke up, her voice tinged with a hint of impatience. "Why did you do that without telling me?" she asked, her words dripping with incredulity. "I wasn\'t far away, and even if I was, you could have just come to me. It was a matter of our child\'s life!" Her voice trembled with emotion as she confronted her husband about his actions.

Agda couldn\'t understand how he could have made such a decision without consulting her first. The news she had just learned was significant, and it directly affected their child\'s wedding, a momentous occasion in their family. She had always emphasized the importance of family events, regardless of where she was or what she was doing. Yet, her husband had chosen to keep her in the dark, and his feeble explanation only served to fuel her anger further.

Her husband shifted uncomfortably in his chair, unable to meet her gaze. He knew he had messed up, and his explanation sounded weak even to his own ears. "I thought you were too busy with your royal guard duties, and I didn\'t want to bother you," he stammered, his words faltering. "I also didn\'t think it was a big deal. I didn\'t want to stress you out while you were away."

Agda\'s frustration only intensified at his words. How could he not understand the significance of their child\'s wedding? She had always made it clear that family events were a top priority for her, no matter where she was or what she was doing. She couldn\'t fathom why he would keep such important news from her without even considering her feelings.

"Not a big deal?" she repeated incredulously, her voice rising in frustration. "Our child\'s wedding is a momentous occasion, and I have every right to know and be present, no matter where I am. Your excuse is simply not acceptable!" Her voice was filled with righteous indignation as she voiced her disappointment.

Her husband realized how flimsy his explanation sounded, and he tried to backtrack, stumbling over his words. "I didn\'t mean to upset you," he mumbled, his guilt evident. "I just thought it would be easier for you not to worry about it while you were busy with your duties."

Agda\'s patience was wearing thin. "Easier for whom?" she retorted, her frustration boiling over. "You didn\'t consider my feelings or the significance of this event. It\'s not just about convenience; it\'s about being there for our child and supporting them on their special day." Her voice cracked with emotion as she tried to make him understand the gravity of his mistake.

Her husband looked visibly guilty, realizing the magnitude of his error. He had let his own assumptions and concerns overshadow the importance of including Agda in the decision-making process. He knew he had hurt her deeply, and he felt a pang of regret.

"I\'m sorry," he said, his voice filled with remorse. "You\'re right, I should have considered your feelings and included you in the decision. I was wrong to keep you in the dark, and I apologize for my thoughtless actions."

Agda\'s anger began to subside slightly as she saw the sincerity in her husband\'s eyes. She knew he was genuinely sorry, but the hurt still lingered. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

"This is not just about inconvenience or convenience," she said, her voice softer now, but still tinged with disappointment. "It\'s about being a team, a partnership. We make decisions together, especially when it comes to our children and family events. I need to be included, no matter where I am or how busy I may be."

Her husband nodded, realizing the importance of Agda\'s words. He reached out to hold her hand, and she let him. The tension between them began to dissipate, and Agda felt a mix of emotions – anger, disappointment, but also a glimmer of hope that they could work through this.

"I promise, Agda," her husband said earnestly. "I will never make a decision that affects our family without consulting you again. I value your input, and I want us to make decisions together as a team."

Agda looked into her husband\'s eyes, seeing his sincerity and remorse. She knew that forgiveness would take time, but she was willing to work towards healing their relationship.

"I appreciate your apology," she said softly. "But I need you to understand that my trust has been shaken. I need time to process this and rebuild that trust."

Her husband nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. He was willing to do whatever it took to make things right with Agda, to regain her trust and repair their relationship.

As Agda listened to her husband\'s feeble explanations and saw his guilt, she felt a pang of guilt herself. She knew that she had made a mistake while she was away on her royal guard duties. She had succumbed to the temptation of sleeping with Erwin, a prince from the royal family she was serving, during a moment of weakness. It had been a brief indiscretion, but it weighed heavily on her conscience now as she confronted her husband.

Agda confronted her husband about his decision to keep her in the dark about their child\'s wedding, she couldn\'t bring herself to confess about her own indiscretion with Erwin. She kept her guilt about her brief affair with Erwin to herself, knowing that revealing it would only complicate the situation further.

Her husband expressed his sincere apology and promised to include her in future decisions, Agda struggled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she appreciated his apology and his willingness to make amends. On the other hand, her guilt about her own mistake made her feel like a hypocrite. She couldn\'t help but feel that she had betrayed her husband\'s trust, even as she confronted him about his decision without consulting her.

Agda took a deep breath, trying to push aside her own guilt for the moment and focus on resolving the current situation with her husband. "I hear your apology," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "And I want to believe that we can work through this together. But it\'s going to take time for me to process everything and rebuild the trust that has been shaken."

Her husband nodded, understanding the weight of her words. He knew that he had hurt her deeply by keeping her in the dark about their child\'s wedding, and he was willing to give her the time and space she needed to heal.

Agda and her husband sat in silence for a while, the tension between them slowly dissipating. Agda could see the remorse in her husband\'s eyes, and she wanted to believe that they could overcome this challenge together. She knew that it wouldn\'t be easy, and there would be difficult conversations ahead, but she was willing to try for the sake of their relationship and their family.

As they sat there, Agda couldn\'t help but think about Erwin and the guilt that gnawed at her. She wondered if she should come clean about her own mistake and face the consequences. But for now, she decided to focus on repairing her relationship with her husband and rebuilding the trust that had been damaged. She hoped that with time and effort, they could move past this and find a way to move forward together.

With a heavy heart, Agda reached out and held her husband\'s hand. He looked at her with a mixture of gratitude and determination, and they shared a silent understanding. They had a long road ahead of them, but Agda was willing to take the first step towards healing their relationship. She knew that it wouldn\'t be easy, but she was determined to do whatever it took to make things right with her husband and rebuild their trust, even as her guilt about her own mistake weighed on her conscience.

Summoning her courage, Agda took a deep breath and decided to address the topic of their daughters. "What about our daughters?" she asked, her voice soft but resolute.

Her husband\'s face turned somber, and he looked guilty as he responded, "They are not here."

Agda smiled, but her curiosity and concern were piqued. "Then where are they?" she asked.

Her husband stuttered as he replied, "They are at Soizrark University."

Agda\'s surprise and anger were palpable as she demanded, "Where?" She couldn\'t understand why her husband hadn\'t informed her about even their daughters\' whereabouts. "When did they go there? You didn\'t even tell me about it! Am I not their mother? Why? Why?" Her voice quivered with sadness and disappointment.

Her husband looked remorseful, realizing his mistake in not keeping Agda informed about their daughters\' plans. "I\'m sorry, Agda," he said softly. "I didn\'t mean to keep it from you. They left for  Soizrark University last month. I wanted to tell you, but I got caught up with work and forgot."

Agda\'s eyes filled with tears, she couldn\'t help but feel a deep sense of hurt and disappointment that her husband had neglected to share such crucial information with her. She had always been an involved and caring mother, and the thought of being left out of her daughters\' and son\'s future pained her deeply. \'Am I that bad of a mother that my own children don\'t seem to care about me?\' Agda thought, her eyes brimming with tears.

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