
Chapter 79: Chapter 2, Episode 4

Chapter 79: Chapter 2, Episode 4

Translated by KaiesV

Edited by KaiesV

「What the hell are you talking about?? It’s an unbelievable fact…」

It was a bolt out of the blue sky.

「I would like to ask you not to mislead us!」

Douglas-sama was stunned and denied it, but Raul interrupted him with a loud voice.

「Not only now. Earlier the Commander was proudly holding her shoulder in front of me! To Marsha, who was still my fiancée, at the time!」

I can’t believe it. This man is putting himself on the shelf and screaming that I was unfaithful. And the other party is Douglas-sama!?

「Moreover, at that time, the Commander said to me.『She is the one person who is irreplaceable and precious to me.』! If this is not a declaration of war against me, what is!」

Raul’s accusations begin to rustle the onlookers around us. The words,「Adultery!?」and「Plunder?」「The Kingsguard Commander and the Head Lady-in-waiting?」were beginning to reach my ears one after another, coming from nowhere.

「Even now, with even Captain Reinier present, I jumped in head first with the Commander. This is the second time. Even now, even「Silence!!」」

The next line of dialogue was interrupted by a blackmail from Ryniel-sama.

The shudder of laughter was replaced by a tremor of too much anger. If Ryniel-sama’s blackmail had been even a little late, my anger would have exploded first.

「then.「Shut up, Raul Colden! Despite your declaration of self-awareness, do you not remember what you did to her?! Or is it something you remember saying!!」」


「She ran away to Commander Douglas, it is a complication to assume infidelity on that basis alone. Who was doing the deed that made her run away in the first place!?」

「Although we are no longer engaged, Marsha and I have known each other since childhood. The act of running away proves that she is guilty of something against me!」

「That is why I ask if you don’t remember what you did to her!」

「I am aware that I broke her heart. And it is my duty to heal that wound…!」

「Don’t make me laugh! I’m sure it wasn’t just her heart that was hurt! You have disgraced her honor and dignity during the ten years she spent as your fiancée, and now you want to repeat the same thing!」


「That’s not all. Have you already forgotten about the false accusation the other day? I could give you a detailed account of what the 4th Unit did to her before it was reorganized, right here and now!」

「About… that….」

「Take another hard look at it with that in mind!」

Ryniel-sama’s rebuke, which took on a respectful tone. The fact that he calls Raul “you” gives us a glimpse of how much it offends him.

「She didn’t run away because she feels guilty. She’s afraid and frightened of you, which is why she’s forced to flee!!!!」

There was no room for me or Douglas-sama to interfere with the momentum.

「And not only the Commander, she is definitely『irreplaceable and important』to me. Of course, it’s not just me, but everyone in the Queen’s Palace is thinking it. According to your theory, you are declaring war to all of them!」

「That is different from this!」

「It is not different. What right do you have to undermine her even after the engagement is broken!? Realize that you are spouting nonsense!」


Raul hung his head without any power, as if he could not refute anything. I don’t need to see it. Even after all these reprimands, he hasn’t lost his self-drunken, theatrical tone of dialogue.

What a pathetic, embarrassing man.

What did he want to do by making up the story of my and Douglas-sama’s infidelity? It’s now a well-known fact who was at fault for breaking off the engagement. Is he acting out of a desire to reduce his own culpability as much as possible, or does he seriously misunderstand that there is something between me and Douglas-sama?

Either way, this behavior only strengthens my dislike of Raul.

「…Please stop there already…」

Too much anger and dismay, on the contrary, made me calm down.

My body trembled with anger, and my voice was equally shaky, but it was the best way to settle the situation.

「Are you alright, Marsha?」

I stopped hiding behind Douglas-sama’s back, and Ryniel-sama came running up to me and stopped at a certain distance.

「Yes, I’m alright. Thank you, Ryniel-sama.」

I can still keep my reason because Ryniel-sama got angry with me before my anger exploded.

「Thank you as well, Douglas-sama.」

I looked up and thanked Douglas-sama as well. And I’m sorry, I also put an apology in my gaze. I’m really sorry that you had to get strange suspicions about my opponent.


Douglas-sama laughs at me and says, “Don’t worry about it,” but I am so frustrated.


I answer his hand reaching out to me pleadingly, with a tangled backward step. Raul was shocked that I backed away, but when he saw Douglas-sama supporting my wobbly body, he looked at me and said, “I knew it.”

「Can you take a look at this?」

With that, I held out my hand toward Raul, yet visible to the surrounding onlookers.

At that moment, there was a great commotion in the surrounding area.

「You can see it, can’t you? I can’t stop shaking.」

I hug myself. Still, I can’t stop shaking.

「This is all the reason I reject you. There is no other reason whatsoever.」

It’s enough to let people know that what Ryniel-sama said was right, by implication, and not only Raul, but also the people around us, right? Everything I wanted to say was said by Ryniel-sama. Then I will not say anything unnecessary, I will just go along with it as best I can.

「Please don’t such low-class intuitions.」

It’s easy to imagine how those around us would interpret the weakness shown for the first time by the Queen’s Head Lady-in-waiting, who is said to be a woman of character who never wavers in any way.

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