
Chapter 77 - Episode 77: Main Event. (1)

Grisell and the others are staring at the gauntlets with their mouths open when they read the description of the gauntlets. After they\'re satisfied staring at them, I put the gauntlets in my inventory.

Grisell is looking at me while tilting her head.

"So, are legendary equipment have a series like any other equipment?"

I nod and sit down.

"Yeah, most of them do. But they\'re not in the same rank as each other. So it\'s quite impossible to get all of them because of that. Although, having a series of legendary equipment sounds very nice, but it\'s not that good because it will not satisfy your needs. You will understand when the time comes. But, you can make your own legendary equipment that is not in the boxes."

Everyone is raising their eyebrows. Grisell sits on the chair beside me.

"We can?!"

I nod and show them Ezira\'s Sickle.

"This one I forged it myself. But I used a legendary material to make this."

Grisell is clicking her tongue.

"Then it\'s pointless if I have to get a legendary material."

I smirk and chuckle.

"It is pointless to us who are not a forger and don\'t have the skills. But on the other hand. You can because of your [Creation] skill. If you\'re extremely lucky, you will make unranked or UR legendary equipment that is not from the database. Even if it\'s UR, it doesn\'t affect the stats. Compared to the legendary equipment in the database, it\'s basically the same. It\'s just how high the stats can be. Still, the requirements to equip them are the same.

Grisell\'s eyes are glimmering with a huge smile on her face. Francesca is humming with understanding while tapping her cheek with her index finger.

"So, does LUK play a part in this case?"

I shake my head.

"No, LUK is for something else. It\'s all based on the player\'s ARTIS sub-stat. The higher the ARTIS percentage, the higher the chance to make legendary equipment. But again, they need to have the [Creation] skill like what Grisell has. Also, materials play a big part in this. You can\'t make legendary equipment by using cheap and common materials even though you have 100% on your ARTIS sub-stat."

Grisell is nodding while staring at her status screen.

"So I need around 1600 extra points to reach 100%."

Everyone is humming with understanding. Ivonna then looks at the time.

"We should rest for today. Tomorrow we will have to fight against Diamond Clan."

Everyone nods with an agreement and then they all log out from the game except for me since I still need to farm Betelgeuse\'s Coin for the costume boxes. So I leave the base and hunt monsters.

(The next day.)

When I woke up this morning, Emma was in the bathroom and vomiting. She was so nervous that her face was so pale and her hands were so cold. William and I calmed her down, and after I made her favourite breakfast, she felt better and immediately logged in to the game. 

Ivonna and the others are already inside the arena since the match will begin in less than an hour. I\'m looking at the bracket for the skirmish game main event on the official website.

[First match of the Main Event!]

[Upper Bracket]

[Diamond (Eluna) vs. Forsaken- (Alliance)]

[Supremacist (Aarus) vs. -]

[Lower Bracket]

[FlameGuard (Aarus) vs. Black Shadow (Eluna)]

[Cloud Veil (Eluna) vs. Valkyrie\'s Wings (Alliance)]

[Palacetasia (Aarus) vs. Demeanour (Alliance)]

Black Shadow Clan managed to win third place in the Eluna Empire\'s faction bracket. I heard they became famous because of this event and their strategies and tactics in all their matches that outplayed their opponents. More than 80.000 players joined their clan, and not just that, 3 of the top 10 clans merged with his clan after they got defeated by Diamond and Lothair. Black Shadow Clan is now sitting on the rank 3 clan leaderboard from Eluna Empire\'s faction.

I\'m standing in front of the exchange NPC and look at the items for one more time because I\'m hesitant to spend 24.000 Betelgeuse\'s Coin just for a costume. I can buy them later in the market or find someone who wants to sell them in the forum. But on the other hand, there are no items that pique my interest. The food and drink buffs are good, but they\'re tradeable and marketable, so I can buy them later as well.

I sigh and then buy 1 costume box to see if there\'s a costume that interests me, and if I found the costume I like, I could see how many parts of that costume are, so I\'m not wasting all my Betelgeuse\'s Coin on them.

[Optional Unique Costume Box obtained!]

I open the box and see the list of the costumes. There are at least a hundred sets of costumes in there. I keep scrolling through the list and a body costume pique my interest, [Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Tailcoat Jacket]. It looks classy and it looks like what a vampire would wear in the movies. Then I look for the other parts of that costume.

After scrolling for quite a while, I finally found the set of that costume. I look at them for quite a while and I really like them, and lucky me, there are only 7 of them and not 8, so I can spend it on the item buffs. Then exchange 18.000 Betelgeuse\'s Coin for 6 costume boxes.

[Optional Unique Costume Box (6) obtained!]

I immediately open all the costume boxes.

[Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Tailcoat Jacket obtained!]

[Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Cloak obtained!]

[Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Pants obtained!]

[Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Boots obtained!]

[Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Gloves obtained!]

[Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Belt obtained!]

[Aristocratic Midnight Hunter\'s Vambrace obtained!]

I immediately go somewhere where there are no players to try them on. I grab the costumes and equip them all. It feels weird because it looks light but it actually quite heavy since this is just a costume and the weight I\'m feeling is the weight of my actual equipment. Then I try to wear my Moon\'s Series and the scarf. It immediately disappears as soon as I put them on.

I scoff while looking at my body.

"This is nice."

Suddenly a notification appears above me.

[Prediction and Bidding Event]

[The first match will begin in 30 minutes. All the players who are not participating in the skirmish event can enter the arena to Predict who will win the match. Not just that, you can also Bid Gold to win a fortune! If you predict it right, you will be rewarded 1.000 [Betelgeuse\'s Coin], and if you Bid and won, you will get 5 times your Bid!

What are you waiting for? Come and join the Prediction and Bidding Event in the arena! May the Betelgeuse bless you!]

I close the box and immediately teleport to the arena where Ivonna and the others are at. As soon as I inside the arena, so many players are standing around me and looking at the huge screen above the arena.

[Game 1 Prediction will be close in: 14mins 58secs]

[Diamond (Eluna) (46%) vs. Forsaken- (Alliance) (54%)]

[FlameGuard (Aarus) (32%) vs. Black Shadow (Eluna) (68%)]

[Cloud Veil (Eluna) (51%) vs. Valkyrie\'s Wings (Alliance) (49%)]

[Palacetasia (Aarus) (79%) vs. Demeanour (Alliance) (21%)]

I chuckle and shake my head when I see the prediction. This is too brutal not because of the win or loses probability, but the screen is above the players that are going to fight against their opponents. I can\'t imagine how they feel seeing their win probability is so small, like FlameGuard Clan and Demeanour Clan. But I don\'t care, and I\'ll predict like the others because I think the same thing as them, and of course because of getting easy 1.000 Betelgeuse\'s Coin.

I realize the arena is 5 times bigger than the open qualifier, and there are 6 crystals. 3 on each team and 2 of them are placed on the sides. The terrains are different as well. There are cliffs that can be climbed, trees to hide, and rivers to block the path in the arena. This is really nice compared to the previous one, which is just a vast flat land.

I look down and I can see Ivonna and the others from here. They all seem nervous, especially Emma. I can see her squatting on the ground while holding her stomach and looking at the ground. I chuckle and open my friend list then message her. As soon as she read it, she jolts from the ground and looks at the cliffs to search for me. She\'s putting her hand above her eyes to see the people on the cliffs. She can\'t find me since I\'m wearing my costume. I smile and shake my head. I send her a message that if she wins this match, I will treat her to the best all-you-can-eat buffet.

William then approaches me from the side. I look at him and he\'s surprised to see me in this costume. He looks at me in awe.

"Whoa... where did you get those? I want it as well!"

I smirk and show my arms.

"From costume boxes. I exchanged 21.000 Betelgeuse\'s Coin for these."

William groans and looks down while scratching his head in frustration.

"I shouldn\'t have spent all my Betelgeuse\'s Coin for Gold and EXP scrolls..."

I\'m chuckling while patting his back. He sniffs while frowning then he sighs and brushes it off. He clears his throat.

"So, is Forsaken- Clan will win this match?"

I nod and pointing at the prediction screen.

"Well, the answer is over there. Ivonna and the rest of them are maxed levels now. That alone is enough to convince anyone to choose them."

William nods in an agreement.

"Yeah, you\'re right..."

Sev appears and floating on top of the arena. She smiles and we can hear her soothing voice.

"For the main event, we added so many things. First, as you can see, there are 3 crystals on each team. The objective is the same, destroy the crystals and win the game. Second, the arena is now added a different kind of terrains. Each match has a different set of terrains to prevent the players to memorize the terrains. We made sure that the terrains didn\'t give any advantages to one of the team. As you can see, the terrains are reverse mirrored. Both sides have the same set of terrains. Third and lastly, there is no time limit. The match will end when one of the team forfeit or destroy all the crystals. Without further ado, let us start the match."

Sev raises her hand.

"The first match will begin in..."

Everyone is counting down at the same time with the soothing voice from the sky.

"3... 2... 1... May the Betelgeuse bless you!"

Everyone is jumping and cheering for them. It\'s so loud as if I\'m in the football stadium and I can feel the ground is shaking because of them.

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