
Chapter 150 The True Beginning (13)

Iliana was currently on her way to Raneil Barony. She had chosen to go to Raneil Barony because it was the farthest place from Randalvine.

Furthermore, Basil\'s sudden request, and the disappearance of the Monsters in BA-22 coincided with each other. Considering how meticulous Basil was, she believed there must be a relation between these two events.

Therefore, it was better to head to the place that was prone to danger the most.

She didn\'t know how Basil figured out there was something going to happen, but she decided not to entertain the though for now. She could only expect, and see what would happen in the near future.

With that being said, she couldn\'t help getting annoyed though.

"Tsk. Your Master didn\'t even say anything about his family\'s whereabouts, little guy." Iliana frowned while looking at Deacon. "Luckily, you are smart enough to tell me where they are."


Deacon puffed his chest proudly.

Turning her head to the carriage window, Iliana looked at the trees the carriage were passing in each seconds. She was reminded of her first arrival at Braxtein Kingdom.

Although at that time she had been in someone\'s embrace, not a carriage, the scene she had witnessed had been exactly like the one she was seeing. Only the mood made it different for her.

That night she was filled with terror, and sorrow; this time, she was filled with merriness, and curiosity. Of course, there was also another similarity between the two: something big followed right after.

Iliana\'s mouth slightly slanted upward. She looked like she was smiling, but her eyes betrayed the gesture her body made. A mixture of complicated feelings filled her eyes; it could never be described.

Shaking her head delicately, Iliana closed her eyes. She started Carving her next Magic Circle; she would never stop advancing.

She was a practical person. She didn\'t like doing something unfruitful like reminiscing about the unchangeable past.

With her attention focused solely on getting stronger, her journey to fulfill a request from her junior continued.


Death Howl Dungeon, Lone Plain, Outer Region.

A battle between a single young man and a horde of Low to Middle Class Demons was still ongoing. The young man was bravely facing the horde, keeping his stance firm, even at the ceaseless charge of the Demons.

This young man was no other than Basil who hadn\'t used his Qi for the past half an hour. He was fighting with his pure physical prowess while effectively putting his Sword Style: [Immovable Boulder In The River] in practice.

It was a Sword Style he had developed in his early days as a Knight—when he could only count on a good Technique to survive. In the past, this Sword Style had saved his life countless of times whenever he lacked the Qi.

Basil had always had a harsh day in his past life as a Knight. Due to his low self-esteem and the lack of love he received from the people around him, once someone had shown him a little bit of kindness, he had quickly believed in the person.

Due to this, he had often been scammed, and beaten close to death by the people he had put his trust into. Of course, it didn\'t take him long to stop believing in just anyone.

However, the danger from the people around him didn\'t completely vanish; he still needed something to protect himself.

Basil, who had been merely a Low Rank Knight at that time, had racked his brain to create a Sword Style that could allow him to fight someone of a higher quality Core, which he had often encountered.

After a some trial and error, [Immovable Boulder In The River] was born. It was a Sword Style which focused in defense, and specifically made for a one-sided fight. It didn\'t allow the user to move a single step from their place, except from pivoting.

To be able to use this Sword Style, the user needed to have a high stamina, and equally great concentration; it was exhausting for both mind, and body.

Needless to say, it suited Basil, whose stamina and mental capacity were exceptionally, greatly; he had really created the Sword Style solely for him.

While being charged by the countless of Demons from three sides—front, left, and right—Basil didn\'t waver even in the least.

He kept swinging his sword here and there, attacking the vital parts of the Demons, killing them in one strike. His keen eyes and extraordinary concentration helped him in this endeavor.

He pivoted whenever it was necessary; gracefulness filled the entirety of his movement. Even if both of his hands trembled, it looked like it was essentially a part of the Sword Style.


A Hog Orc blocked Basil\'s sword for the first time. His hands trembled, and he delicately bit his lower lip. His body was close to its breaking; it doesn\'t take a genius to see how fatigue he was.

Infusing his Mana to the sword, the Rune Carved on its blade shone intensely. Within an inhale of breath later, fire encapsulated his sword. With eyes shining in excitement, he condensed the fire on his sword, then swung it savagely.


The sword cut through the Hog Orc as if a hot knife cutting through a butter; it was bisected diagonally. Even in its last moment, its eyes were still planted on Basil; intense hatred filled its eyes.

Right after the body of the Hog Orc dropped to the ground, another one jumped to the front, and quickly snatched the body. Basil knew what it was about to do, and it would make the situation more difficult for him.

However, he couldn\'t do anything.

One might wonder how a ten meters wide tunnel could host hundreds of Demon corpses whose bodies were big enough to entirely close the passage of the tunnel.

The answer, is the Hog Orc: the corpses were eaten by them in each seconds. They had a special ability called [Insatiable Urge] that allowed them to process any corpses they had eaten to energy.

This is the reason why in a horde, they were always positioned in the back line: so they could consume the corpses of the Demons that had been killed.

When every Demons in the front line had been completely killed, they would step to the front and face the enemy. Needless to say, they would be, at least, twice stronger when that time came.

This thing was currently happening inside the tunnel.

Basil clicked his tongue in slight annoyance. The more he spent his time killing the Demons, the more of them arrived. He was slightly lucky he was fighting in a limited place. If not, he would be encircled a long time ago.

"Alright, my Qi has recovered." Basil exhaled lightly. "Vagus, show me your brilliance, without ruining the situation."

\'What do you mean ruining the situation? I only ruin one thing, and that is a cheap sword!\'

Basil lightly smirked, and infused all of the Qi he managed to recover. His sword glowed in dark green light, and his body steamed as if he had just gotten out of an extremely hot sauna.

Slowly, he infused a part of Vagus\' soul into the sword. The sword trembled, and so are Basil\'s hands.

The previously green light was slowly changing, and when the sword glowed in bright blue light, Basil held it horizontally.

A crushing, invisible aura could be strongly felt from his entire existence; it made the Demons\' keen instinct scream loudly in their mind.

However, instead of running, they thought they could stop him; they charged at him. Of course, they would never be able to reach him in time.


It was the first time Basil rose his voice in his second life, and it was also Caesar\'s first time hearing it.

An inexplicable feeling filled Caesar\'s chest, and his heart unconsciously beat faster in excitement; he felt like he was fighting with his Lord once again.

"YES!" He replied with the same enthusiasm he had shown back then.

Basil was quick in his action; he quickly swung his sword.


All of the Demons felt it: the feeling of getting their souls forcefully pulled out of their body. However, it was the only thing they experienced; nothing big happened, contrary to their expectation.

Of course, it was nothing more than an intro of Basil\'s attack; it was just the calm before the storm. The true disaster was just about to happen.


Although it took a second until this word was uttered, it only took a blink of an eye for the disaster to come. A blinding light that no one knew where it came from assaulted the Demons\' eyes.

The world almost looked like a blank sheet of white paper in front of their eyes. Before long, they noticed they couldn\'t hear a single thing; not even their own scream of anguish.


A ground shaking explosion occured, and all of the Demons that were exposed to the blinding white light turned to vapour. Some of the farther Demons got their body bisected or almost cleanly cut in half.

Regardless of the different magnitude of injuries they received, they were all completely flustered.

Of course, Basil wasn\'t left unscathed either. Due to his already worn out condition, his body couldn\'t bear the aftereffect of [Synchronization].

His palms were completely ruined; one could even see some parts of the bones. His ears were also bleeding, as his eardrums were ruptured.

Most of his muscles were completely torn, leaving him with heavy bruises here and there. To summarize his condition, he looked like crap.

As his body was completely immobile, he had Caesar pulled him out of the tunnel.

The Magic Barrier was completed now, and it could hold the horde back for, at least, two weeks. Withinn that time, Basil would finish Recarving his fourth Magic Circle.

"Caesar, bring me back to my cell. I need to rest," Basil said with closed eyes.

Caesar looked down at Basil, and nodded his head silently. His eyes were solemn, but a small smile decorated his face.

He was amazed at his Young Master\'s tenacity, but also saddened at the incoming event.

His time had come.

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