
Chapter 650 650 Finding Food

Ju Xing Tian Yang and Ju Xing Ju Xian along with the others now led Chen Ming to walk into Yigui City.

The entrance to the city was full of floating battles. It seemed that before the barrier was triggered, The city has already been damaged.

Chen Ming immediately walked into the city. He could hear people talking to each other. What everyone experienced just now is not something that can be forgotten.

People looked at Chen Ming in horror. The display of power just now made everyone aware of the difference in power.

They now sensed that if Chen Ming wanted, he could easily destroy this place. and they were unable to resist in the slightest.

Luckily, Chen Ming was not the same as the Sea Ghosts, and he seemed to know Ju Qingwuwei as well. He came here exclusively to help the survivors.

and because they can figure it out that way They were therefore less afraid of Chen Ming.

Chen Ming didn\'t care if anyone was positive or negative about him. He looked around the damaged city. This place is like going through a disaster. In fact, this city had been through disaster, it was just fortunate that there was a barrier to protect them before the situation got any worse.

Chen Ming after observing the buildings He counted the number of survivors. and found that there were quite a number of survivors And most of them are small children, young women and old people, so finding food is not easy for them.

“With the large number of survivors The food from the plunder would be enough to last a short while. Soon there will be a new scarcity again.”

Chen Ming spoke to Ju Xing Tian Yang and Ju Xing Ju Xian in a serious tone.

The two of them heard Chen Ming\'s words. The two could only nod in agreement with him. Even if plundering food from all the surrounding Sea Ghost\'s supplies wouldn\'t be enough to meet their needs anyway.

The food source that the sea ghosts use is also not that big. and with their meager intelligence Causing many natural food sources to be destroyed They are real sea parasites.

And while Chen Ming was talking to the two of them, He turned to see a group of people lying on the floor. Their condition was extremely debilitating. They are about to enter the final phase of the fast.

Chen Ming thought for a moment after seeing them. He decided to meat the sea monsters he hunted on his way out. The number of them might not be that much. But its size was enormous.

saw a sea monster that hadn\'t been eaten for a long time Everyone at this moment swallowed their saliva. Chen Ming immediately told Ju Xing Tian Yang and Ju Xing Ju Xian to distribute the food. Emphasize those who are already in poor condition.

Ju Xing Tian Yang and Ju Xing Ju Xian immediately did what Chen Ming wanted. The two of them used the meat of a sea monster to make soup. before immediately distributing it to everyone By focusing on those who have already had worse symptoms.

The urgent food given by Chen Ming saved a large number of people who were starving. If they don\'t get nutrition right away They will surely die.

Fortunately, their bodies were not like normal humans. Even if we get food now, it\'s already too late.

Their bodies can quickly acclimatize. With a small amount of food and a little rest, it should be easy to return to normal.

After the emergency food has been distributed Feng Xian, along with the spirit guard he had chosen, returned. They brought a lot of food with them. Feng Xian reported to Chen Ming that he was only able to get food this much.

“With this amount of food, if we eat sparingly, it should be enough to survive another two to three months. In the meantime, you guys have to do something.”

Chen Ming suggested starting to build his own food source.

Ju Xing Tianyang heard Chen Ming\'s words and nodded. Previously they were unable to create their own food sources such as planting sea plants and raising fish, that was because to do so it was necessary to have sufficient sea plants and food for the fish.

They didn\'t even have food for everyone to eat. Not to mention the food that will be used to feed the fish.

It\'s not the same now as it was in the beginning. Everyone was safe now because of Chen Ming\'s army.

But will Chen Ming\'s army and Chen Ming\'s body stay here for long?

Looking at the appearance He won\'t be here long.

Chen Ming had already seen the expressions on Ju Xing Tian Yang and Ju Xing Zhu Xian\'s faces. He could guess what the two were worried about.

“You don\'t have to worry. Even if I\'m not here But I will leave part of my army to protect the surrounding city.”

Chen Ming would leave behind an army of twenty thousand men. This number should be enough if an army of sea ghosts came to invade.

heard what Chen Ming said Both let out a sigh of relief. Even if Chen Ming was not there But just his guardian spirit could already help a lot.

The people in the city were now completely fed. They happily ate together. They had been starving for so long that now no matter what they ate, it was the most delicious food.

This was the first full meal after the city was attacked by the sea nymphs. They were very happy. All thanks to Chen Ming saving them.

The anger and hatred towards the Dragon people diminished. All these bad things might have happened because the Dragon people had captured the Sea Dragon King. But the Sea Dragon King made a mistake. It\'s true.

Those who blame the dragon people only want to find someone responsible. If anyone they have to blame They should blame the sea ghosts even if they were right.

They had eaten until they were full. It started to do as Chen Ming said. That is to create your own food source. Together they created a food supply within the city. Any homes that are no longer inhabited are to be demolished to make gardens for growing marine plants. and a source for raising fish

Raising fish for food for them here Unlike on land, you just dig a hole and you can drop the fish. Because this place is full of water Fish can swim anywhere.

they built a net and raising fish inside the net Now you can get more food sources.

in the city center

Chen Ming now looked at everyone helping each other with satisfaction. He considered that now that he had fulfilled Ju Qingwuwei\'s request. He thought of staying here a few days ago. Then head to the capital of this underwater world.

Chen Ming thought of the Sea Ghost he had met in Long City. He couldn\'t help thinking of something. he was wondering Where did these sea ghosts come from? and look at their appearance They weren\'t smart enough to think and take over the ocean world like this.

There was only one thing Chen Ming could think of.

“There has to be someone or something that can control these sea ghosts to do what they want.”

Chen Ming was sure that it would be like that.

After thinking things through and observing the people in the city for a while, Chen Ming turned to Long Ziyun. Ye Ying\'er and Tang Huayin, the three of them were currently helping the people of the city. And with Tang Huayin\'s advanced knowledge, She could help the people in the city more than Chen Ming thought.

Chen Ming let the three do their own thing. before heading to an empty area of the city. He thought of staying here for a few days. He needed a place to stay. You can sleep on Claudia. But it doesn\'t feel like home.

He put his hands together. before building a temporary home

Chen Ming normally disliked using this method to build a house. However, he and the three of them wouldn\'t stay here for long. How to build a permanent home at all?

While the city is helping each other to build a food source. Outside the city, guardian spirits fought against the endless sea ghosts.

However, they were able to deal with them without much difficulty. The number of them that came to invade could use a thousand guardian spirits to deal with all of them.

They took turns to fight the Sea Ghosts.

“General, these sea ghosts keep coming. I think there must be a habitat for them nearby. They can multiply quickly. If we don\'t get rid of its roots, They will keep coming and attacking like this.”

A guardian spirit spoke up. Feng Xian, who was watching the situation, nodded his head as well. He thought for a moment before bringing the matter to Chen Ming.

He\'s actually a general. But he can\'t do anything he likes. He had to report everything to Chen Ming.

Feng Xian went home to report to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming, who had finished building the house, was sitting and drinking tea. Hearing what Feng Xian had said, he became intrigued.

“I will go there myself. After all, I have nothing to do here.”

Chen Ming got up from his seat and walked outside with Feng Xian.

Chen Ming walked out of town. He saw that a sea ghost was fighting with his guardian spirit. Wouldn\'t it be a good fight when they could only be dealt with by one or two attacks?

Chen Ming held his hands forward. One of the sea phans that was about to attack the guardian spirit was attracted by some kind of force. Its body flew towards Chen Ming before it was pinched to the neck.

I didn\'t have time to do anything. Chen Ming touched its head before it moved. Chen Ming was reading his thoughts.

“It doesn\'t have a mind of its own as expected. It is controlled by their queen.”

These Sea Nymphs have the mentality of a swarm of ants. They did as their queen commanded. If he had dealt with the queen then These sea ghosts would stop doing what they were doing.

“By the way, what controls these queens?”

It had more than one queen.

Chen Ming thought for a moment before shaking his head. If he wanted to know what he had to do, he would just go and read the Empress\' memories.

Chen Ming, after reading the memories of the elf he had captured, He disintegrated it. He then turned towards the direction where the queen was.

“The queen built her nest in a nearby town. Their number is over millions, what a headache.”

This is just a small town. If it\'s the capital He estimated that the number would definitely reach a billion. It was no wonder there were so many of them. A typical queen could produce thousands of these a day.

And thousands of them can split themselves into dozens. A single day can produce tens of thousands of them.

“must be disposed of”

Chen Ming made a decision. He had to travel to a neighboring city to destroy them. He could actually destroy them from where he stood. But he couldn\'t do that. It was because there were still survivors in the nearby town.

At a town not too far from Yigui City The city was now filled with sea ghosts. They destroy everything From a beautiful city full of people now only ruins remain

Almost all the people were killed. leaving only those without a defense They didn\'t kill them because they were still useful to them.

Sea ghosts are creatures with low intelligence. They can\'t do anything difficult. Those tasks were then handed over to the survivors.

The survivors in the city needed to take care of their food supply. If the work fails There is only one penalty: death.

“To what extent do we have to be oppressed by them…”

A young boy gritted his teeth. His name is Zhu Long. He was forced to work hard. His body was extremely emaciated.

The survivors are only given enough food to stay alive.

“Be quiet, kid. They might not listen to us. But if you speak loudly They don\'t care what you have to say. It will kill you like an old grandfather. They came and were doing well.”

The old woman standing next to Zhu Long spoke up. It was late. Her eyes were very sad when she mentioned old grandfather Lao Li.

Zhu Long knew when to speak. when not to speak His body was now covered in wounds. It showed that he had been severely punished.

“Just wait and see, one day I will exterminate all of you.”

Zhu Long had a thin and weak body. However, his heart was strong.

He continued his work. He at work secretly packed a bit of food into his shirt. He didn\'t take much. He knew how much he should take so he wouldn\'t go wrong.

The old woman also did the same thing that Zhu Long did.

Both Zhu Long and the old lady finished their work. able to take a break for half an hour before going to work elsewhere The two headed back to their stables.

The sea ghosts had the survivors sleep in a simple built enclosure. There were no closed doors, only old cloth made like a tent.

Zhu Long returned to his own bed. and brought out the hidden food The food he secretly took was seaweed. He brought it to boil with his profound energy.

He needed to hide properly so that the Sea Ghosts wouldn\'t see that he could use his profound energy. They will kill anyone who seems to be a threat to them. Even if it\'s just a little bit

How to Boil Algae in Seawater Deep sea dwellers use some water that is denser to upstream under the sea. The water will clump together into a lump. It then used the heat from the impact of the profound energy to make it boil. The boiling part only exists in dense water.

Julong after the seaweed is cooked. He brought the seaweed boiling water that had been molded into a ball towards the person who was currently lying in his bed.

The person lying on his bed was a middle-aged woman. Her name was Zhu Ying. is his aunt

Zhu Ying saw Zhu Long bringing food for her, and she smiled at him.

“Long\'er, you don\'t have to bring me food anymore, I know it well, I won\'t last long.”

Zhu Long heard what Aunt Ying said. He quickly shook his head before speaking.

“Don\'t say that. Aunt Ying must get well soon. If Uncle Ying had eaten good food, her body would definitely return to normal. I will find more delicious food for Aunt Ying to eat.”

Zhu Long refused to accept the truth. His aunt was not sick. But was seriously injured from the connection with sea ghosts.

Julong\'s aunt knew that she wouldn\'t last long. She gritted her teeth if she broke into the City Lord\'s Mansion where the Empress of the Sea Elves was and destroyed her own dantian, would it be okay to die with her?

She just let out a breath. Just getting up and sitting, she still can\'t move. To break into the City Lord\'s Mansion would be a fantasy.

\'Am I going to die like this? I couldn\'t have fulfilled what I promised brother…I can only protect your child this much.\'

Zhu Ying looked at Zhu Long. He fed her with the utmost care. for him She was the only family he had left. If she died now He must be very disappointed.

And while Zhu Ying was eating food fed by Zhu Long, and thinking about what to do She knew that she only had a few days left before she died. What else could she do for Zhu Long?

She heard a loud explosion. The water and ground trembled.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!!

An equally loud explosion sounded non-stop. As if the heavens were angry!

After the explosion, there was a loud sound of elves. They were heading towards where the explosion sounded.

"what happened This explosion is it."

Both Zhu Ying and Zhu Long were extremely excited. Someone has attacked a city full of sea ghosts! Or will it be the saviors? No, it\'s unlikely. The savior should have been destroyed.

She is the only remaining member.

“Long\'er, come closer to ah.”

Zhu Ying gritted his teeth before raising himself up. She forcibly used her own profound energy. She must know what happened.

Zhu Long hurried to help support her. The two then left their own tent. And what the two of them saw made both of them stunned.

on the water above their heads Many lightning-born dragons were devouring the sea ghosts in fury. The sea ghosts tried to resist and fight but could do nothing.

These lightning dragons also released a violent thunderbolt that shattered the sea ghosts in a wide area!

“Lord Dragon has returned.”

This was what Zhu Ying thought before she lost consciousness. She was about to die due to forcibly using her own power.

The dying woman sensed that someone had appeared. The person who appeared was a young man. She didn\'t know who he was because her eyes were very dim right now. But she heard him say.

"dragon? Didn\'t expect to meet someone with a dragon bloodline in this underwater world.”

She heard him say before something sweet poured into her mouth. and she found that her injuries had disappeared. However, even though her body had recovered from her injuries, But her heart still needed some rest anyway.

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