
Chapter 316 - The Holy Master.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Loud crushing sounds depicting the powerful bite of strong jaws against fragile flesh continually reverberated across the water as a group of 5 Mako sharks did their very best to annihilate the opponent before them at the fastest speed.

Alone, none of the 5-orange tier Mako sharks that followed Sebastian was especially exceptional, but together, they were a powerful combination.

The fact that they\'ve survived in this treacherous region long enough for a powerful predator like Sebastian to come along showed their competence.

What they lacked in strength, they easily made up for with their intelligence, familiarity with each other, synergy in battle, and their mind games in battle.

"Shut up and die already you piece of sh*t!"


"Close your dirty mouth, you filthy sh*t of a predator!"

"Coward, don\'t run, stay and fight us square 1 on 5 if you dare!"


"You dare to blaspheme the holy master, get prepared to soak for ten thousand years in the dungeon of pain!"

"F*ck you!"

"F*ck you too!"


One last bite in the rear end did it as the huge orange tier predator that looked like the merge of a Crocodile and a Shark thrashed around in pain for a few seconds with blood spilling everywhere as its life was slowly drained away.

While the predator was still clinging tightly to life, another of the clever Mako sharks silently swam to its side and landed the killer blow.

This shark\'s deadly rows of teeth crushed the predator\'s head, exposing its brain as the teeth penetrated the skull. This effectively ended the predator\'s life.

Once they finally managed to kill this predator that was the last of the group that they just faced, instead of thrashing wildly in triumph, these sharks were well-behaved as the one who landed the killer move spoke solemnly. 

"13th blasphemer against the holy master has been annihilated".

"Holy Master, you may now continue your glorious journey".


If Sebastian could blink, his eyes would have been blinking furiously as he tried to wrap his head around the ridiculousness of this situation.

This nonsense all started after his dream battle to test his current combat strength finally came to pass. By using the Savage Predator Group as his stepping stone, he not only succeeded in validating his strength to himself but he also did to this small group of followers that he now had.

Originally, the relationship between Sebastian and this group of 5 Mako sharks was simply that of mutualism as they provided him with the route to his destination while he protected them.

Recently though, this relationship changed in a completely one-sided manner. Sebastian\'s part of the relationship remained the same, but the same could not be said for the 5 Mako sharks.

After getting to witness Sebastian at his peak, these 5 Mako sharks were spooked and also rightfully mesmerized.

In Oceania, every predator respected strength and more powerful predators. 

The fact that literally, every predator was out for the head of the other did not reduce the amount of respect, it was the reason for Sea Kings\' status. 

They dreaded it if this powerful predator was their enemy, but they were mesmerized when this enemy was their ally if only in a literal sense.

After the battle, the 5 shark\'s opinion of Sebastian went from fear and underwent a rapid change, turning to pure worship!

Holy Master! This was what they now referred to Sebastian as.

Some powerful predators could thrash same-tiered opponents, but this was so rare that it felt almost impossible to most predators.

To these 5 Mako sharks who mostly originated from the barren backwater region, Sebastian\'s feat of absolutely thrashing 3 same-tiered opponents of the purple tier struck these predators where it mattered the most.

In all their lives, they\'ve learned to look at and put purple-tier predators on a high pedestal that was unreachable to side character goons like them.

Suddenly seeing these unreachable characters being thrashed by Sebastian was so impactful that it directly changed their views about life.

This was why they pledged with their life on the spot to do anything possible to please the Holy Master. 

While they were alive, they would never allow the holy master to participate in any battles to eliminate small fry again, the holy master only needed to battle when there were purple tier predators. 

Any other opponent below this was a blasphemy to the holy master, this was why they put their life on the line to fight every battle with all that they\'ve got.

Seriously, when Sebastian tried to rationalize this through pure logic, his brain short-circuited. These 5 Mako sharks didn\'t follow common sense at all, he literally needed to shut down his brain just to keep up with their thought processes.

Though this encounter probably ranked at the very top when it came to the most cringe experiences of his Oceania life, Sebastian did not mind this time as he already completed the test that he wanted.

If the Mako sharks wanted to fight so much on his behalf, he was not against it. In fact, he was completely in tune with it.

This was how they continued the journey.

After the elimination of the Savage Predator Group, the journey became smoother which verified the huge Python\'s bold claims that they were the last checkpoint of this region.

Sebastian\'s powerful purple tier aura deterred most of the predators that were intelligent enough to understand its terror, only the brainless fools came regularly and served as exercise buddies to the 5 Mako sharks.

This way, the group slowly swam through the new terrain filled with rocks and glowing corals. It was like they were swimming into the center of a global light underwater plant as the lights grew more colorful the farther they swam.

Once they entered this rocky terrain, Sebastian already deduced that they were probably close to their destination already but it still took them about 2 hours before they finally saw a huge magic projection in the water from afar.

{The Anemone Domain.}

Sebastian heaved a sigh of relief; they were finally here.

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