
Chapter 215 Wiping The Politicians

"Prince. It took you a long time to finish this list."

"Charles. You should know how tight these securities are. And there are three worlds combined into one. You can\'t expect me to finish within days."

I had already told Prince my identity. He was shocked at first, but due to his profession, he quickly came to terms with it.

Anyway, with the list handed to me, I checked the pages of people who didn\'t like my influence. These people were like sponges that would do whatever it took to hurt my influence.

Even if they weren\'t dangerous, these people could still be ants who irritated me. After I finished looking at the list, I saw there were ten prime targets to go after.

"Well done. While it took a long time, you provided a thorough report. Your bonus will be given. You can go back to your love until I have your next mission."

"About time."

Prince left on a high note with the money he had earned. His addiction was severe, but I wouldn\'t tell him what to do.

With him gone, let\'s take Nene with me on this trip. She is the only one who would be perfectly fine after a good old beating.


Calling for Nene, she had appeared without a second to spare. She had a sense of when I needed her to come. I don\'t know how that works, but I won\'t complain.

"Yes~? Master~?"

"We\'re going to hunt evil politicians." You will be coming with me."

Nene liked my idea. Using politicians as a pastime is something only we will have the pleasure of doing.

"Who are we getting first?"

"We\'re going to play with this fatso. He has wrung out many families\' pockets. He despises me because of my position of power."

"Is the list made of everyone who dislikes you?"

Nene looked at me weirdly, thinking that I was crazy. I won\'t deny that I was crazy, but I just hated looking at these people.

"I don\'t like them. That\'s all. Besides, look at his report. He had done many terrible things. It\'s time for him to reap for his crimes."

Many innocent people have been kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and physically abused. I will be honest. I didn\'t care about the victims and only wanted an excuse to beat them up. Who can blame me?

"Let\'s go. I don\'t mind talking all day, but we can do that while we beat this person up."

Nene nodded as I said my piece. Because information is so important in our world, determining where a person lives is simple.

Tim was the individual we were looking for. What a sad name to say! It lacked any fun. What kind of parent would name them Tim?

The area he was in made it easy to get rid of this politician without much concern. Tim has a habit of kidnapping people he takes a fancy to. For most of his free time, he goes to his own dungeon.

If Tim went missing, for the most part, no one would know where he went. His dungeon was the perfect place to get rid of him without any witnesses.

"Yo! Tim!"

I gave him my stern voice and his body spazzed out at the sudden surprise bestowed upon him.

"What??? Who are you? And how did you get here??? Do you know who I am?"

He hadn\'t seen my face, yet he dared to use his position to threaten an unknown threat. What a third-rate villain line.

"Who you are doesn\'t matter. You literally made a place where no one would search. Even if you die, no one will find where you are."


His eyes look like they are in despair, realizing the situation. He knew he had messed up when he found out who I was. While I would have tortured him anyway, he worsened his situation.

"Please... It\'s not what you think. I was recently under a lot of stress... and I didn\'t mean to say that."

Tim was stuttering, trying to devise a reason for his previous words. Nene and I chuckled at his sorry-for-excuse existence.

"Don\'t worry. I wasn\'t going to kill you because of your comment. I was already going to kill you beforehand."

Tim\'s face lit up with relief when he heard the first part of my words. But when I said the second part, his face twisted in fear. Tim knew he was fucked, and I wasn\'t the type of person to spare the lives of others.

"Why? I have done nothing against you! Why are you going after me?"

Instead of trying to beg for his life, Tim wanted to know why I was doing this. I told him my answer, wanting to see his expression.

"Well, I was bored and had planned to wipe out some politicians that could annoy me. You\'re one of them."


"Master~! You broke him~!"

While it wasn\'t the whole story, Tim thought I would kill him on a whim alone. He was in disbelief that his life would end because of someone\'s boredom.


Tim had a mental breakdown, releasing all of his stress. Since he would die, he didn\'t need to filter himself anymore, just like he wasn\'t a nuisance to society.

"I guess being a suck-up could only last that long. Just so you know, we weren\'t going to kill you so easily. We will make you suffer before you do."


"Nene, release all the captives. I wanted to beat this shit up, but letting everyone here would be better."

After all, thinking of a more painful method with more heads was easier. Nene did what I asked and released all the captives in this place.

This fatso was even more perverted than I am. He held ten female captives for his own amusement.

Looking at all the females here, he had many tastes. I pity them, as they weren\'t treated well in this place. When all of them were gathered here, they were surprised to see what was happening.

"You are all free from now on—the man before you had imprisoned you for who knows how long. Before leaving, you can give him peace of mind. Do whatever you want to him—kill him or injure him. However, this will be your only chance."

I had given them their final chance for revenge. All of the girls here had looked at the politician with hatred or disgust, but only a few chose to take action.


Looking at Tim, I couldn\'t tell what was happening in his mind. He was provoking them into a situation like this.

"You monster! Take this!"

The first thing the girls did was to kick the fatso in the nuts. His tears of anguish could be seen, but no one in the room cared for him.


Not only was it once, but Tim was kicked in the nuts twice. Everyone who wanted to go took turns trying to crack their nuts. It got to the point where even I didn\'t want to watch anymore.

"Mercy... Please kill me..."

All of his rage had vanished. Instead of being mad, he was crying for a painless death. His manhood had been shattered and rendered useless.

"It was fun seeing you cry. Goodbye. Maybe in your next life, you will be lucky."

"Wait... Not there... Please... Not there... Anything... STOP!!!"

A portal that led to hell could be seen. Without remorse, I kicked him into the portal, leaving him there.

"So, are you girls going to go back home? I can send you back now."

"We all thank you for helping us leave this place. But all of us don\'t have a place to return."

I didn\'t know what to say to that. While I did pity them, I didn\'t feel the need to extend my hand. Before I could say anything, Nene made a choice.

"Why don\'t you get more maids~? Cleaning up the place has been a hassle. The more maids, the better~!"

Hearing Nene\'s words, the girls here were hopeful for my generosity. Money wasn\'t an issue anymore, and I had already earned the loyalty of these girls.

"Fine. All of you can come. Nene, you will be the one to look after them."


I felt like Nene was planning something. The remaining girls were glad that I took them in, but I had to do one thing before I let them in.

"Nene, could you clothe them?"

They were naked as we talked. I wasn\'t someone who would get flustered, but some people at my place definitely will. After Nene dressed them up, we left the dungeon and returned to my home.

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