
Chapter 444 Fishing Docks (2)

The moment the rats went in, they found that there was only a single figure that was standing in the room. However, even though this figure was alone, it wasn\'t someone that could be underestimated.

The moment the rats went in, Brainy was able to sense the aura of the figure that was inside and it immediately made it decide to pull the rats out. It was just too bad that the figure inside didn\'t plan on letting them go.

Because of how small the room was, as soon as the rats entered, the figure was able to detect them.

The figure inside moved at a speed that the rats couldn\'t keep up to and in a flash, all the rats were being held in the figure\'s hand.

When it was all over, the figure looked down at the rats in its hands and couldn\'t help being surprised to see rats present, but still it didn\'t think too much about it. With its other hand, it swiped out across the rats that it was holding in its hand and they all went limp, but there wasn\'t a single drop of blood that was spilled since it had only knocked the rats out.

Then it picked out one of the rats that it was holding and brought it to its mouth before biting down. At a visible rate, the rat began developing wrinkles all over its body until it became a shriveled up husk of what it once was.

This was the special ability of the ghosts, their ability to suck up all the life force inside a living being.

Yes, what was inside the room was a ghost, but it wasn\'t just any ghost. This was a ghost that was in the Child Soul Realm, which meant that it was a cut above all the other ghosts that were wandering around this area.

If this place followed the same rules as the other places, this should mean that this Child Soul Realm ghost was a mid area boss and would drop something that they would need to fight the final boss.

At the very least, if they defeated this Child Soul Realm ghost, they would receive some kind of clue as to what to do here.

But they also couldn\'t just rush in without any preparations since that wouldn\'t be effective.

After thinking about it, Lin Fan pulled out another few rats that he slipped through the window and once Brainy confirmed that the ghost was focused on the rats, he burst through the door. The moment he went through the door, he saw the surprised ghost look in his direction.

When the ghost turned, he even had a rat that was still in his mouth that was in the process of having its life force being sucked out.

But still, as a Child Soul Realm ghost, the ghost naturally reacted quickly and immediately threw the rats at Lin Fan to distract him.

Lin Fan didn\'t hesitate at all to knock them aside with his free hand as he swept out with the sword in his other hand.

The Child Soul Realm ghost might have been caught off guard, but it definitely wasn\'t unable to fight back at all, especially since the blade that was coming at it didn\'t have a single law surrounding it.

When it saw what this human was using to challenge it, it couldn\'t help feeling surprised since this human didn\'t seem to be using anything that could contest it. While the blade that the human used was considered a strong artifact, that still wasn\'t enough to deal with it.

Still, he wasn\'t responsible for humans that seeked their own deaths so he raised his claw and aimed it right at the human.

What he never expected was that the moment before his claw could reach the human\'s blade, there was a sudden golden glow that suddenly surrounded the human\'s blade.

The ghost\'s eyes immediately narrowed once it saw this glow since it knew exactly what it was, but it was already too late for it to do a single thing…

The only thing that the ghost could do was twist its body at the very last second, but Lin Fan had also predicted this from fighting all the other ghosts, so he had tilted his sword as well to match this. The moment the ghost twisted, the sword also followed it down and slashed right through the ghost\'s arm before cutting through its body as well.

The ghost was cut right in half down the middle and it fell down in two different parts. Everything from the torso down fell down right in front of Lin Fan while everything from the torso up flew a few meters before landing at the door where Mo Ze Chen was standing.

Mo Ze Chen couldn\'t help taking a step back when the ghost\'s top half suddenly landed in front of him, but the ghost didn\'t have time to care about that.

With the last bit of energy that the ghost had, it looked back at Lin Fan, in particular, the golden glow that was around him. There was a bit of hope that appeared in his eyes before he slumped down and let himself be turned into ashes.

After the ghost\'s body had completely turned into ashes and disappeared, but unlike before where only one thing dropped, there were two golden objects that appeared where the legs of the ghost had been.

Neither of these objects were normal objects. One of them was a rudder which seemed to be for a ship and the other was a children\'s book.

Lin Fan ignored the rudder first and reached out to take the children\'s book.

When he picked it up, the usual thing happened where the golden glow around the book entered the golden diamond on Lin Fan\'s forehead, but he ignored this and focused on the content of the book.

The book had an interesting story for a children\'s book, but Lin Fan still didn\'t know how it applied to this situation. The one thing that Lin Fan did have to criticize about the book was the ending, which was clearly too grim for a children\'s book.

The book was about the story of a little girl and the whale that she met.

One day, the little girl was walking along the beach until she found a whale who was swimming off the surface of the coast. The little girl was amazed that there was such a large creature out in the world, so she waved out to it and surprisingly, the whale came over to where she was.

The whale as it turned out wasn\'t a normal whale, but rather a special beast that had developed intelligence, but had been separated from its pack. It had been wandering all alone ever since.

It had tried to make friends, but everyone that tried to talk to in the sea had run away after seeing it. So when it had finally found someone willing to talk to it, it was naturally very happy.

The two of them spent several afternoons together and soon became close friends.

Of course, the people from the little girl\'s village wondered where she went all these days, so her parents asked her about it.

The little girl told the wonderful story of her whale friend, wanting to share the amazing story of how she had become friends with a whale, but no one in the village believed her. That was until the day someone had followed her to the beach and had found her playing with the whale in the water.

The people of this village lived by the sea, so naturally they were people that relied on fishing as their main source of income. For them, a whale was considered a jackpot, one that would bring prosperity to the entire village.

So after confirming that the little girl wasn\'t lying about the whale, they told her that they wanted to meet her whale friend too. Of course, they didn\'t tell her the real reason why they wanted to meet her whale friend.

The little girl remembered how her whale friend had told her that it had wanted to make new friends, so the little girl agreed to the requests of the villagers.

The next day, the little girl led a few of the villagers to where she would be meeting her whale friend, but what she didn\'t know was that the other villagers had sailed fishing boats out to surround the area the whale would be appearing in.

The whale was still young, so it was still naive. While it had been suspicious at first when the little girl showed up with all these people, it still trusted them in the end since they were relatives of the little girl. The whale had let down its guard and in the end, that was what finished it.

While it was being distracted by the villagers that had come with the little girl, the boats had already silently surrounded it and had aimed their harpoons at it.

When the whale stopped moving to let one of the villagers place a crown of flowers on it, the boats fired their harpoon.

Before the whale even knew what was going on, the harpoons had already pierced its body. Even with all the blubber that a whale had, with all these harpoons piercing it, there was no chance of it surviving.

But the worst wound that it received wasn\'t from all these harpoons, the worst wound was from a single harpoon that pierced right into its heart, splattering its blood onto the little girl.

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