
Chapter 477: Internal And External Troubles

Chapter 477: Internal And External Troubles

(Zrudread University Spacecraft)

(Fourth Floor- Cargo Bay)

Keeping moving.

We need to keep moving…

Instructor Barrett continued to glance at his communicator and pull up the video feed of the intruder’s current location.

It was almost unthinkable for a mere qi tide cultivator to possess such a high level of strength, but Instructor Barrett had encountered far deadlier foes during his time in the Imperial Army.

The elderly man closed his eyes and allowed his consciousness to spread throughout the starship.

His mental force penetrated the bodies of several androids, and each robot simultaneously opened their eyes.

In the meantime, Cleo was keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings and making sure that no sudden threats appeared.

The cargo bay was completely empty with the exception of the teleportation pad and the large metalloid crates that housed numerous supplies.

These supplies ranged from nutrient pellets to weapons.

Food, water, mechanical parts and other essentials necessary for long voyage space flights.

Cleo’s left eye itched and the pinkish glow finally disappeared.

She could feel the strange power flowing through her body cease and a wave of exhaustion hit her all at once.

Cleo stumbled and barely managed to stop herself from collapsing on the ground. She yawned sleepily and had to fight off the urge to go take a nap.

Instructor Barrett did not notice her strange state since his mind was currently inside the robot androids battling the mysterious intruder.

The princess sat down on the ground and leaned against the nearest wall while thinking about the events that had just occurred.

Five destroyer class spaceships… a mysterious fleet of small raider vessels… a dangerous intruder who appeared out of thin air…

This final exam had been extremely eventful so far… to put it mildly.

Cleo could not help but worry about her fellow classmates.

Neither Elenora nor Drew had made contact and it was not hard to imagine that they could both potentially be in danger.

Cleo could only pray that the university’s reinforcements would arrive soon. She did not want her classmates to die.

There were only three students enrolled in the mech controller major, so Cleo had spent a lot of time with both of the missing students.

Suddenly a loud piercing alarm echoed through the cargo bay and the starship slightly lurched to the side.

A cold metallic voice rang out from the nearest loudspeaker and the message was anything but good.

[Warning! Warning! We are currently under attack!]

“What?” Instructor Barrett exclaimed in shock as he opened both eyes and hurriedly pulled up the monitoring systems.

Their starship was currently surrounded by dozens of small fighter class spacecrafts that were unleashing a barrage of plasma fire rounds.

The barrier device inside the starship automatically activated a forcefield bubble that surrounded their ship.

“Of all the fucking…” Instructor Barrett cursed loudly as he realised that he would now have to deal with both internal and external troubles.

[Shielding systems… 99% remaining… 98.8% remaining…]

Fortunately, the defenses of a medium class spacecraft were not something that small fighter vessels would be able to easily penetrate.

“Activate the radar and sweeper systems and divert all available power to the plasma cannons mounted on the hull,” Instructor Barrett called out.

“Initiate defense pattern- situation Alpha twelve.”


The AI unit carried out the relevant commands and soon the plasma cannons mounted on the top of their vessel began to glow.


Thick energy beams of light shot out of the tip of the cannons and directly struck the leading starships.

The defense systems of the fighter ships could not withstand a direct attack and those in the path of the beam were directly disintegrated into specks of dust.

A fierce battle erupted outside the starship, but Instructor Barrett was forced to turn his attention back to the mysterious intruder.

Kohli was rampaging through the mid level floors and was now getting closer and closer to the cargo bay.

Nothing seemed to stop him.

Any stray shots that landed on his body were instantly negated by his impressive regenerative ability.

Instructor Barrett furrowed his brows as he saw a large gaping wound in Kohli’s chest instantly heal as though the injury had never occurred.

There were two reasons why the professor continued to launch wave after wave of robot bodies at the intruder.

The first was that it was a stalling tactic to buy more time for himself and his student to teleport to different locations across the starship.

As for the second reason…

Instructor Barrett watched closely as the skin of the intruder was covered in more wrinkles and his physique became thinner and more fragile.

Every power had a price. Every technique had a cost.

Instructor Barrett refused to believe that the intruder’s regenerative ability was endless.

The professor walked towards the disc shaped mechanical device in the middle of the warehouse and pressed a few buttons on the console next to the device.

He gestured towards Cleo who got up from the ground and walked towards the disc-shaped machine.

The pair stood in the center of the machine and the professor pressed the button to activate the teleportation.

Cleo’s body dissolved into light particles and this time when she opened her eyes, she found herself standing in the warp core room.

Instructor Barrett had already stepped off the device and was monitoring both the battle outside the spacecraft and the situation with the intruder.

Cleo found an empty chair in the corner of the room and sat down.

She could feel her eyes slowly begin to close as another wave of tiredness hit her.

The princess was about to take a brief nap when Instructor Barrett’s excited voice echoed through the room.

“They’re here! The reinforcements from the university have finally arrived!” the professor exclaimed in joy.





(Kohli’s POV)

What the hell was going on?

Kohli screamed in rage as he slammed his fist into the nearest android with so much force that the robot flew across the corridor and crashed into a wall.

The blood floating around his body formed the shape of a reaper’s scythe and the boils on his skin oozed a foul yellowish liquid.

This was the second time… the second time… second time…

Kohli sniffed the air to confirm and furrowed his brows in confusion.

He definitely sensed two lifeforms in a certain location but then they would suddenly disappear and reappear in a new spot.

The pirate leader’s broken and shattered mind could not understand why his prey were able to escape.

He howled at the sky like a mad dog and began to furiously scratch the boils along his chest with such fury that his skin tore.

“I’ll get you… I’ll get you…” Kohli hoarsely whispered. He repeated the same phrase over and over again like a broken record.

“I’ll get you… I’ll get you… I’ll get you…”

“I’ll get you… I’ll get you… I’ll… ARGGHHH!”

Kohli screamed in pain as a narrow beam of sword qi nearly bisected his body into two separate pieces.

The air in front of the collapsed pirate shimmered slightly and two heavily cloaked figures stepped out of the void.

Their genders, race and even appearances were completely hidden but there was one thing that Kohli knew for certain.

Their blood smelled dangerous.

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