
Chapter 133 Snipers!

The girl and what seemed to be her 2 closest subordinates talked on and on for a while. Xavier learnt that the tranquilliser he had consumed wasn\'t lethal and would wear off within a day for average people. So even if he had consumed it, it would have likely worn off in half the time with his metabolism and physique that would be able to break it down twice as quickly.

Also, from what they said, Xavier also had a much better idea of what exactly their organisation actually was. It seemed as though it had once been part of something else that had split. And, although he wasn\'t sure of the details, Xavier had an idea of what they were previously a part of.

Meanwhile, whoever it was that was supposedly after her didn\'t seem to intend to destroy her organisation, which was quite an unusual aim. But it explained why there was such high security to get into and through the building, and also why she was so cautious.

Who would have thought that despite having so much security, her enemies would still somehow be able to get to her...





While standing around Xavier\'s supposedly unconscious body, the young girl and her 2 subordinates continued arguing about their next actions. The biggest thing they disagreed about was what to do with him.

The more they spoke, the more Xavier, who was only pretending to be unconscious, uncovered about the 3 of them. It seemed that although they acted as her subordinates; they were close friends of her father who, from how they spoke of him, seemed to be deceased.

However, suddenly, her 2 subordinates as well as Xavier felt danger. Before they could even react, there were repeated muffled gunshots coming from too far away to be heard clearly.


Reflexively diving towards their boss and forcing her to the ground, covering her body with their own, the 2 men didn\'t hesitate to sacrifice their lives for hers. They acted swiftly and their main focus was protecting their boss. So much so that they didn\'t even realise that as soon as shots were fired, Xavier had gotten up and bolted away.

They both seemed to have been shot at least once. However, that was the least of Xavier\'s worries, as he found somewhere to hide and watched what he struggled to believe was reality.

\'Am I fucking dreaming?! This can\'t be happening!\' he exclaimed internally before pinching himself.


Immediately after shots were fired at them, the glass walls that had been shot through were shattered apart. Xavier assumed they were bulletproof, but it seemed as though that wasn\'t the case, or at least whoever was attacking had found a way around that.

Then, as if things weren\'t crazy enough already, from the roof of a nearby building, Grapnel Launchers were fired through the broken glass walls, embedding themselves into the ground. Grapnel Launchers are devices that use an explosive charge to fire grapnel hooks across long distances. They are used for scaling vast heights and crossing buildings in the movies, but never did Xavier expect to see them be used before him in the middle of the night while in a mysterious 17-year-old girl\'s penthouse.

There was just so much going on that Xavier was struggling to digest it all. However, one thing was for sure, his main priority was his own survival as he secured his hiding spot and watched everything unfold.


Before the 2 men protecting their boss or any of the other armed guards worried about anything else, even after suffering bullet wounds, one grabbed their boss and tried to make a break for it. The other dashed towards the grapple hook to try to cut it or get rid of it.

However, neither of them achieved what they sought to do and the multiple snipers that seemed to be aiming at them provided cover fire. The bullets weren\'t as accurate and it was difficult to hit a target at such a distance, but it was enough to stop the 2 men from resisting.

Looking at each other and instantly understanding each other\'s intentions, they flipped the table that Xavier and the body double had just eaten on. They then dived behind it for some cover. Meanwhile, Xavier, who was watching, held his breath and was amazed by what he was seeing. He observed as the snipers continued firing. Then, within a matter of seconds, 4 armed men slid on the rope that the grappling gun provided and climbed into the building through the broken glass.

Immediately after they did, there was a power outage in the entire building. It also caused all the doors in the building to be locked and unable to be opened without some sort of powerful explosive. They all required codes or card access, so in the case of a power outage, they would shut down for security purposes.

However, in this case, it backfired.

It left the 2 armed men, their boss, the unconscious body double, and Xavier blocked in the penthouse with 4 professional assassins that had already shown their skills. They wore all-black jumpsuits as well as ninja-like masks. Armed with pistols with silencers attached, as well as a blade at their side and knives in each of their boots, they were clearly prepared for a stealth operation.

It was impossible to be stealthy when the only way to get to your target was so flashy, but that didn\'t seem to bother them. And with the convenient power outage and darkness of the night, it was pitch black within the penthouse, perfect for an assassination.

Thankfully, they weren\'t equipped with night vision goggles, which would have revealed Xavier hiding.

But in Xavier\'s mind, things weren\'t adding up.

For such a large, modern and expensive building, it was to be expected that there would be backup generators. And how did they know to attack when she truly revealed herself and not her body double? It should have been convincing enough from the distance they must have been observing from, right?

This led Xavier to believe that they had someone, or even a few people, working for her that had been reporting to her enemy.

People who could both disable the backup generator and give continuously informed reports of her current location. The only people that Xavier could think of that could do so were the 2 armed men who appeared to be her closest subordinates. However, they had just put their lives on the line to protect her and seemed completely loyal to her.

It led Xavier to conclude that her organisation\'s foundations were shaky and that her chances of surviving in her current situation were low. But when he considered all the possible scenarios, he found that in each of them, he perished, apart from the one in which he managed to keep that annoying girl alive.

\'God damn it,\' he cursed internally after realising that sitting still wasn\'t an option.

But steeling his will, he was weirdly overcome with adrenaline and excitement more than fear and anxiousness...

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