
Chapter 313 - Meeting The Savage Hunting Group.

The 5 Mako sharks swam after Sebastian enthusiastically.

It was already 3 hours since they started their journey towards the Anemone Domain. By this time, the route of the group of 6 sharks was already clear for all to see but still, no hostile group dared to attack them.

It was already well-known by virtually every traveling predator that the route to any of the established rural settlements was rife with danger.

Apart from lone enemy predators who could attack at any moment, the hunt squads that were akin to pirate groups presented the greatest threat to travelers as these bloodthirsty hounds were ready to kill and devour anything.

Unlike the normal regions where Sebastian had been to where mutated beasts could engage in cannibalism without worries, in this region, predators engaged in cannibalism along with a set of rules.

The intelligence of the beasts here meant that they were more cautious in choosing their enemies, and it also increased their lethality in battle.

These predators recognized trouble when they saw one. The fact that 5 mature Mako Sharks strayed behind this Great White Shark, and the huge but powerful muscle display of this shark rang alarm bells in their heads.

To most predators who had not seen a Megalodon before, and because Sebastian also took a development route that left his body size more compact, it became increasingly harder to recognize him as a Megalodon.

Despite this, even as a Great White Shark, these predators still saw him as a fearsome opponent which served as one of the main deterrent forces.

Just a powerful body display did not make the cut though, Sebastian could not survive with a big body alone, his purple tier aura was what made the real difference among the weaker predators.

Just feeling his aura from afar killed the appetite of these mutated beasts. This was the main reason why the mad tendencies of these beasts were curbed.

This deterrence force was extremely powerful, but it also had limitations. Sebastian was not the only purple tier predator in this water body.

An hour after they started the journey, Sebastian and his group already crossed paths with a beast group that had a purple tier predator as their leader but this group opted to leave peacefully instead of attacking.

This proved the deterrence power of Sebastian\'s current rank. He was not wrong; he was indeed now a boss shark.

Purple tier predators were already terrifying on their own, adding the fact that Sebastian was also a predator with a bloodline to write home about, his lethality level rose a lot more especially to other purple tier predators.

Meeting a purple tier Great White Shark and a purple tier Toad always sang a different tone to predators, unless the said predator meets Tonado.

The journey to the Anemone Domain was anything but straightforward. Sebastian and his group were still in the vicinity of the sand seabed region, but they already saw a lot of peculiar changes.

The first and major change was the slowly changing texture and color of the water. Instead of the orange color that blended with the Sea\'s glow, the effects of the golden sand were finally subsiding a little.

The next major change was a minor tsunami that suddenly erupted out of nowhere. The terrible tsunami claimed a sizeable number of beasts\' lives, but Sebastian easily safeguarded the life of his lackeys.

This act of kindness from him increased the sense of respect that the group of mature Mako sharks had for him, making it all the more cringe but convenient.

As more time passed, the more signs that they were slowly leaving the sand seabed region appeared much to Sebastian\'s relief.

Approximately 4 hours after they started the journey, Sebastian and his group finally entered an entirely different terrain of the water. Since they swam relatively close to the seabed, they observed the change pretty fast.

Sebastian first detected the change in the flow of water through his new mega pressure sensing skill before he finally confirmed it with his electroreceptors.

After his recent evolution, Sebastian emerged with so many new skills and upgrades that he inevitably had to start another battle of familiarizing himself with them.

Some of these new skills like his mega pressure sensing, his upgraded electroreceptors, his vibration sensing, melody sensing, and his new passive mega smell skill were so useful outside battle situations that he finally felt all rounded.

He was already a powerful aggressive Megalodon, no one could dispute that but he already long ago recognized his scouting deficiency.

For every soldier or predator, the ability to scout ahead and discover your enemy first was such a crucial ability that alone it could win battles decisively if the said predator had a measure of intelligence.

Sebastian knew the importance of this, and it was why he pushed for it during his evolution. Besides, he had more than enough points to make a wide range of choices during his evolution and he certainly didn\'t hold back.

Now that his aggressive power became even more tyrannical, his scouting ability increased to meet the mark, he finally felt like a real monster.

Before he was a beast, but now he was a monster!

After his breakthrough, Sebastian already had his fair share of battles with the most notable being his escape battle to survive the volcanic eruption and the pursuit of his enemies.

This battle provided everything that he needed to be stimulated and give his best, but in the end, it didn\'t remove the fact that he was under a lot of pressure and was forced to make use of only some specific skills.

Fighting in such a pressure-filled and stimulating battlefield had its benefits, but it did not allow Sebastian to grasp the depth of his current power.

Even a month after his evolution, Sebastian still didn\'t know how powerful he was. He knew that he was now stronger than before, but without exploring his limits, he would never know by how much he had grown.

His system already simplified everything by tabulating his basic stats, but these were just numbers, they could not show the real thing.

This was why Sebastian had been secretly craving a nice battle. Not just any battle, but one that was tough enough for him to go all out but also convenient enough for him to be in control and choose which skills to use.

So far, his luck has not shone too brilliantly but this was about to change.

[You have activated skill: Mega Crushing Bite!]


[You have killed a mutated Eel- Level 13: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 7 Skill points and 5 Adaptation points.]

Once Sebastian detected the change in the terrain, he dove straight in having gotten tired of the bland golden color of the sand already.

The sand slowly gave way to a rocky terrain that was filled with corals lying about. The rocks were few at first, but as he swam in deeper, they slowly grew in number with the corals until they became the only sight.

From the original golden color background that was caused by the sand, the colors became more varied under the influence of the glowing corals.

Sebastian was originally supposed to relax and enjoy the change in scenery, but he did not have the luxury for that as his nose detected a strong scent of blood.

He already had this innate ability, but after his evolution when he awakened the law of passive laws, his sense of smell finally mutated to become a powerful passive skill that stood up to the task at this moment.

As soon as his nose detected the smell, his Vibration Sensing skill easily detected the vibrations of the group of predators who had this smell.

Having grown proficient with his new sensing skill with time, Sebastian easily deduced that his enemies were not few and from their vibrations, they were coming straight in their direction with a purpose.

It didn\'t take much time before they entered the range of his electroreceptors. Once he saw them, another predator there also saw him.

There was a purple-tier Great White Shark among this group. A sound domain magician was also among them because once they saw each other, the predator who was probably the leader of the group spoke.

"Surrender all your treasures, and perhaps we may let you live".

"No games, this is the Savage Predator Group!".

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