
Chapter 86 Strategic Meeting (Pt 1)

Still, curiosity ate at me. Perhaps it was due to my childish nature, but I wanted to know what was going on.r

‘That won’t be a problem though…’ A wide grin formed on my face.r

Bringing out a speaker from [Subspace], I placed it on my mattress and switched it on.r

>BZZZTZZZZZ< A low buzzing sound first came out, and then it worked perfectly.r

~I suppose everyone is here, so we can begin…~ Charles’s voice came through the speaker.r

He was already addressing the Expedition team, and I was able to hear everything going on there in real-time. How?r

“His office is fvcking bugged!” I smiled wildly.r


“I’ve called you all here for a very important reason. Usually, we have our briefings before every Expedition mission, but this is different.” Charles said.r

His face looked grim, even more than usual. He was still shaken by his experience with Jeremy, but the Camp Leader tried to keep his composure.r

Everything rested in his hands, and he could not afford to fail by any means.r

Ana’s group members were all present, same as Daniel’s group. Dave’s injured party was not physically present, but they were listening in through the intercom that was placed for just this special meeting.r

Group leaders from various departments in the Camp were also in the office. It was no exaggeration to say that the stakeholders and major pillars of the Camp were all present. After all, the issues to be addressed were of major importance to all of them.r

“Now then, there are three issues that need to be discussed.” Charles began.r

First was the remaining resources left behind by Ana’s group. She had already told him in detail what was left behind. And while none of them were food and water, they were still immensely useful to their little organization.r

The second, was the ongoing project in the camp for self-sustenance, and how far they had come. As well as, the progress that was to be expected in the ensuing weeks.r

Finally, the last matter for discussion was the recent horde faced by Dave and Daniel’s party. This was the major issue to be discussed, and Charles was sure that it would branch out to many others.r

“Where’s the Vice Leader? I don’t see her here…” Daniel mumbled.r

Charles stiffened upon hearing this but kept his calm.r

“Apparently, she’s on a mission given to her by the Leader. He said he would tell us all about it today.” Ana smiled ruefully, turning to Charles for an explanation.r

By the corner, Melissa glared at the Camp Leader, while biting her nails.r

‘It’s a good thing she hasn’t mentioned that incident with Jeremy, but still… I hate being left in suspense like this…’r

Ana might have sensed the harsh gaze Melissa gave off since she turned in her direction and their eyes met instantly.r

Melissa was stunned by the sudden look and nearly jumped out of her skin.r

“Heh, I haven’t forgotten about you.” Ana mouthed, giving a clearly defiant smile at the girl.r

This happened very quickly, and Ana turned back to Charles before anyone could notice what was actually happening between the two of them. Charles was also trying to think of an excuse, so he didn’t even pay any mind to the girls.r

“A-Ahem…” He began.r

“Tasha, my assistant, is busy with the supervision of the Camp Grounds. It’s to ensure the efficient running of this organization. I’ve heard of dissatisfied grunts and outbreaks of violence within this place. However, as a leader, I can’t handle or even know about all of them.” r

The people in the room were shocked about this. This would be the first time Charles was mentioning something like this.r

“You won’t be seeing her for a while. It has something to do with her Gift.” He added.r

The people in the room looked at each other and shrugged. They didn’t have any other option but to believe Charles. After all, none of them really knew what the Vice’s Gift was. It was one of the few things only Charles knew. r

Plus, no one was more concerned about the Camp than he was, so there was no way Charles would do anything to its detriment.r

“Fine. Let’s move past that. However, before we continue this meeting, I want to mention that I have something to report to you after this is all over.” Ana said, giving Melissa a glare from the corner of her eye.r

Melissa gulped. Her time of retribution had finally come.r

“Alright. Duly noted. Without further Ado, let’s begin.” r

And so, the long awaited discussions began. Concerning the resources to be retrieved from Jeremy’s base, Charles first revealed the identity of their benefactor. Of course, he kept it brief, but Charles explained the masked man and Jeremy. He didn’t reveal any of the recent truths Jeremy had revealed to him, only what he had heard from Ana.r

Daniel was stunned to hear that Jeremy was the one who contributed mostly to Ana’s expedition, which made him feel even more nervous about their confrontation. As for Melissa, she was conflicted.r

Raging annoyance and rising fear, coupled with regret swirled within her. r

‘Damnit! To think it was that little shit that did so much for the Camp and saved us from a pinch. I made a mistake!’ Her mind rang.r

Since Jeremy was like a golden egg, even Charles was going to protect him. It now made sense why Ana’s team stuck up for him so much. Thinking about the consequences of her earlier actions drove Melissa into a panic.r

‘If Ana reports me now… shit, I don’t know what will happen!’r

Ana was pleased that Charles was revealing Jermey’s identity and contribution to the Camp executives. She had thought that he would try to compartmentalize the information, as he usually did.r

‘He must have changed his mind after meeting Jeremy…’ Ana smiled.r

“Jeremy has brought good graces to this Camp, and I would like to keep it that way. Let’s all treat him with courtesy as the new member of our family”r

The people who heard this understood. Not only did they have to treat him well because of what he had given them, but also because of the mysterious masked man backing him.r

However, they were all wrong. Charles only had one purpose in telling them all these. He was scared of what Jeremy could do to everyone and everything in the Camp.r

‘If we’re not careful while handling this situation… that kid, Jeremy, could tear this whole place apart!’r

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