
Chapter 228 – Ancient School

Chapter 228 – Ancient School

"The Tower Master of Tongtian is truly remarkable."

Su Yun\'s news of calming the conflict between the new and old schools had reached Wenguan Mountain two days later. He was sitting in the candle dragon carriage on his way to the Eastern Capital, and there were no other passengers nearby, only his men disguised as passengers protecting his safety.

As the head of the three officials, Wenguan Mountain had long established his own huge bureaucratic and intelligence network, and his power was enormous.

The position of Prime Minister, second only to the Emperor, could not be held by just anyone. Only the leaders of the few great families of Yuanshuo had the qualifications and ability to serve as Prime Minister and command civil and military officials.

Wenguan Mountain was indeed such a person. While Xue Qingfu, Qiu Shuijing, and Lu Hao were fighting each other, and the two officials of the Grand Marshal and the Imperial Censor were changing one after another, he remained firmly in control, demonstrating his means and power.

This time, he severely wounded Dao Saint, Holy Buddha, Lingyue, and Zuo Songyan, and then fought against Eastern Master, Emperor Wen Chang, Qin Saint, Chess Saint, Book Saint, and Painting Saint. After that, he was still able to inflict heavy damage on Xue Qingfu despite being ambushed. Such achievements were truly shocking!

However, he himself was also severely injured, but fortunately, his vast power allowed him to immediately mobilize famous doctors to treat his injuries.

In this carriage of the candle dragon, there were as many as four of the top ten famous doctors in Yuanshuo, plus two foreign famous doctors, so his injuries could be healed so quickly.

"Even the \'Sixteen Chapters of True Dragon\' have been circulated. This Tower Master of Tongtian..."

Wenguan Mountain read the intelligence sent from the Eastern Capital, and while he was furious, his face only slightly darkened.

As the new generation Tower Master of Tongtian, Su Yun\'s ability to calm the conflict between the new and old schools, while unexpected, was also within reason.

Before Su Yun and Lou Ban, there was another young man who acted as the proxy Tower Master of Tongtian, and he was also extremely talented and amazing.

Unfortunately, that young Tower Master was short-lived and died in the war against foreign invasion.

The Tower Master of Tongtian was always an extremely talented person.

But Su Yun actually circulated the "Sixteen Chapters of True Dragon" during the debate between the new and old schools, as the topic of the Tian Dao Academy\'s major examination, which made Wenguan Mountain both shocked and admiring.

"If the complete \'Sixteen Chapters of True Dragon\' were obtained by Di Ping, Dao Saint, Holy Buddha, Qiu Shuijing, or Zuo Songyan, then my advantage would not be so great."

He rubbed his temples and whispered, "At such a young age, he overturned the situation in Shuobei and rebuilt a chess game. Now he wants to overturn the chess game I have built in the Eastern Capital? Such a mindset, he is still a child..."

"Can he grow up?"

Wenguan Mountain leaned back and sighed, "Fortunately, it\'s impossible to grow up. He can\'t stay."

Yuanshuo\'s Western Capital.

The Western Capital was originally the capital of Yuanshuo, the oldest imperial city. However, with the progress of the times and the construction of new cities everywhere, the original Western Capital had become unusable after Lou Ban built the Shuofang City.

Emperor Ai wanted to renovate the Western Capital, but unfortunately, there were too many powerful families in the Western Capital with intertwined interests, making it almost impossible to rebuild the Western Capital from scratch.

So Emperor Ai directly built the Eastern Capital and moved the capital there, cutting off the roots of the problem.After Emperor Ai moved the capital to the Eastern Capital, the emperor\'s restraints were greatly reduced, and the resistance from the major clans also decreased. After a period of relative stability, foreign invasions and the defeat of Yuanshuo followed, causing Emperor Ai to feel depressed and die suddenly.

The major clans in the Western Capital often migrated to the Eastern Capital to redistribute their power, but there were still many clans remaining in the Western Capital, including the Xue family.

The Saint\'s Residence in Shuofang City was only the ancestral home, and there were not many people there on ordinary days. The Xue family in the Western Capital was the headquarters of the Xue family.

At this moment, Xue Qingfu was recuperating in the Xue family, and many of the top ten physicians in Yuanshuo were treating Wenguanshan. The other half were gathered in the Xue Mansion to treat him.

"That physician Dong is even more powerful than these famous physicians. If we could invite him, I estimate that he would recover half a day earlier than Wenguanshan."


Xue Qingfu felt quite emotional, "Unfortunately, he is Dong Tianwang. One hundred and fifty years ago, I helped the God King and the Demon King drive him down. Many of his clan members died in that battle, leaving only him. After so many years, he is almost the same as he was one hundred and fifty years ago..."

At this time, a young man from the Xue family brought intelligence from the Eastern Capital.

Xue Qingfu carefully looked at it, and when he saw that Su Yun had actually used the "Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon" as the topic for the Tian Dao Yuan examination, his face sank and he was filled with murderous intent.

The young man from the Xue family was trembling and stood there with his head bowed, whispering, "Father, this Su scholar..."

"He is Su Gezhu!"

Xue Qingfu struggled to stand up, and the young man from the Xue family hurriedly came forward to support him. Xue Qingfu gasped and said, "Su Gezhu is amazing. I have guarded the Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon for more than one hundred and fifty years, but he just waved his hand and passed it on! It\'s good that you passed it on, but I hate the fact that I\'ve been preparing for a hundred years!"

He pushed the young man away, stood up forcibly, and angrily said, "If Di Ping gets the Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon, how can I control him and manipulate him? Su Gezhu, what you are doing is not sustainable!"

In the Eastern Capital, Su Yun used the "Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon" to select Tian Dao Yuan students, which naturally caused a great sensation. The students who came to the second floor of the Eastern Capital to comprehend it were endless.

The "Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon" was extremely exquisite, and after studying it for more than ten days, the techniques and abilities they comprehended even surpassed some of the secret techniques of certain aristocratic families!

Even if they couldn\'t enter the Tian Dao Yuan, getting this benefit was still significant. Moreover, some students from poor families could only learn what was taught in official schools, so the "Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon" was also an eye-opener for them.

Even the mysterious inheritors of the secret techniques of the ancient aristocratic families came to participate.

On the day of the examination, hundreds of types of true dragon techniques and abilities were presented by these students and piled up like a mountain on the examination table.

Su Yun and the Western teachers of Tian Dao Yuan checked them one by one. Some people used old holy scriptures to interpret the "Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon" and comprehend techniques, while others used new methods to create different techniques, which were unique.

The various abilities created by these students were even more dazzling, and their creativity was breathtaking.

Su Yun, Ye Luo, and other examiners also had these students demonstrate their techniques and abilities personally, and many examiners evaluated and selected those outstanding students.

"Who said that the people of Yuanshuo are not as smart as foreigners?"A teacher in Tian Dao Yuan put down a thick scroll and sighed, "They just lack the conditions to display their intelligence! If they had those conditions, they could come up with all sorts of magical spells and abilities! Anyone who says that the people of Yuan Shuo are not as creative as those from foreign lands is either stupid or malicious!"

Su Yun also agreed with this sentiment. He observed the techniques and abilities of these scholars and was greatly inspired.

He and Ying Ying together studied the "Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon" and made progress much faster than the old monsters like Tong Qingyun and Xue Qingfu who had studied for 150 years.

However, the techniques and abilities of the scholars in this examination were still many that he and Ying Ying had never thought of before. Many of their ingenious ideas were astonishing.

The reason why the scholars of Yuan Shuo seemed to lack creativity compared to those from foreign lands was simply due to the rigid education system. The children of noble families received the best resources, but their numbers were few. The vast majority of scholars came from the lower classes and could not receive complete education or learn the most advanced knowledge, making it almost impossible to change their fate.

But after they had the opportunity to observe the "Sixteen Chapters of the True Dragon," their talents were finally able to shine and their creativity was amazing.

"Perhaps the era that Mr. Shuijing and the Left Deputy Envoy want is right in front of us," Su Yun looked at the bustling scholars and silently thought to himself, "It\'s a pity that in the vast Yuan Shuo, this is just a small corner as they think."

Li Muge and Li Zhuxian also participated in this examination. One was proficient in swordsmanship with a strong foundation, and the other was a master of the family\'s divine spear with a quick mind. Both had received guidance from Qiu Shuijing and Su Yun, and their rankings among the scholars in this examination were high.

"Senior Brother, that woman is named Yu Qingluo, a native of the West Capital and from the lineage of Shennong. This lineage is rare, but has existed throughout the ages and is quite mysterious. In addition to the Shennong lineage, there are also hidden sects like the Datian lineage," Ye Luo handed a large stack of information to Su Yun and said, "Senior Brother, do you think I have the qualifications to enter the Tongtian Pavilion?"

Su Yun took the information and said, "Let me take a look."

"Ah!" Ye Luo happily left.

Su Yun boarded the carriage and returned to the Xianliang Academy in the East Capital. On the way, he read the information that Ye Luo had collected. He saw that the Shennong lineage was a school left behind by the ancient emperor, and the Datian, Dafeng, and Yousang lineages were also related to that emperor.

At that time, the world had just awakened from the destruction of the previous world, and everything was full of vitality. The calamities of ash and fire were buried underground.

The world was in darkness, and the sages built houses for the people to live in. They were called Dading, and the sage who controlled the wind and rain was called Dafeng. The sage who spun cloth and wove brocade was called Yousang.

The sages of that time were also emperors, so they were also called the Holy Emperor. This was not the same as the meaning of the Holy Emperor of the overseas countries today.

These lineages were also passed down over the long years and were once glorious. However, they rarely appeared during times of peace and only emerged during times of turmoil.

"The information that Ye Luo sent says that these ancient lineages have preserved some records from the destruction of the previous world and know some terrible truths. But when the Tongtian Pavilion asks for information from these lineages, they never give it," Su Yun put down the scroll and furrowed his brows slightly, "What is the truth that these ancient lineages know about the destruction of the previous world?"Ying Ying sat on his shoulder, with the word "curiosity" on her forehead. Suddenly her eyes lit up: "It\'s actually very simple if you want to know! Become their son-in-law, everyone is family, then you\'ll know, right?"

Su Yun shook his head and laughed, suddenly realizing something and said with a smile: "Ying Ying is right, by joining them and becoming the leader of these schools, they will most likely tell me."

He arrived at the residence of Xianliang Academy, but before he could sit down, he heard a woman\'s voice: "I am Yu Qingluo, requesting to see the Lord of Tongtian Pavilion."

"Be a son-in-law!" Ying Ying clenched her fists and encouraged Su Yun excitedly.

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