
Chapter 173 - The Wolf Will Be A Great King

Xiao Zai was swarmed the moment he returned to the throne room. The volume of the arguments going on inside could be heard from behind the closed doors, but it couldn\'t compare to the cacophony once he stepped inside.

He spent ages answering the same questions. Yes his Grace was fine and so was the child. There really was a child inside him and not just a hearty meal. Several people knew about the pregnancy including the Queen Dowager, his dam, and his Grace\'s parents, who had even sent out word of their desire to host the child\'s 100 day ceremony -- Xiao Zai had their letter right there.

That particular point silenced a lot of the discordant voices, who seemed to resign themselves to the fact that this was really happening.

But the question on the tip of everyone\'s tongue was: how was it possible?

Xiao Zai answered honestly: he didn\'t know, but personally he had no interest in questioning his good fortune for fear that the Heavens would find him ungrateful.

His reluctance to say anything else on the subject silenced the contingent that was still in the mood to argue some more.

Finally, the Minister of Works, he of the many concubines and several godchildren, finally voiced the one question that had worried him, and all the ministers like him: "and, uh, will, I suppose, soon to be, his Majesty make any changes to the cabinet, and administrative posts?"

Finally he was addressing the biggest concern of those interested in keeping everything exactly the same as it had always been.

"Naturally, civil servant exams will take place as usual, and candidates will be promoted into ministry positions according to their results," he smiled at the fidgeting Minister of Works. "I expect any replacements and changes to happen on the basis of merit, and follow the appropriate procedures."

In theory that\'s how it always should have been. In practice, unscrupulous ministers got rid of any promising individuals who joined their ministry for fear of being overshadowed and eventually replaced.

Xiao Zai had plans to address the corruption going on at all levels inside the court, but no intention in admitting to it just yet.

The Minister of Works could only wring his hands some more and smile weakly. "Of course, of course, his...Majesty knows best."

But there was a change Xiao Zai wanted to make immediately. "However, there is something I plan to address right away. I\'d like to establish the post of Great Chancellor, which will be a royal adviser of the highest rank, who will also oversee matters regarding civil service."

Xiao Zai turned towards Xiao Yuan, who had disappeared towards the back of the room, making himself almost invisible -- a far cry from the man who had faced down their father and renounced the throne in dramatic fashion.

"And I\'d like my brother, Xiao Wuyuan, to be Great Chancellor."

The room fell into an uneasy silence, as if collectively holding their breaths. Xiao Zai knew some of them must be questioning whether Xiao Yuan\'s abdication had been entirely voluntary or if Xiao Zai had forced his hand. 

The truth lay somewhere in the middle, but Xiao Zai didn\'t want to repeat the mistakes of the previous generations. He didn\'t want his brother, or his brother\'s future children to feel like they had anything to fear from him. He felt the same way about all his young siblings, whose lives were about to suffer a great upheaval.

He was determined to let go of the past and to lead Zui into a road of common prosperity for all -- and he had to start with his own family.

"It would be my honour," Xiao Yuan said, after a prolonged silence, bowing deeply to Xiao Zai, all the way across the the room.


Xiao Zai dismissed everyone from the throne room. The court would be suspended until his coronation, and the Queen Dowager would be regent in the interim.

The First Prince stayed back as the crowd exited the throne room, he was probably still in disbelief.

"Why? Why are you doing this? You\'re already going to be King," Xiao Yuan said, without meeting Xiao Zai\'s eyes.

Part of him must be feeling weak or diminished for not managing to hold on to the title of Crown Prince -- regardless of how unsuited he was for the role.

"I think you\'ll be good at it," Xiao Zai said, although that was only a guess. "Father kept both of us under his thumb, and it hurt us both in different ways. You are part of the royal family of Zui, and you should serve its people."

They didn\'t need to be friends for Xiao Zai to give his brother a chance to rescue his life from the pit their father had pushed it into.

Speaking of which, "If you want, you can marry Fan Jiang."

Xiao Yuan looked up into Xiao Zai\'s eyes visibly startled, his mouth fell open in shock but no sound came out

"I\'ll give him a noble title, and you\'ll be able to marry him."

"Thank you," Xiao Yuan said, lowering his head to hide his red eyes.

Xiao Zai knew that gratitude could almost feel shameful at times, so he patted Xiao Yuan\'s shoulder and told him to go back home.

He was about to leave too when he heard a voice coming from behind him. "You\'re going to be a great King."

Gu Wei stood leaning against a pillar, supporting one elbow in his palm as he looked on at Xiao Zai with a gentle smile.

"Where were you?" Xiao Zai asked, stepping closer to his dam. "I thought you wouldn\'t want to miss this."

Gu Wei gave him one of his enigmatic smiles. "I wanted to celebrate in my own way, or perhaps enjoy my last day on earth, if things didn\'t go according to plan." He reached forward to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Xiao Zai\'s ear. "It was a good thing, what you did for Xiao Yuan."

Xiao Zai let out a relieved breath. He hadn\'t known how his dam would react when he came up with the idea.

"There\'s someone I want you to meet," Gu Wei said, "It\'s time, now that it\'s finally safe."

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