
Chapter 422: Blessing And A Curse

Chapter 422: Blessing And A Curse

(Earth Federation- Alpha Star System)

(Peterlor Estate- Sophie\'s Bedroom)

"Baby… baby… come on… Cleo…" Sophie whispered softly as she rubbed her hands along her girlfriend\'s back.

Cleo lightly ġrȯȧnėd as two soft palms rubbed against her flesh. Sophie chuckled and continued to gently massage and rub her girlfriend\'s body with loving care.

Quite a few hours had passed since Sophie passionately made love to her girlfriend in the bathroom, but Cleo\'s physique was clearly still too weak for that level of tossing.

Sophie\'s face blushed as she saw the numerous hickeys and marks left on Cleo\'s nȧkėd body. 

Her body now resembled a beautiful flawless piece of white jade that was now stained by hundreds of marks.

Sophie\'s eyes had returned to their normal golden colour, but oddly enough she could feel an extra source of energy flowing through her dantian.

She did not have the time to study this matter at least not yet, but it probably had something to do with the ŀustful urges that had temporarily taken over her mind.

"So… how was my performance?" Sophie cheekily asked with a proud smile across her face. The hybrid girl was on cloud nine.

All the worries and stress that had been accumulating at the back of her mind over the last few weeks seemed to just fade away.

Cleo shot her girlfriend a dirty look and just wiggled her peach shaped ȧss from side to side before opening her mouth.

"Shut up," Cleo hoarsely growled. The princess puffed her cheeks and turned around so that Sophie could not see her blushing face.

"You know you love me," Sophie grinned widely before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss against Cleo\'s cheek.

The princess purred softly, and a familiar urge stirred in Sophie\'s body as she stared at her girlfriend\'s nȧkėd body.

Should she try to go for round two? Well… it was more like round thirty…

A faint pinkish mist began to spread from the corners of Sophie\'s golden eyes, but the hybrid girl quickly pushed the feeling down.

Cleo needed some rest.

Sophie stretched out her hand and turned off the light switch. Soon the bedroom plunged into darkness and Cleo shifted uncomfortably.

Sophie reached for the blanket and spread it over their two nȧkėd bodies. She wrapped her arms around Cleo and allowed the princess to make herself comfortable.

Sophie watched quietly as her girlfriend fought to stay awake but gradually her eyelids dropped further and further.

"Sweet dreams…" Sophie muttered quietly. The sounds of Cleo\'s soft breathing filled the room and made Sophie\'s thoughts wander in strange directions.

She still could not believe what had just happened. 

Despite knowing that she could have lost control, Cleo was still willing to seduce her.

That level of unconditional trust made Sophie feel ashamed of her own doubts. Well… the next session with Doctor Reynolds was certainly going to be an eventful one.

Those counselling sessions were helpful, but Sophie had to admit that she was still apprehensive about the whole situation.

She truly wished that she didn\'t have to go but unless she could figure out her mental troubles all on her own….

It was best to just be obedient and go.

"Sophie… Sophie… stop it…" Cleo whispered while rubbing her legs together. Sophie stared in disbelief as her girlfriend was apparently having a spring dream right next to her!

Wake her up? No… she shouldn\'t… damn… 

Sophie scowled unhappily and leaned closer to pepper Cleo\'s soft neck with additional kisses in frustration.

One of the downsides of being in the qi tide stage was the fact that her stamina was basically untouched after those intense three hours.

In fact, during the height of her ŀustful state, Sophie had the vague suspicion that she would be able to last for several weeks if not months in a state of constant mating.

Oh well…

It was best to find something to distract herself. Sophie picked up her communicator from the dresser table and turned off the screen light.

She still remembered her promise to Doctor Reynolds to try and reestablish contact with some of her old friends.

Naturally Qiana and Astrid would be at the top of the list. Sophie took a few deep breaths to steady her nerves and then opened her contact list.

Seeing Astrid\'s happy profile with her arm wrapped around Qiana\'s shoulder brought a smile to Sophie\'s face.

Sophie: [Hey! How are you? I just wanted to say…]

Sophie: [Would you like to have a video chat tomorrow or this weekend?]

There was no immediate response which left Sophie feeling a bit disappointed. She checked the virtual Net and discovered that it was around three in the morning.

Still… it was a step in the right direction.





(Meanwhile In Another Location…)

"Sir… the servants don\'t understand why we have to relocate temporarily," Head Butler frowned as he spoke.

"I\'m giving everyone a paid holiday for the next few weeks," Duke Peterlor declared calmly as he crossed his arms.

The duke\'s voice was firm and commanding which made the protests in the butler\'s throat die down.

Butler Gerald gave his master a look of confusion and then walked towards the servants to let them know the good news.

Duke Peterlor waited until his butler left the room and then let out a heavy sigh before rubbing his temples.

He checked the security camera placed outside his daughter\'s room and sure enough neither girl had left yet.

No one could understand the struggles of having a precious baby daughter who inherited something ferocious from her mother\'s side of the family.

Poor Cleo… 

Despite the fact that Sophie\'s bedroom walls were composed of a soundproof material, the duke was taking no chances.

As soon as Cleo entered the mansion, the duke had already put his plan in motion and removed all the human servants from the house.

Robot androids would be in charge of maintaining, cleaning and cooking at least for the duration of Cleo\'s stay.

Duke Peterlor\'s control over his spiritual senses had reached the level of total mastery so it was easy to block his sense from extending into the mansion.

Now he had to rely on the camera placed outside the bedroom to see when it was safe to return to his home.

As he thought about it more… the duke felt even more pity for Cleo. 

It truly was both a blessing and a curse to be chosen as a mate for an Arachnais.

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