
Chapter 382 All Out Attack!

Chapter 382 All Out Attack!

"Take formation… BEGIN!"

The Gifted Alliance, under the guidance of their team leaders, engaged the demonic horde with remarkable coordination and unmatched skill.

Each team moved like a precisely tuned machine, their powers complementing one another in seamless harmony.


Nye and his Alpha Team harnessed the power of his time manipulation abilities to slow the world\'s movements around them.

As they weaved through the demonic ranks, time-frozen demons became easy prey.

Surges of energy emanated from Nye\'s hands, shattering the demons in their path. The Gifteds under his command exhibited grace and finesse, their Skills carving a path of destruction through the enemy ranks.

Lisa\'s Beta Team manifested a breathtaking array of energy constructs – glowing swords, spears, shields, and more.

These ethereal creations danced through the air, their razor-sharp edges slicing through demon wings and piercing their grotesque bodies.

Lisa\'s support Skills came into play, generating protective barriers that deflected demonic attacks and enhancing her teammates\' strength and endurance.

The Gifteds of Beta Team fought as a united front, their constructs a testament to their collective power.

"On me!"

Tia, the master of stealth, moved through the demonic ranks like a phantom.

Her targets froze in place as her gaze fell upon them, rendering them immobile. Swift and precise, she dispatched demon after demon with silent, deadly strikes.

The demons never saw her coming, and the path cleared by her actions allowed her team to advance further.

Luke\'s Omega Team displayed finesse with his force of attraction and repulsion. Demons were repelled as if an invisible shield deflected their advances.

With a mere thought, Luke reversed his power, drawing groups of demons towards him. His teammates seized upon these opportunities, unleashing a barrage of Skills to eliminate the attracted demons.


The battle was a mesmerizing display of powers – elemental manipulation, energy blasts, telekinesis, and more filled the air.


The Gifted Alliance functioned as one cohesive unit, expertly exploiting the demons\' weaknesses and overwhelming their defenses.


Though the demonic horde was fierce and numerous, they struggled to withstand the relentless assault. The Gifted Alliance steadily reduced their ranks, and the air crackled with energy while the ground shook under the force of their attacks.

With each passing moment, the Gifted Alliance carved a path through the demonic swarm, their unwavering determination evident.

The leaders and their teams fought tirelessly, their combined might holding the demons at bay and driving them back, one hard-fought step at a time.

As the battle raged on, colossal demons began to emerge from the depths of the horde, their grotesque forms casting ominous shadows on the battlefield.

The common members of the Gifted Alliance, well-trained and coordinated, stood ready to face this new threat.

In perfect harmony, they worked together to confront these colossal demons. Teamwork was their greatest asset, and their unity remained unwavering.

A group from Nye\'s Alpha Team focused their efforts on a towering demon with hulking limbs.

With Nye\'s time manipulation slowing the monster\'s movements, Gifteds armed with powerful Items encircled the beast.

One by one, they unleashed their devastating Skills, though most relied on their Gifts since using them hardly required any MP, creating a barrage of energy attacks that targeted the demon\'s vulnerable joints and vital organs.

"ROOOOOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!" The demon roared in agony as it crumbled under the relentless assault.

Lisa\'s Beta Team took on a massive, fire-breathing demon. Gifteds equipped with energy shields formed a protective barrier around their teammates, deflecting the searing flames.


Others summoned towering energy constructs that reached high above the demon, diverting its fiery breath away from the group. Working together, they closed in on the demon\'s head, striking it from all sides until it finally fell.

Tia\'s Gamma Team employed their stealth abilities to infiltrate a group of gigantic demons.

Gifteds with exceptional agility scaled the demons\' massive bodies, targeting their eyes and vulnerable spots.

From within the demons\' ranks, they created chaos, rendering the behemoths disoriented and unable to coordinate.

Their synchronized efforts proved effective as the massive demons stumbled and fell, overwhelmed by the agile Gifteds.

Luke\'s Omega Team confronted a colossal demon with impenetrable skin.

Gifteds with powerful Items and Skills focused their attacks on its limbs, attempting to immobilize it.

With Luke\'s power of attraction and repulsion, they pulled the demon\'s limbs apart, creating openings for their comrades to strike.

Together, they weakened the demon\'s defenses until it succumbed to their relentless assault.

Throughout the battlefield, Gifteds demonstrated exceptional teamwork, their Skills and Items combining in powerful ways.

Their unity allowed them to take on even the most formidable foes.

As the massive demons fell one by one, the Gifted Alliance pressed forward, determined to reclaim the surface world from the clutches of the demonic horde.

However, even as they achieved their fair share of victories, the demonic horde continued to churn, unleashing even more massive demons onto the battlefield.

These new monstrosities were the stuff of nightmares, their immense size and grotesque forms striking terror into the hearts of even the bravest Gifteds.

"Haaaa…" A certain man heaved a light sigh as he looked onward.

Guildmaster Pariah, Paul, stood at the forefront of the Gifted Alliance, his gaze fixed on the approaching horrors.

His expression remained resolute, and an air of confidence surrounded him. The team leaders and their comrades watched in awe as the Guildmaster stepped forward.

Paul raised his hand, and a brilliant, blinding light enveloped it.

A hushed murmur of anticipation swept through the ranks of the Gifted Alliance as they realized what was about to happen.

"I can handle this alone," he declared, his voice carrying over the battlefield with unwavering authority.

As the massive demons closed in, their malevolent roars filling the air, Paul unleashed his devastating Skill, a power that transcended imagination.

"<Absolute Chaos>"


A torrent of raw energy surged from his hand, forming into a colossal, swirling vortex of destruction.

It pulsed with incalculable force, drawing in the demons like moths to a flame. The sky darkened as the vortex expanded, and the ground trembled beneath its overwhelming power.

The demons, unable to resist the irresistible pull, were drawn helplessly into the heart of the vortex.

"UWAAAOOOOHHHH!!!" Their agonized screams filled the air as they were torn apart, their grotesque forms disintegrating into nothingness.

The spectacle was awe-inspiring and terrifying in equal measure. The Gifted Alliance watched in stunned silence as Paul\'s power annihilated the massive demons with ease.

The once-unstoppable foes were reduced to mere dust and echoes of their roars.

When the dust finally settled, the battlefield was strewn with the remnants of the demonic horde. Paul stood unscathed, his power radiating like a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos.

His team leaders and the Gifteds could only gaze at him with a newfound reverence, understanding the true extent of his formidable abilities.

With a sense of renewed determination, Paul turned to his comrades.

"We press on. Humanity\'s victory is within our reach. Let this be a testament to our strength and unity."

The Gifted Alliance, inspired by their Guildmaster\'s incredible display of power, rallied once more.

With their unshakable leader at the helm, they charged forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their mission.

Just a little further, and they would reach their goal.





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