

The land bountiful, beautiful river lined the land, and mountains dotted the landscape. Duvar is a bountiful kingdom and full of prosperity and natural resources

When one look at the night sky one would see the beautiful stars that shine brightly upon the kingdom and when dawn came one would see the vast fertile land and the flowers blooming.

It is a kingdom full of life and beauty.

However among the many things that this kingdom have to offer, there is one thing that the residents of the Kingdom believes to makes this kingdom stands out from the rest of the Kingdoms in the Vilajeri Continent.

The Princess of Duvar, Helena

Helena is the daughter of King Vrandeus of Duvar Kingdom. It is said that Helena is the most beautiful woman in the entire Continent and none can match her beauty

Anyone who looks at her face is stir with sweet passion in their hearts and could not help but admire her beauty.

Even adventurers fall for her beauty and created a fanpage from her in many places in the web, with her elegant pictures.

She is graceful in all areas, talented in playing all kinds of music instrument and has a heavenly voice.

It is said that when she sings that even the birds would stop flapping their wings and falls to the ground.

She is a prodigy in hunting and a woman that is highly desired by all men.

Strong and graceful and possessing beauty with no peers, she was the Goddess of Love reborn as mortal, the people of the kingdom said.

Her laughter entranced many, her gaze making people go crazy desiring her.

Since Helena young age countless suitors has waited for her to reach a marriageable age to sue her hand for marriage.

Duvar is located in the central continent and one of strategic location for many kingdoms borders

King Vrandeus is actually worried because suitor from Vanheim, Veranis, Karak, Vor, Saril, Niovar, Alfhaim, Loth, Nero Republic has all asked for his daughter hand.

This has plagued him for many days and even his ministers did not know how to advise him of this matter.

Then Vrandeus tries to remember the details of each of the Kingdom that proposes her daughter.

He opens the map of the Vilajeri continent as he is thinking of these matters that would affect his Kingdom.

He look at the map sprawled on top of his table intently as his gaze was focused at Vanheim.

He sighed

King George of Vanheim in the East is quickly becoming one of the most powerful men in the continent and is probably one of the greatest King that Vanheim have ever produced other than its founder

With Vetten Kingdom capital being sieged by Bradheim it is only a matter of time before Vetten falls and Vanheim become bigger and more powerful.

It is clear in Vrandeus eyes that King George of Vanheim is competing for hegemony against the other ambitious lords and Kings

Also with the help of Gruk the Great Orc in Nairhell their victory is all but guaranteed.

It is said that Bradheim and Gruk fought in the battlefield for Vanheim like a demon unleashed from hell.

The Lion of Vanheim and the Great Orc of Vanheim fought together like they were sworn brothers, protecting each other and covering each other gaps in battle, defeating all the enemies that is in their way to the Vetten Capital.

Not to mention that The economic profit from Vanheim and the Orcs tribe cooperation has greatly help Vanheim to maintain this war without burdening the Kingdom treasury and probably Vanheim is about to enter a new age of prosperity

Using war to fill the treasury.

This is quite a new approach in Vilajeri Continent.

The scholars always hated the wars because it brought no benefits to the Kingdom but in the case of Vanheim war not even the scholars of Vanheim could object since instead of bringing harm to the kingdom the war is actually enriching the State.

The Great Orc Gruk tribes also prosper from the acceptance of Vanheim to their foreign neighbor of different race.

Orcs is known to be brave and warlike and when that instinct were turned upon an enemy, it is truly terrifying

Not many Orcs has malnutrition or insufficient of food and supply anymore since Vanheim employed majority of them into the army.

This makes other Orc tribes join Gruk tribes willingly.

Now he has thirty large tribes under him making him the only Orcs in Nairhell to have that many tribe serve him.

It wouldn\'t be long before Gruk could establish his own Orchish kingdom

With many players playing as an Orc, Gruk has formed an elite military unit and to gain recognition and fame they also follow Bradheim expedition to Vetten, plundering castles and razing castles as they went.

Which explain the large host of armies which send fears towards the Vetten resisting nobles.

But Bradheim and Gruk treats the people with benevolence and spare the troops that surrendered.

Bradheim take a page out of his brother playbook, learning of his brother technique "letting something go, to catch something more important"

It is reported that the deafening sound of their army approaching on their mount is like thunder in the sky roaring and the noise alone is rumored to have made some enemies soldiers trembling in fear, crushing their morale even before they clash against each other.

Right now, even when Vrandeus is still thinking about this Bradheim and Gruk army remains undefeated in their Vetten expedition.

After the act of mercy showed to the prisoners of Vetten many minister and nobles of Vetten swear fealty to George, opening their cities making Bradheim job easier.

Bradheim accepts their fealty thus making it easier for him to come to the Vetten capital.

With almost all of the nobles choosing a side, a few weeks from now the conclusion can be seen.

Many said that Vetten Kingdom doom is but guaranteed. King Vrandeus shakes his head. This is not a King that he wanted to offend.

Veranis on the other hand, led by Prince Alexander, is a talented commander and general. He is the military leader that led both the army and adventurers alike by his captivating charisma.

With his brilliant tactics and strategies and their army morale, Alexander has already conquered Tian Dynasty and set his sight to Gerad.

Without stopping Alexander march through villages and cities and for each city, he came and he conquers.

Now Veranis is as big as Vetten Kingdom in their heyday. The Old Dreams of their ancestors could finally be realized.

Prince Alexander is a force to be reckoned with. The Eastern Continent is producing many great heroes right now.

Chaos breeds heroes and villains alike.

Gerad on the other hand is being attacked by Niovar after Niovar heard of The Fall of Tian capitalizing on their neglect on the border.

The conclusion was tragic and one could see that the world is getting even more chaotic. Old alliances are forgotten as each kingdom is now beginning to move.

The Fall of Tian was also portrayed in painting and works of art in Veranis as testament of a rising power.

After strengthening the alliance with Vanheim, Veranis seems unstoppable. Vanheim swallowed Vetten, and Veranis swallow the offshoot of Veranis.

Their alliance produces a win-win situation for both of them.

Niovar on the other hand, is getting worried because of the fast rise of Vanheim to power and is preparing their army, training every day and recruiting soldiers.

There is no doubt that right now the only one capable of uniting the eastern continent is either Vanheim, Niovar or Veranis.

But considering the great relations between Veranis and Vanheim, Veranis will serve under Vanheim if ever King George declares himself Emperor.

Which means, only Niovar with its military and abundant resources can fight Vanheim.

Vrandeus then think about Saril and Vor Kingdom which just recently joined hands in an alliance for fear of the adventurers Zeus the Vevaian King.

Obviously they asked for her daughter hand not only because of her beauty but also because of the political matters.

By joining hands in marriage, Saril and Vor will gain another ally if they ever went to war. They wanted to create a tripartite alliance of Kingdoms to resist Veva

Alfhaim and Loth on the other hand must also want the same thing.

Vanheim, on the other hand wanted to join their royal family with his family because they must have wanted a foothold in the Central continent so they can march to the Holy land in Duvar and King George could then proclaim himself emperor.

Vrandeus look at the map and then closes his eyes, his forehead is full of wrinkle and he sighed.

Then he opens it back and he seems to age a year. The problem on his shoulder right now could determine whether his kingdom would rise or fall in this chaotic era.

Duvar is the seat of power of emperors in the past and it is where Emperor Alain coronated himself watch by all the Enfeoffed Kings.

Without proclaiming yourself emperor in Duvar with all the ceremonies and rituals being done, any King could proclaim themselves emperor.

It is the seat of power because of the Holy energy that still exists here.

However Vrandeus is in a dilemma right now.

He is afraid to select a husband for his daughter. To send any of the suitors away may offend them and giving them grounds for a quarrel.

And if Kings and princes quarrel it could easily escalate to war. Many Kings and princes from around the continent have come here in Duvar.

They all bring lavish gifts, precious diamond from distant lands and seas, while some brought blessed necklace encrusted diamond, and golden weapons from their kingdom knowing Helena was an ardent fan of hunting.

Thankfully the reputation of Castor and Pollux, Helena brothers could calm the suitors making sure the princes on their best behavior.

Prince Edward, son of King George of Vanheim seems to be the most promising choice out of all the suitors.

But still, the other forces might not be satisfied with his decision and what if they decide to lay siege to this Holy Land that has been accustomed to peace.

He wrapped the map and then went out from his room.

With some guard following him, he walk to the Temple Square. He walked to one of the temples.

Vrandeus went to Hera temple.


Part two will be posted a few minutes laters


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