
Chapter 505: A Mysterious Offer

Chapter 505: A Mysterious Offer

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Training Field No.12- Raised Platform)

“Truly an impressive batch of freshmen,” Principal Malik smiled warmly as he continued to take notes on his tablet.

He reviewed the footage from the previous fight in the desert biome and could not help but be impressed.

Duke Peterlor’s daughter had clearly inherited her father’s commanding skills.

Leadership was something that was rarer than cultivation talent.

It could not be taught, and effective commanders needed to use both their intelligence and their ability to improvise according to the situation.

The giant worm-like monster was supposed to be an unsolvable trap that the students had to avoid once inside the desert biome and yet…

It was killed.

Sophie Peterlor’s venom had left quite the impression on both students and teachers alike.

Only Professor Macabre seemed unfazed by her protégé’s skills and a proud smile flashed across her face.

The scarred professor played with a small glass vial in her hand while muttering something under her breath.

“If she comes in the top three… I’ll give me two of my favourite toxins… no… maybe she deserves three instead…” Professor Macabre whispered.

Everyone on the raised platform could hear her words but no one wanted to antagonise one of the most dangerous women in the Federation.

Even Sophie’s impressive feat paled in comparison to what Professor Macabre had done on a certain battlefield where she unleashed a toxin so potent that it wiped out two interstellar armies within hours.

Principal Malik took a few steps away from the woman who was talking to herself and turned his attention back to the arena.

The barrier had been casted over the training field once more as a new biome was being prepared.

If he recalled correctly, it should be the grasslands biome that was next.

It was the most popular choice since most students wanted the advantage of being on a flat plain.

Well… they were in for a nasty surprise.

Principal Malik grinned as he slowly rubbed his paws together and chuckled. This year’s battle ranking exam had far exceeded his expectations.

There was a genuine chance that Zrudread University would be able to win the upcoming tournament against the other universities’ representatives.

He couldn’t wait to brag about his victory to that stuck up old fool from Atlas University who always talked nonstop about the quality of education in the human-controlled systems.

“I have automatically failed all the students who hung back and did nothing but follow Sophie around,” Instructor Selvon’s cold voice suddenly spoke.

The tough Mendolesa instructor drew a large ‘X’ on several profiles of students without hesitation.

Usually, some points would be given for surviving until the end, but instructor simply gave them all a zero.

“Isn’t that bit harsh? They weren’t going to pass on to the next round anyways… why give them no points?” one of the assistants spoke up.

“If they had used techniques to conceal their location then I would have given them points for surviving,” Instructor Selvon explained calmly.

“But they didn’t. They merely followed Sophie and survived due to mere chance. Luck is important on the battlefield, but it cannot be graded in a training exercise.”

The assistant wanted to argue further but the cold gleam in Instructor Selvon’s eyes made the words of protest die down in his throat.

Principal Malik did not even bother to look up from his tablet because Instructor Selvon’s reasoning while a bit extreme… made sense.

Rewarding the students who did not contribute would just encourage others to follow their example and flock to a strong individual to be protected.

That would completely defeat the purpose of the battle ranking exam.

Zrudread University wanted their students to be able to survive on the battlefield without the assistance of others.

The universe was a cold merciless place and dangers lurked around every corner. The vastness of space was hard to comprehend.

Even the Earth Federation that encompassed dozens of star systems in its empire was nothing more than a speck of dust on the grand cosmic scale.

Principal Malik let out a heavy sigh as he saw an incoming message appear on his communicator.

Unknown Number: [Have you considered our offer?]

The principal blacklisted the number directly and deleted the message from his communicator.

He turned to the nearest professor and began to engage in some light conversation but could not mask the troubled expression on his face.





(Elite Student Housing Complex)

(Mansion 456Y)

“Congratulations Sophie!” Cleo yelled happily as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and gave her a fierce kiss.

“I think you broke the record!”

Sophie smiled lovingly at the princess who seemed to be more excited than her at the news that was on the university forum.

With a total of two hundred and fifty points, Sophie’s performance had completely overshadowed everyone else’s so far.

The clip of the worm-like monster’s death had gone viral with over two million views and new comments kept appearing under the video.

She was now officially famous.

Well… at least a bit more famous with the general public.

It was not like Duke Peterlor’s hybrid daughter was someone who was not known among the noble society.

“Should we celebrate?” Sophie softly whispered as she reached into her storage ring and pulled out an expensive looking glass bottle.

She walked towards the kitchen with Cleo still tightly in her arms since her girlfriend refused to let go.

“Come on babe… let me get some cups,” Sophie teased as she ticked the sides of Cleo’s stomach.

The princess slid out from her arms and shot her girlfriend a fierce look that made Sophie’s heart melt instantly.

She could not resist leaning down and capturing Cleo’s lips in a soft lingering kiss than seemed to last for hours.

Cleo closed her eyes and focused on the steady beating of her heart that only got more rapid as the minutes passed.

Eventually Sophie broke the kiss, and a thin thread of saliva connected the pair who stared at each other with passionate gazes.

The hybrid girl turned away since she could not be sure if she would be able to control herself if she looked at Cleo for a bit longer.

Her girlfriend still needed to complete the second stage so she would need to hold back and not tire her out.

Sophie opened a drawer and took out two red cups with cute little animal pictures plastered on their sides.

She opened up the bottle of fruit wine and a sweet tangy smell filled the kitchen. Sophie poured the golden liquid inside the cups and handed one over to Cleo.

“Cheers babe! I’ll be rooting for you,” Sophie raised up her cup and spoke.

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