
Chapter 209 How It Feels To Be The Loser (18)

While Basil and the others were going their separate ways due to the "unexpected event," team 3 that was lead by Eugene had already arrived at the area they were assigned to.

In other words, they were now meeting the 10 Paladins guarding the mansion of Baron Kreiss Raneil to establish a cooperation.

Upon entering the front yard of the mansion, they could see a group of Paladins were standing right in front of the mansion. One of the Paladins stepped forward, and greeted them by himself.

"Mr. Eugene! We\'ve heard everything from Head Priest Eban." Said Paladin turned his gaze to Eugene\'s teammates, and also greeted them. "Hello, Mr. Eugene\'s friends!"

The other students had expected the Paladins would treat them harshly at first due to their status as a Mage and non-believer, but they immediately heaved a sigh of relief when the Paladin in front of them also treated them with courtesy.

"I\'m sorry for bothering you on your off day, Caaden." Eugene politely bowed his head at the Paladin who was covered with a shining white armor from head to toe. "Not only you, the others too—"

The Paladin, whose name was Caaden, raised his hand and stoped Eugene from finishing his sentence. "Instead of saying sorry," he put his hand on his helmet, then took it off, "what about thanking me for what I do?"

Long, brown haired that was tied in bun; a pair of bright, red eyes; a beautiful face with a bright, healthy skin tone; and an attractive smile to complement it all. When Caaden\'s face was revealed, Eugene\'s teammates slightly widened their eyes.

"A female? There is a also a female Paladin?"

"To think that the Church allows a woman to fight..."

They were actually more surprised at the fact that they couldn\'t previously see Caaden was a woman. They could normally easily notice someone\'s actual gender from their stature and build, but this time they had really thought Caaden was a man.

All of the students had the same thought in their mind: \'Even the voice sounded very natural—it really sounded like a man\'s voice. To think that the Church can compete with the Kingdom in terms of military equipment ... They really are dangerous.\'

As expected of Mages, the students of Randalvine Magic Institute no less, they always thought about things that one shouldn\'t normally think of.

Caaden quirked her eyebrow for a brief moment at the pondering students, before laughing brightly. "Hahaha! I get what you are thinking: \'Such a stubborn group of people can be this open-minded?!\' Believe me when I say I initially also thought the same thing."

One of Eugene\'s teammates, Rose Summer, widened her eyes then immediately bowed her head in apology. "We\'re sorry if we are being rude. We don\'t have any intention to ridicule your belief at all."

"No, no, no. Please, raise your head." Caaden wildly waved her hand. "You didn\'t offend me, my friends, and our belief. It\'s understandable for you to be surprised; it is not everyday you get to see Paladins, after all."

Rose raised her head, then sighed in relief. "I\'m glad then." With a smile, she extended her hand. "My name is Rose Summer. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Caaden."

"Ah, you can just call me Caaden. In return, can I call you Rose?"

"Of course you can, Caaden!"

"Oh! So, we\'re friends now!"


Eugene\'s other teammates blinked their eyes at the two\'s interaction, then turned their head to the other Paladins. In their surprise, just like them, the Paladins were looking at the scene in bewilderment and helplessness.

"Haha. Caaden has always been lonely because she is the sole female in the squad, therefore she gets excited whenever she sees a fellow female." Eugene smiled awkwardly at his teammates. "It is not something out of the ordinary."

One of Eugene\'s teammates, turned his gaze at Caaden, and fixed his glasses. "Indeed. She seems very excited meeting a fellow female ... A little bit too excited, if I may add." At this point, the two girls in their team had become a sworn sister with Caaden.

"Well, isn\'t it good? The closer we get, the better our cooperation will be." Eugene smiled, then turned his gaze to the frontmost Paladin facing him. "Are you willing to help us, Caleb?"

Said Paladin merely put his hand on his chest, and bowed his head politely. "I and the others will gladly help you in your endeavor, Esteemed Seminary Eugene." Raising his head, he continued, "We will guarantee your safety."

Caleb and the rest of the Paladins didn\'t open their helmet to let the people see their face but despite so, Eugene\'s male teammates who were standing right behind him could feel the resolve in Caleb\'s tone, and their heated gaze that was hidden behind their helmet.

"No one will be able to hurt you."

The mood was set, and the atmosphere turned serious. At that moment, Eugene\'s teammates understood that the only Mage whose existence the Paladins could appreciate was Eugene; they were treated with courtesy merely due to their relationship with him.

"What are you guys getting serious about? Relax! We are going to cooperate, after all—all of us!"

At Caaden\'s sudden exclamation, the atmosphere got less tense, and the mood returned to normal once again. Caaden resumed her conversation with the female Mages in the next moment, and ignored the others.

Unlike the other Paladins, who openly showed their dislike toward Mages just like how Mages openly showed their dislike toward the Church, Caaden didn\'t care about such things; she was a free woman who could get along well with everyone.

While Caaden and the female Mages in Eugene\'s team were pretty much unaffected by the atmosphere in the very first place, the other Paladins and the rest of the team could only stare silently at each other after what had happened.

Since the other party had made clear that they weren\'t really welcomed, Eugene\'s teammates also didn\'t have any intention to fully treat said party as an ally. They would still act professionally, but the moment the Paladins made a suspicious movement, it would be the time they killed each other.

"Eugene, I hope our friendship is not a mere lip service."

"I understand your worry, but it honestly hurts me, Darien."

Darien touched his glasses, then stared at Eugene coldly. "Even humans practice cannibalism. The doubt is already sowed, and I hope I don\'t get to reap it."

"Trust me." Eugene was still smiling like usual, but he was actually slightly irked inside. \'This guy is just like Iliana: he is sharp at judging people. Though I don\'t have any plan to hurt them, I have to be more careful around him.\'

He clapped his hand once to gather the attention of the three ladies talking amongst themselves afterwards, and motioned them to ready themselves.

"We are going to start the investigation, so I have to ask our Paladins to lead us to the most Monster infested area." Looking at Caleb and Caaden alternatingly, Eugene asked, "Will one of you do the honor to?"

Caleb immediately stepped forward, but he was beaten by Caaden\'s exclamation. "I will do it! So, let Rose and Elaine stand by my side!"

"I\'m glad you are excited about it, but make sure to not getting all of us killed." Eugene smiled rather forcibly.

Waving her hand nonchalantly, Caaden responded like she was offended. "Have I ever failed in my job even once? Relax, leave everything to me." She walked toward the gate of the mansion, while taking Rose and Elaine in her hands along the way.

"Let\'s go, ladies!" Caaden exclaimed brightly.

"Let\'s go!" Elaine and Rose also exclaimed enthusiastically in unison.

Eugene and his teammates blinked their eyes at the three ladies in disbelief. "Caaden\'s communication skill is awesome but... Rose and Elaine are surprisingly stupid."

Eugene\'s teammates cleared their throat awkwardly but other than that, they said nothing. Eugene turned his head to the other Paladins, nodded lightly at them, positioned themselves in a formation, and followed behind the three ladies leading the way.

Aside from the two female Mages, the other Mages were positioned in the middle of the formation. They were guarded by the Paladins from all sides.

"Are we heading to the right direction?" Darien looked at Caaden, who was conversing with Elaine and Rose, in slight worry. "I hope we are not going to waste our time."

He sighed then turned to one of the Paladins surrounding him and the others. "Pardon me for my impudence, but may I know why you came to Raneil Barony?"

His question went unanswered, but he didn\'t mind in the slightest; he didn\'t expect he would get an answer in the very first place. Much to his surprise however, he received an answer after a minute of silence.

"Baron Raneil was a firm believer of the Four Great Gods. It is our task to give a firm believer a proper burial," Caleb answered without turning his head.

"O-Oh, I see." Darien nodded his head, then fixed his glasses. "I have another question, but you don\'t have to answer it if you don\'t want to ... Why did you stay in Raneil Barony? I believe you had already finished the ceremony even before we arrived."

"That is because..." Caleb stopped in his track, prompting everyone to do the same, then unsheathed his sword. "We received another mission from the Church."

Darien\'s eyes widened, as his mind screaming danger at him.


"To prevent something like this from happening."


A one eyed Demon\'s head, Plucker, fell to the ground right in front of Darien, who was still staring at the body of the Demon that was skewered in the air by the Paladin\'s spear in front of him in shock.

"I couldn\'t detect it..." If it hadn\'t been for Caleb and the other Paladin, he would have lost his head. "I couldn\'t even detect the presence of a Low Grade Monster..."

He put his trembling hand on his neck, then stared at Caleb in shame. "I thank you for your courtesy."

"You don\'t have to. It is also my task to protect the Esteemed Seminary\'s friend." Caleb sheathed his sword, then turned around. "Let us—"

"Ah! We found a civilian!"

Upon hearing the exclamation of Caaden, who didn\'t even bother to stop despite knowing that a Demon had targeted one of the students, Caleb frowned lightly. "This area should have been raided by the Monsters. Why is there still a survivor?"

Quickly moving toward Caaden, he could immediately see a man in his late twenties with a black hair and a fairly fit build was lying on the ground unconscious.

The man lying on the ground slowly opened his eyes, then weakly turned his head at the people. \'Master, are you also going to eliminate these innocent students? How cold...\'

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