
Chapter 356 Motorcycles

"You wouldn\'t understand" Snorting, Elisa turned and walked happily towards the bedroom, causing Christian to chuckle and follow her silently.

Being in the room, Elisa walked over to the dresser and pulled out a dark paper bag, then turned to the bed and pulled the contents from inside.

Looking at the motorcycle suit with a twinkle in her eye, Elisa turned to Christian and spoke impatiently "What are you waiting for? Take off your clothes."

"In front of you? Pervert" Hugging her body with a watchful face, Christian continued "Don\'t you know you can\'t look at a man\'s body?"

Rolling her eyes impatiently, Elisa approached Christian and folded her arms as she stared at him.

"Tsk, boring" Clicking his tongue, Christian easily pulled off his shirt and under Elisa\'s watchful gaze, pulled off his sweatpants, then walked over to the bed and grabbed the motorcycle suit.

"Let\'s see..." Looking at the suit for a few seconds, Christian mumbled "This is to wear naked underneath, it has a front zipper... not bad."

Pulling down the zipper, Christian slips his legs into the suit and starts to arrange it, while Elisa appeared in front of him and helped him get dressed.

Seeing Christian in the suit, Elisa smiled and began to zipper him up, noticing out of the corner of her eye how the suit fit Christian\'s toned body perfectly, causing the sparkle in her eyes to increase even more and Christian finally realized that all the impatience he saw in Elisa had its origin in a simple carnal desire on the part of his beloved.

Chuckling, Christian looked down at himself and asked, "Do I look that good?"

Pulling away from Christian slightly, Elisa watched him silently and bit her lips, then moved closer to him and gently caressed his chest.


Looking up at Christian, Elisa blushed slightly and dodged his gaze "It looks nice... but don\'t you think it\'s too tight?"

Christian\'s suit really was a work of art to any woman\'s eye in this world.

Dyed a dark color, the suit fit Christian perfectly, perfectly highlighting his toned back, broad shoulders and blending perfectly with the pale skin of its wearer.

Even Elisa who has seen Christian\'s naked body every day for the past few years felt incredibly horny.

Biting her lips, Elisa clamped down on Christian and suddenly grabbed his ass, then looked up to Christian and smiled showing her teeth "It\'s too tight."

"If you want to unzip my suit a little bit and we\'ll play for a while~" Lowering his head slightly, Christian leaned closer to Elisa\'s ear and whispered, while his hands were already actively roaming his beloved redhead\'s big ass.

"Don\'t you think it\'s too early to get amorous?" Emerging from the bathroom with her body completely naked and damp from the shower, Sarah towel dried her hair and asked with raised eyebrows.

Turning his gaze to Sarah, Christian scanned every inch of her body and smiled "You two make my day to day life harder and harder to get along with, you know that?"

"Me?" opening the dresser to pull out clothes, Sarah asked "I didn\'t do anything, you\'re the weird one."

Smiling towards Elisa, Christian released his grip and walked quickly towards Sarah, then hugged her from behind and held her breasts gently while whispering in her ear "Just look at this lustful body of yours, my hormones are at their peak with just one look~"

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue, Sarah pulled her hands away from Christian and pulled a couple of clothes out of the closet, then glanced sideways at Christian\'s suit and commented "You\'re going with that on?"

"Does it look bad?" Turning back to Elisa, Christian wrapped his arms around her and asked.

"I thought you liked to be discreet?"

"Discreet? Me?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled and commented "Since I was a kid I was taught to shine, not hide my shine."

"Whatever, you ready to go?"

"Almost ready" Kissing Elisa\'s neck, Christian released her and walked to a corner of the room, then grabbed a shoe box and pulled out some dark green shoes "I also bought you shoes in case you want to wear them"

"Are they necessary?"

"Not really, but they give you more security." Shrugging, Christian sat down on the bed and put the shoes on, then looked at himself in the large mirror on the wall and smiled "I\'m a real work of art".

Rolling her eyes as she approached Christian, Elisa fastened the collar of the suit and began to adjust it while asking "Where\'s Helen?"

"She fell asleep and my mother took the opportunity to spend time with her."

Adjusting the protection of the suit with Elisa\'s help, Christian turned to Sarah and asked "Which one are you driving?"

"Isn\'t it obvious?" smiling with sudden excitement, Sarah replied "The Harley-Davidson."

"I don\'t know why I expected something different" Shaking his head, Christian sighed.

"Which one are you going with?"

"I\'m taking the Kawasaki out today, so try hard to keep up with me."

"Just make sure the police don\'t catch you" Scoffing mockingly, Sarah finished putting on her bra and continued "Because you\'ve already lost your car for the next few months and it would be a shame to lose your bike."

"Tsk" Clicking his tongue, Christian replied "The Lamborghini gets it back in about a month at the most."

Turning to Elisa, Christian smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her waist, then pulled her close to him and asked "Sure you don\'t want to come with us? I can give you a ride on my bike."

"It\'s okay, you know I don\'t like to go out and this is a time for you two, enjoy it" Smiling softly, Elisa rested her head on Christian\'s chest and continued "But don\'t forget to bring me some candy to eat"

"Only if you give me a kiss"

"For you..." Looking up, Elisa raised herself up on the tiptoes of her feet and kissed Christian\'s lips repeatedly, then licked her lips and smiled "As many as you want~"

"Are you ready?" being quickly dressed, Sarah slipped on her shoes and asked towards Christian, instantly dreading a tedious 1000 hour wait typical of a man.

"I\'m ready, let me finish getting ready" With a last kiss on Elisa\'s lips and a quick squeeze to her delicious buttocks, Christian went about adjusting his specialized motorcycle shoes and applied the last adjustments to his suit, then put away his wallet and cell phone and smiled towards Sarah "We\'re leaving? I have the helmets in the garage next to the keys."

Approaching Sarah, Elisa grabbed her jacket and kissed her quickly on the lips. She then looked at Christian out of the corner of her eye and whispered in his ear "Take care of Christian, with those clothes he\'s wearing now, maybe he\'ll find some problems with the typical annoying women... don\'t let him kill anyone".

Raising her eyebrows at those last words, Sarah turned to Christian and sighed, then kissed Elisa\'s lips and nodded "It\'s okay, I\'ll watch the \'boy\'"

"Have a good trip" Smiling softly, Elisa gave Sarah one last kiss and turned to Christian "And you drive carefully, don\'t do anything crazy or I\'ll be mad at you"

"Yeah, yeah, don\'t worry" Waving his hand, Christian walked past Elisa and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then walked towards the door as he commented "See ya~"

Yawning as he walks towards the garage, Christian pulled out his cell phone and as he always tends to do, quickly checked the political news section.

While Christian knows perfectly well the flow of the world of the future, he has never neglected in the slightest the important details in the face of a possible unexpected variable.

After all, the fact that the butterfly effect doesn\'t seem to exist in this world makes Christian wary of the future every day.

Looking news by news, Christian yawned while arriving at the garage and raised his eyebrows when reading a specific one, then sighed and muttered "So began the harsh laws against bitcoin... in the future bitcoin will rise thanks to the pandemic, but after that it will be brutally attacked by multiple people... of course, in 2038 it will be a relevant currency again but for a long time it was labeled as a common garbage".

"But here is my creation along with Emily... we can\'t let it fall" Pursing his lips as he thinks, Christian opened his message section and sent an audio "Lila, honey, I see there is a proposal for a new law that seeks to tax bitcoin..... I would like them to not charge taxes for bitcoins held and only charge taxes for those who make transfers to other accounts or make withdrawals for money, something similar to company shares... it would also be great if taxes were avoided for bitcoins already mined before the publication of the law, I know there was talk about that but it\'s still under debate and maybe it will be denied."

"Take it as a favor I owe you, take care~" Sending the audio, Christian sighed and put his cell phone away as he muttered "The law should be passed around 2021 or 2022... when the quarantine begins we will announce that we are the creators of bitcoin... it will have an abysmal rise and with the Grey conglomerate backing it, few rich people will dare to gamble with our creation... I will have mom prepare everything legal"

Pulling his helmet out from inside a box, Christian looks at the exquisite dark color on the helmet and the visibly good material it is made of "Worthy of a $5500 dollar helmet... carbon fiber and aramid, it should even be able to withstand a 9mm bullet"

"Where\'s my helmet?" Reaching into the garage, Sarah looks sideways and asks.

"Here" Pulling out a similar helmet, Christian tosses it towards Sarah and walks over to the key ring by the door, then pulls out the bike key and opens the garage door.

Walking h towards the box, Christian pulls out two pairs of dark gloves and tosses one towards Sarah "This will protect you from the cold and if you fall off you won\'t fuck up your hands."

"Good" Accepting the gloves, Sarah slips them on and grabs her keys.

Reaching the bike, Christian put on his helmet and adjusted it, then put on his gloves and started the bike.

Gently twisting the throttle, Christian instantly heard the beautiful roar of the engine, causing him to sigh and turn his gaze to the visibly excited Sarah.

"I\'ll go ahead, I\'ll wait for you outside the house" Instantly accelerating, Christian pulled out of the garage and began to quickly analyze the speed of the motorcycle, noting with some excitement that the slightest flick of the wrist causes the motorcycle to accelerate rapidly.

Slowing down as he passed the area where his mother should be with her daughter, Christian glanced out of the corner of his eye at the forest and continued driving towards the exit, finding after a few seconds the exit which as always, is surrounded by security guards.

"I\'ll be back in the afternoon, don\'t follow us" Looking at the afternoon shift manager, Christian waited for the exit door to open and drove out, then stopped the bike and waited for Sarah.


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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