
Chapter 165 - Good To Be Back

Karra had arrived alongside a party of a dozen other orcs. It appeared that they had just returned from hunting animals in the surrounding forest. A few of them were hauling freshly killed boars and rabbits on their broad shoulders, others were carrying weapons, while dried blood stained all of their clothing. 

He hadn\'t realized that there had been so many of them residing here. Tristan counted under his breath, and was pleasantly surprised to find that all eight rugrats accompanied the party. He wasn\'t sure if he was just misremembering, but it seemed like they were already at least a head taller than when he saw them last. It was astonishing to see them grow so rapidly within the span of one month. 

These eight orc younglings possessed the physicality of average 13 year old kids, but were able to carry on their backs, heavy hunting trophies.

"Welcome back, Chief!" They all greeted in unison, smiles plastered all over their faces. 

As high orcs, even as younglings these rugrats possessed a higher level of intellect in comparison to the other adult orcs. It was far easier to communicate with them; they were able to follow basic conversations, utilize common words, and understand simple ethics. 

This particular group of younglings appeared very excited to see him. Seeing them in good health and playfully joking around with one another somehow warmed Tristan\'s heart.

Tristan also saw that Astrid, the barbarian\'s captain, was standing silently among them. She was still under full control of the blood seal and was listlessly trailing behind Karra as instructed.

"Please, Chief, let\'s talk inside," Karra said. 

All together, they walked into a hut at the center of the grounds as a group. Him, Astrid, Barry, the Mayor, Serene, Chieng, even Herrera and Seth, they all followed Karra\'s lead. When inside, she appointed Tristan to the role of warchief, urging him to sit in the center and lead the conversation.

Tristan received the honor confidently. Crossing his legs on the dried mud floor, the others circled around him, huddling together in the slightly cramped space. He then asked, "So, how is the place provided by the Arcadians? Sufficient?"

The high orc was intelligent enough to stare at the mayor first, trying to determine whether or not she was allowed to speak honestly in front of a man of such high political standing. Noticing this, Tristan said, "Just say it openly. The truth!"

Karra nodded curtly. "There were some difficulties with the humans, but it\'s nothing worth mentioning. The main issue was that we were bored. Us orcs, we are warriors. The gretchins might be able to stand farming, but not us."

Herrera cut in. "Actually, these orcs are very bad at farming! They won\'t last if they stay here."

This was something not surprising for Tristan actually

"Okay, what else?"

It appeared that Hererra had a long list of grievances she had to air out. She complained about the insufficient amount of supplies and essentials, from the small number of huts to the limited tools. She droned on and on about the long wait for seeds, lack of farming equipment, and worst of all, the fact that the orcs were not allowed inside the bounds of Erantell city.

These matters were enough to make Tristan frown. What a multitude of problems had accumulated here, he thought. He shifted his gaze to Uriel, and suddenly flashed a threatening, wicked smile.

"What do you have to say about this, Lord Uriel?"

The mayor jumped, and laughed in an awkward manner in response. Racking his brain for excuses, he then said, "Well, it\'s only been one month, and really, the budget from the capital has not yet come."

He continued sheepishly. "As for prohibiting them from the city… Well, even if they could suppress their normal behaviour, having orcs walking around the city would be... complicated."

Tristan understood the point Uriel was really trying to make; once more, he urged himself to calm down, restraining his emotions. 

Why was everyone around him so determined to piss him off? What god was testing the limits of his patience? He decided to focus, instead, on the orc sitting right across him.

"Karra, I have been assigned by the King to become the mayor of Carleon city at the border. Would you and your orcs be willing to follow me there?"

The female orc quickly placed her fist over her chest. "Yes, we will. All the tribe will follow you."


On the other hand, a strange expression had accumulated on Uriel\'s pudgy face.

Tristan sighed, growing more exasperated at him by the second. "What is it?"

"Sir Tristan, I advise against it. The Carleon residence has been known to pick more fights with orcs than the Erantell. You coming to town with them in tow will only bring panic and cause the people to revolt."

"Good advice," Tristan said. If these were the facts, then it was probably true that bringing the orcs along with him would only endanger both sides. But only if it were true. 

"Karra, you should still come, just you first for now. We will decide on the others afterwards; do you have someone else to take care of the tribe while you\'re gone?"

Karra nodded. She excuses herself by going outside for a moment and returned bringing four orcs with her. All of them were orc champions. This surprised him greatly.

From what he could remember, from the three orc champions from before, one was killed in battle and there were only two champions left. Where did these other two come from?

Understanding the confusion that was apparent in Tristan\'s expression, Karra introduced him to the two new champions who would lead the tribe in her absence.

"These two are the new evolved orcs."

One was heavy set, towering above them with a straight face, gripping an axe tightly. Tristan noticed that one of his ears was missing.  The other was far smaller in stature, indicating his young age.

His mind wandered once more, pondering on who these two new champions were. 

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