
Chapter 75 Disgusting

After we concluded our meal, Lily took all our dishes and placed them outside. r

Upon noticing my surprise, Ana decided to explain things to me.r

“Duties are split among the Camp members. Usually, they would even be the ones to bring our meals for us, but since we have one extra mouth to feed, I had to talk to the food distribution unit. Plus, the rest wanted to come along with me and ask for extra, since this was a special night.” Ana said with a warm smile.r

Words could not express the kind of disgust I felt once I realized that this meal was actually dubbed as ‘special’.r

‘It pains me to think of the usual food these suckers eat.’r

I understood that they were trying to conserve resources, but I would rather leave such a Camp and fend for myself than share my find with a bunch of losers who could only do domestic work and grovel for their daily bread.r

“A-ah, I see…” I muttered.r

Before more conversation ensued, I decided that I had gotten enough of their company and would like some alone time. Being among people for so long wasn’t my thing.r

‘I still haven’t concluded the Light Novel I was reading…’r.

“C-can I use the restroom?” I blurted out.r

The group members looked at me, looked at each other, and then looked at me again.r

‘Oh shit, don’t tell me…’r

“W-well, how do I put this. Sure, it’s still quite early. There’s enough time for that.” Ana mumbled, looking at an analog clock by the side of the room.r

‘8:12 PM, uh?’r

“You can’t spend too long there, though. Okay?” Ana added.r

“Why?” I asked unconsciously.r

“Well, how do I put this…” She laughed awkwardly, scratching her head.r

Peter saw how their leader was having issues communicating and decided to step in for her.r

“No one uses the restroom after curfew. Curfew is by 9:00 pm, and the cleaners also have to take care of the restroom after that time, so it’s not advisable to spend a long time in it.” r

Ah, I understood at that moment.r

Another disgusting fact about the Camp was the fact that they had a shared restroom!r

Also, since the water was usually very scarce, they would hold off on removing the waste and flushing it down the drainage until several hours have passed.r

Judging by the severity of the situation, they probably only flushed the toilets twice a day. That meant that no matter how many people used it, the toilets would remain that way until it was time for a reset. Therefore, since it was almost time for curfew, it meant that the second time the toilet would be flushed, everywhere would be in its literal worst state right now.r

‘So that’s why she looked so nervous. She didn’t know how to break it to me that I would have to suffer such indignity.’r

For someone who lived on his own for so long to be a member of such a family, I was pretty sure it was better off being alone.r

Long story short, Peter volunteered to take me to the restroom. It wasn’t too far, just a little down the hallway. Since this was a former facility, toilets existed on every floor. So, the people living on our floor all used the very same place.r

Fortunately, these savages had not yet abandoned the trite law of keeping the girl’s restroom separate from the boys. After reaching our destination, Peter told me he would wait for me outside while I concluded my business.r

‘I’m pretty sure he’s not saying it out of the kindness of his heart.’ I mused.r

The toilet must have been very disgusting since he seemed to prefer waiting outside. And so, as I entered, I was greeted with a very powerful stench.r

‘Looks like my hunch was right!’r

Do you think inhaling a bunch of waste from strangers was disgusting?… imagine having heightened senses! My sense of smell and perception were levels above everyone else, and so was my suffering.r

It was so unbearable that I felt like throwing up several times over. There was no other choice, I needed a solution!r

Since no one was around anyway, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.r

“[S-Subspace]…” I croaked.r

Instantly, my blue panel appeared before me, and I quickly accessed what I wanted.r

Instantly, a gas mask appeared in my hands which I quickly wore.r

“A-ah… Ahhh…” I breathed out freely, now feeling much better since the mask had filtered away most of the toxic air.r

‘It’s a good thing one of those facilities had this in case of emergencies. Whew.’ I smiled in relief, still having a couple more within [Subspace].r

Looking around me with my heightened vision, I could make out the terrible state of the urinals, the toilet stalls didn’t appear to be in a better condition either.r

‘Are these cleaners even doing their jobs well? They get to live in a safe place and eat free food. The least they can do is clean well, right?’r

Well, if only it were that simple. Water was limited, so hygiene had been sacrificed for survival. If this kept going though, it was only a matter of time before infections would spread.r

I had no intention of using the toilet like a pig, though. r

‘Heh, time to work my Magic.’ I grinned.r

First of all, I summoned a very decent mat, a few meters wide, which was enough for me to step on properly without feeling disgusted by the slimy state of the ground.r

Then, I summoned a disposable black bag, that was large and sturdy enough to handle even the heaviest stuff. After that, I brought out a roll of toilet paper, as well as a bucket. I used Subspace to leak out a few gallons of water into it, until it was filled up.r

Of course, I didn’t forget sanitizers as well. I had to play it safe and clean.r

‘Now then, time to poop.’r

[Moments Later]r

After doing ‘it’, I returned the black sack to the portion of [Subspace] I had designated to trash.r

I could dispose of the waste at any time, though it would be more fun to dump it on an unsuspecting person later on.r

That was the sole reason I kept multiple sacks filled with the same substance in that slot.r

‘My chance might even come sooner than expected!’r

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