
Chapter 881 881 Indirect help

Chapter 881 881 Indirect help

He went toward a location where he could sense that the core of the universe was there. The outer god felt the pain Chen Ming had injected into him through the living planet.

As Chen Ming approached the location, he could feel that the outer god tried to protect the core of the universe with his power. He wasn\'t here, so his power couldn\'t stop Chen Ming.

Chen Ming summoned all his strength and unleashed a powerful attack, shattering the outer god\'s defenses.

With each step closer to the core, Chen Ming could sense the immense power emanating from it.

"Come here. When I finish the outer god, I will bring you back home."

Chen Ming spoke to the will of the universe that was inside the core. He could sense the universe\'s will responding to his words, urging him to continue.

The will of the universe didn\'t want to be used by the outer god anymore. It missed its home very much.

Chen Ming could feel the universe\'s longing for freedom and its desire to return to its rightful place. He vowed to protect and guide the universe back to where it truly belonged, away from the clutches of the outer god.

Chen Ming broke the layer of the outer god\'s control, freeing the universe from its grasp. As he did so, he could feel a surge of power and gratitude emanating from the universe, as if it were thanking him for its newfound liberation.

The universe core then went inside Chen Ming, as it could feel that Chen Ming was trustworthy and capable of safeguarding its freedom.

With the universe core now residing within him, Chen Ming became more powerful, and the outer god became weaker.

The balance of power shifted, and Chen Ming\'s abilities grew exponentially. But he was still weaker than the outer god.

"Let get out of here."

Chen Ming escaped from the living planet as fast as possible, knowing that the outer god might appear at any moment to reclaim the core of the universe.

As he raced through space, Chen Ming could sense the outer god\'s presence growing stronger, reminding him of the imminent danger he faced.

"I can\'t go to the next universe inside of him. I needed to hind in the blackhole first."

Chen Ming knew that hiding in the blackhole would provide temporary refuge from the outer god\'s pursuit. However, he also understood that it was only a matter of time before the outer god discovered his location and resumed the chase.

He might be able to control the blackhole at will, but the outer god was too strong. The black hole might not be enough to stop him. He might have to use chaos.

Chen Ming knew that resorting to chaos was a risky move, as it could potentially unleash unpredictable and destructive forces.

However, he was left with no other choice if he wanted to stand a chance against the relentless pursuit of the outer god.

"I felt dejavu. This isn\'t the first time I got chased by someone so powerful."

Chen Ming felt nostalgia even in the mist of this dire situation. Memories of past battles flooded his mind, reminding him of the sacrifices he had made and the strength he had gained.

He knew that he had overcome great odds before, and he was determined to do so again.


The outer god felt pain and frustration as he couldn\'t catch Chen Ming in time before he slipped away. Chen Ming\'s agility and cunning had always been his greatest assets in evading capture.

The outer god let out a huge roar of anger, shaking the fabric of the universe itself. He knew that after he failed to capture Chen Ming. He would go to another universe to take the core of the universe and absorb its power, becoming even stronger.

And he would become weaker and weaker.

"Chen Ming..."

The outer god voice was very low and filled with a mix of frustration and resoluteness. He will find Chen Ming and kill him as fast as posible. And then he would become stronger. So much stronger that he could met that man.

The thought of finally confronting his nemesis filled him with a burning desire for revenge. The outer god\'s determination grew with each passing moment, fueling his relentless pursuit of Chen Ming across the multiverse.


In the endless void. The mysterious man felt something.

"Oh no, I played too much and forgot to observe him!"

The mysterious man then stopped playing the game and looked for Chen Ming. He found that Chen Ming was now nowhere to be found.

He felt a surge of panic, realizing that he may have made a mistake. And Chen Ming was already been killed by the outer god.

"Boss going to kill me for sure!"

The mysterious man frantically searched everywhere with his senses, hoping to find any trace of Chen Ming. As he dove deeper into the universe, he found that Chen Ming was actually inside the black hole.

Feeling relief, the mysterious man then thought about something.

"I can\'t involve with him directly but I also can\'t let him die. Boss is really give me a hard task."

The mysterious man pondered a plan to help Chen Ming without attracting the attention of his boss. He knew that he had to act quickly and discreetly to ensure Chen Ming\'s survival.

"Let give him some hint then. He might break through the void god realm. And when he reached my realm. I don\'t have to do anything anymore."

The mysterious man decided to leave subtle clues for Chen Ming, hoping that he would be able to advance in his cultivation and eventually reach the same realm as the mysterious man.

He knew that this was a risky move, but it was the only way he could think of to indirectly help Chen Ming without directly interfering.

"He is very smart. I think I made a right choice."

The mysterious man smirked. He could see the future unfold before him, and he knew that Chen Ming\'s potential was limitless. With each clue left behind, the mysterious man could sense Chen Ming\'s progress and felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that his plan was working.

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