
Chapter 30 The Cops

Dave entered the house to see Emma standing in front of the stairs with a questioning look on her face.

"I told you to stay in the room." He said as he walked toward the couch and crashed on it.

"What\'s up with you and your dad?" Emma asked, moving closer to him. "You never told me you guys were like this."

"I don\'t want to talk about it." He said, turning his gaze away from her.

"Why? You seemed happy to see him at first and then your mood suddenly changed." She said as she walked closer to him and slowly sat down beside him.

"I was happy because I thought he was here for another reason but it turns out he was here for the same reason he visited me on a few occasions for," Dave said.

"What reason?"

"Didn\'t you hear him? He clearly said he wasn\'t here for me."

"He didn\'t say that, Dave," Emma said, shaking her head.

p "You won\'t understand," Dave said, sinking deep into the couch.

"Then make me understand," Emma said, pulling herself closer to look over him.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"I\'ll get it." She said slowly getting up but before she could fully stand on her feet, Dave was already fully up on his feet.

"I\'ll get it." He said moving toward the door.

He opened the door to see two policemen standing there.

"I was wondering when you guys were going to show up," Dave muttered.

"Hello, Dave, I am detective Mark UCPD and this is my partner detective Lawson." The detective said.

"Hello, detectives."

"We got the news that there was a robbery here last night and one of the robbers stabbed your girlfriend." Detective Mark said. "When we arrived here that night she had already been taken to the hospital and the whole place was locked so we decided to come take a look at the place now and see if we can find anything that might help us."

"Okay," Dave said.

"Can we come in?" The Detective asked politely.

"Sure," Dave said shifting back to create space for them to enter.

The Detectives looked around the house before their gaze had turned to Emma who was sitting on the couch now.

"Is she the one that got stabbed?" Detective Lawson asked, pointing at Emma.

"Yeah, she\'s the one," Dave said.

"I\'m going to go ask her a few questions." Detective Lawson said, turning to Dave as if he was trying to ask for his permission.

Detective Lawson walked to Emma to ask her a few questions just like he said while Dave had taken Detective Mark to the kitchen where she had gotten stabbed.

"So you\'re telling me that she crawled all the way from here to there to get help." Detective Mark said after Dave had explained everything to him.

"Yeah," Dave said with a little nod.

"I\'m glad she managed to contact your friend just before passing out, it could have ended differently for her if she had not gotten help on time." Detective Mark said.

"It could have ended differently for us," Dave said, turning his gaze to the living room where Detective Lawson was still asking Emma questions.

"So what did they steal from here?" The detective asked.

"My wristwatches, her jewelry, and a couple of Euros," Dave answered.

"How many Euros?" The detective asked.

"About fifty Euros," Dave said.

"Okay." The detective said. "These robbers have been going into houses while the owners were away and stealing things for about a week now and there has not been a report of them hitting a house twice so I don\'t think they will be returning but you still have to keep your eyes peeled though. Give me a call if you see anything suspicious." The detective said, handing him his complimentary card.

"Okay," Dave said, taking the card from him.

"Are you done, Lawson?" Detective Mark asked as he entered the living room.

"Yeah," Lawson said with a startled voice as he quickly got up from the table on which he was sitting.

"Okay, tell me what you got outside." Detective Mark said heading outside.

"It was nice talking to you," Lawson said, turning her gaze to Emma. "Hope your shoulder heals soon."

"Thanks," Emma replied.

"Thanks, Dave." The Detective said with a little nod before heading toward the door.

Dave kept his gaze on him as he walked out of the door before he slowly turned it to Emma.

"Was that guy flirting with you?" He asked, pointing at the door.

"What do you mean, he was only being nice?" Emma said.

"He was supposed to say thank you for your cooperation ma\'am or something similar but instead he said it was nice talking to you."

"Stop being hilarious, all the cops are not the same," Emma said.

"What were you two even talking about that he found nice?" Dave asked.

"He asked me about what happened last night and then he asked me a few questions about myself," Emma said.

"Oh…so he diverted to personal questions."

"He was just being nice, Dave, stop acting jelly." She said, crossing her arms.

"He was definitely flirting with you," Dave said.

"No, you\'re just being jealous over nothing."

Dave let out a deep sigh as he walked to the couch and sat beside her.

"Arguing with you is like trying to retrieve a needle from a hayfield." He said.

"Really? Because I don\'t think we\'ve ever argued about anything." Emma said.

"Yeah, but that one time you told me that the Manchester Derby was better than the Elclassico killed it," Dave said.

"That was just one argument." She said,

"One very long argument that prevented me from enjoying the match," Dave said.

"Yeah, that was quite a long argument but I still think the Manchester Derby is better." She said with a smug look on her face.

"And she\'s trying to start it again, I\'m just going to keep quiet….for now," Dave said.

"Quietness means defeat," Emma said.

"No, it doesn\'t," Dave said, staring at her with intensifying desires in his eyes.

Emma wanted to say something but she had gone mute as soon as she had locked eyes with him.

"You have to be careful with my shoulder." She said with a low voice.

"I know," Dave muttered as he immediately locked her in a passionate kiss.

He wanted to just wrap his all arm around her and that was when he had made the mistake of touching her wounded shoulder.

"Awwww!" She winced as she immediately moved away from him a little.

"Sorry," Dave said with an awkward expression on his face.

"It\'s okay," Emma said although the pain she was feeling now was evident in her voice.

"I think I\'m going to go do something else," Dave said, getting up from the couch.

"What? You said you\'re not going to the stadium until three PM." Emma said.

"No, I just want to go make something for lunch," Dave said.

The room went quiet as soon as he had said that as Emma stared at him as if she was trying to hold in something.


That was all he needed to say as Emma immediately burst into laughter, letting out everything she had been holding in.

"What\'s so funny?" Dave asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You\'re asking me, the last time you tried to cook you almost set the place ablaze," Emma said.

"That was just one time and besides I\'ve been taking lessons from YouTube during my free time." He said.

"Really? And how many times have you practiced?" She asked.

"This is going to be my first practical," Dave said, standing straight with confidence.

"Okay, I\'m just going to lie down here," Emma said, lying down fully on the couch.

"Good," Dave said, turning to head toward the couch.

"Half expecting the smell of something burning." She said,

"That\'s not funny Emma." He said quickly, turning to her.

"You can just ask for my help. My hands still work fine." She said, shaking her fingers.

"Sorry, but I won\'t be needing it," Dave said, walking off toward the kitchen.


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