
Chapter 174 Something Isn't Right

As the valkyries pushed forward, their feets beating powerfully, the soldiers on the left flank were quickly vanquished.

With the enemy soldiers falling back, the valkyries turned their attention to the main forces, their eyes glowing with determination as they prepared to charge

Arriving at the main battlefield, Benihime surveyed the chaotic scene, she could see that the beastmen were struggling to hold back the demons.

The sounds of clashing swords and screams of agony filled the air. Her heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation.

Turning to her trusted advisor Akeno, She asked, "I thought there were supposed to be fire launchers keeping the demons out?".

"You mean that?" Akeno pointed at the destroyed missile launcher with a neutral expression, "Looks like the demons were able to destroy it".

Benihime gritted her teeth in frustration, but then she noticed something. Benihime furrowed her brow in confusion, observing Sato\'s forces with a newfound interest.

It was as if they were made of stone or steel, impervious to the demons\' attacks. She watched as they fought back with renewed vigor, each blow landing with devastating force.

As she surveyed the battlefield, it dawned on her. Sato\'s forces were not ordinary soldiers at the moment. They were something else entirely, something beyond human. And with that realization came a sense of hope. Perhaps they could turn the tide of this battle after all.

"Hmm," She mused to herself, "This changes things".

"Is something wrong, Milady?" Isla asked.

"Isla, take 4 of the valkyries and go straight into the forest, make sure you inform every village inside the forest about the war going on outside." Benihime issued her command.

"Right away." Isla responded before running off with four other valkyries running behind her.

A smile hit Benihime on the face as she watched the battlefield, \'I wonder what kind of trick he pulled this time\'.

"I\'m guessing you want us to push the demons out of the forest?" Akeno asked.

"I\'d really appreciate your help.

"You have our support." Hina uttered from behind.

Benihime turned to face Akeno and Hina, her expression softening. "Thank you," she said gratefully. "I knew I could count on you two.

Akeno and Hina nodded in unison, readying their weapons to join the fight. "Let\'s show these demons what happens when they mess with the forest," Akeno said, determination burning in her eyes.

Benihime smiled, feeling reassured by the support of her comrades. "Let\'s go," She said, leading the charge towards the demons.

Amid the chaos of the upper right flank of the battlefield, the clash between Vlad\'s forces and General Mort\'s soldiers was growing increasingly intense. The sound of clashing swords and clanging armor echoed through the air as the combatants fought with all their might.

The ground shook with the weight of their footsteps, and the soil had become a muddy graveyard for the fallen soldiers. The air was thick with the stench of blood, sweat, and fear, as both sides were beginning to feel the effects of the grueling battle.

As the battle between Vlad and Mort\'s forces continued, the two sides clashed together in a violent collision. The sound of steel against steel rang out across the battlefield as the soldiers fought with all their might.

Vlad and Mort themselves collided in the midst of the chaos, their horses sending powerful strikes at each other as they struggled for dominance. Their swords clashed with a deafening sound, sparks flying from the impact.

The soldiers around them paused for a moment, watching the two commanders battle it out. It was as if time itself had slowed down, the rest of the battlefield fading into the background as Vlad and Mort fought for supremacy.

But the moment was short-lived, as the rest of the battle raged on around them. The soldiers from both sides continued to fight with renewed vigor, inspired by the example set by their leaders.

"Quick, keep the demons away from the Duke, until he is able to slay their leader!" Commander Selvin yelled, charging at the enemy with his soldiers following his command.

"Everyone, keep the blood suckers away from General Mort!" The demons yelled before they charged in.

Commander Selvin\'s forces clashed with the demons, swords clanging against each other as they fought tooth and nail to gain the upper hand. The sound of battle echoed throughout the battlefield as each side pushed against the other.

Meanwhile, Vlad and General Mort\'s collided with a massive clash of power, their horses rearing up as they sent powerful strikes towards each other. The air crackled with energy as the two leaders fought for dominance, their soldiers following their lead in a fierce battle of wills.

"Protect the Duke with your life!" Selvin shouted to his soldiers, his eyes blazing with determination as he fought with all his might. The demons howled with fury as they tried to break through the human defenses and get to General Mort.

The battlefield was a chaotic dance of death and destruction, with each side fighting for their own cause and survival. The clash of swords, the thud of hooves, and the screams of the wounded filled the air as the battle raged on.

Meanwhile, on the right flank of the battlefield, Yuri\'s Grim Reapers were swarming the enemy forces, charging towards them with deadly precision.

Yuri herself was gracefully walking behind them, her eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of weakness in the enemy lines.

As She surveyed, Yuri suddenly noticed Erza and her follower, coming out from the canyons to her left.

Erza was running, trying to enter the forest to lend help when all of a sudden, Yuri appeared in front of her.

"Yuri?" Erza called out.

"Oh my, you were actually serious, I didn\'t think you would come to war." Yuri said with a teasing smile, "I guess you\'re not just a princess".

"Yuri, I need you to see something." Erza said with utmost urgency, she pulled out a knife from Sebestain\'s pocket and sliced her arm.

And almost immediately the injury closed like nothing happened.

"Okay, you healed, what\'s the big deal?" Yuri asked.

"You don\'t get it, I didn\'t do that… this is from an external source… I didn\'t feel any pain, nothing." Erza iinform

"Don\'t tell me…" Yuri muttered after realizing the situation.

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