
Chapter 172 Long Forgotten Abilities!

"Teleportation start!"

Following Elric\'s command, both he and Ava began to concentrate on their surroundings, beginning to act.

"Ha~ Ha~"

"Damn this is not easy, thankfully it seems to be working"

Panting tiredly, Elric began to feel the surrounding space distort just like it did after summoning the abyss gate

"Master, it\'s now or never!"

Sensing the approaching Baphomet, Ava knew their time was up.

Thankfully, everything was already set

"Alright Ava, let\'s go!"

With that said, under Baphomet\'s shocked gaze, Elric\'s figure disappeared resulting in him hitting an empty space


Crashing into the empty ground, Baphomet who expected a freshly made human shish kabob with his horns was



Scratching his head, Baphomet quickly looked left and right trying to find his prey

"No human?"

"Impossible! How could a mere human escape under my one-of-a-kind bull charge!"

Snorting out puffs of white steam from his nostrils, Baphomet\'s eyes turned red In disbelief




"Humans come out here! Don\'t make lord Baphomet search for you!"

With eyes full of rage, Baphomet shouted angrily as he kept destroying all that stood in his way out of rage




Soon time passed, and huge kilometre large pits had been created due to Baphomet rampage

"Damn stupid bull, how could you let the human escape?"

"Instead of destroying everything, wouldn\'t it be better to send some demons to find him?"

Floating in the air, Ginoress frowned as she looked down on the rampaging Baphomet from above

"But then again, this human seems to be really interesting"

"First that strange gate, and then this strange means of teleportation"

"It\'s making me just want to eat you up!"

Licking her lips charmingly, Ginoress smiled hoping this trip to the lower abyss would be too boring.

Unfortunately, little did she know that the little human both she and Baphomet looked down upon would soon surprise them.



"Cough! Cough!"

"Ava what happened, am I dead?"

Stretching out his head from a pile of sand, Elric spat out pieces of dirt from his mouth

"However if I\'m dead then am I in heaven or hell?"

"After all, this is a world where gods and demons exist, I wouldn\'t be surprised if there\'s a heaven and hell too"

Murmuring under his breath, Elric crawled out from the sand expecting either an angel or demon to pick him up

However, a sudden familiar voice in his mind let him know he wasn\'t dead

"Haha master, what are you talking about? You obviously aren\'t dead"

"Don\'t you remember, we just teleported after almost being rammed through by that weird bull fellow"

Speaking of Baphomet, a clear sense of frustration could be heard in Ava\'s voice as she spoke

"Oh right I remember now!"

"If it wasn\'t for that damn bullhead we could have used the abyss gate to go back"

"Now we have to wait for at least two months"

Placing his palm on his forehead, Elric couldn\'t help but curse Baphomet

Thanks to his unexpected attack, he was trapped in the abyss.

*Cough cough!*

*Damn, and to crown it all off my sickness seems to be getting worse"

Coughing out a bit of blood, Elric frowned as he looked at his right arm

And sure enough, things were not looking good.

Just like what happened to Alvin back then, Elric\'s veins had begun to turn red

"I\'m being assimilated!"

Feeling his own changes, Elric knew if things were to continue the only two options would be left for him

One, either be assimilated successfully and become an abyss demon

Or two, die as a result of the assimilation process failing

Neither of which Elric wanted to happen to him, unfortunately it seemed that things were already set

Judging from the blood he was coughing u now, obviously the assimilation process was failing

If something couldn\'t be done soon, then all that awaited him was nothing but death.

Fortunately, although he didn\'t have an idea of what to do, someone else did

"Hehe master I think you\'re forgetting about something"

Laughing in Elric\'s mind, Ava\'s soothing voice came bringing a smile to his face

"What is it Ava?"

*Cough cough*

"As you can see, it doesn\'t matter if I\'m still alive, I don\'t think that\'ll be much longer"

Struggling to sit up, Elric sat on his sandhill in a lotus position as he continued to speak to Ava

"Master remember that Avalon isn\'t a normal world"

"Back, although it was combined with the \'source of the extraordinary\' and other things"

"Each of their individual characteristics still exists"

Hearing Ava say this, Elric\'s eyes brightened

"Haha, how could I forget!"

"The source of the extraordinary, it\'s been such a long time since I received it, that I almost forgot"

Thinking of Ava\'s words, Elric already understood what she meant

Back then when he was bestowed the source of the extraordinary, that alone came with many abilities

And one of them was to use any abilities that wizards create now and in the future

Along with having the ability to borrow their mana, Elric\'s position as the most powerful wizard can be said to be all but secured.

And now, this ability which he had almost forgotten was the only thing that could save his life now.

"Haha thanks Ava you\'re the best!"

Laughing heartily, Elric kept on thanking Ava for her reminder

After all, without her, his life could be said to be over

Thinking of this, Elric shook his head.

"However I have to act quickly, I don\'t think my body can last much longer like this"

Feeling a strong burning sensation in his heart and lungs, Elric found it difficult to breath

"Alvin, it\'s up to you!"

"Abyss mage transformation go!"

Calling up Alvin\'s ability, Elric\'s structure gradually began to change into one of an abyss demon!


Under the sudden transformation, Elric\'s bones and organs began to break, shatter, melt, and reorganise themselves


Feeling an unbearable pain cursing throughout his body, Elric had no choice but to roar out to the sky in agony.

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