
Chapter 109

Thanks to Sylph’s spirit stones Cain could start tinkering with his system early on, adding more functions that will only increase his versatility.

[Adding the advanced appraisal]

[Adding the physical scanner, finished]

[Linking the two spirit-stones with the system and the soul, enchanting all properties]

[Resistance formation has been set, scanning the status effects…Rot resistance has been acquired…Magic resistance has been acquired…Charm resistance has been acquired.]



[Bladedance] A sword fighting style invented by the dancing queen of the dark elves. The style was passed down alongside her legacy and eventually got engraved as the elvish sword art and even the prideful High elf had to adapt it. This sword style is designed for female dark elves, it is significantly weakened when used by a male dark elf. It even further weakened of used by other races.

Legacy: The dark elves’ queen, Eilistraee. Held the Orcish invasion for a whole year, dancing with her sword without stopping until dying from exhaustion. Those who have witnessed her fighting described her as not belonging to the realm of mortals, eventually, her armor wore out, her sword crumbled yet she never stopped, the spectral form of her sword kept taking lives. In the end, the never-ending Orcish army was annihilated and the silver-haired queen’s body dissipated into glittering orbs of light.

[Twinfangs]: The art of fighting with two daggers, taught by the shadow assassin, Mauzzkyl Jaezred. It requires affinity with Shadow magic and the resilience of a dragon to perform perfectly. It leans heavily on combining Dagger arts with shadow magic to turn the user into killing darkness with no material body.

Legacy: Mauzzkyl Jaezred, the assassin no one saw or hired. Legends have it that he killed both his targets and his employers to stay hidden. Whether he is alive or dead, no one knows for sure. He only takes his employers’ lives as payments and only accepts quests that suit his whims. About a century ago, the whole royal family of a small country to the east disappeared in a single night, the people living around the castle said they heard the voice of a little child screaming the name of Mauzzkyl Jaezred, no one was found after that.

[Insight] Predicting the opponent’s movements, granted by the 20 intelligence.

[Magic resistance] Granted by the high MP capacity.

[Illusion resistance] Granted by the 20 Intelligence.

[Spirit resistance] Granted by the spirit stones.


Cain smiled at his system, this wasn’t a power boost but a utility boost. With it, he can now see more of the people’s stats making it more useful. Cain couldn’t wait to use it on people he wasn’t able to decipher their true power. His first target was Gracie, with how she used her saliva before and the fact she survived an incubus for over a year, something has to be off.

She was standing beside him so he took the chance to apprise her again, this time he was determined to know what she was!


[Aphrodisiac secretion: Saliva] Due to a mutation caused by the ancestor Succubus, the saliva gland has mutated to resemble that of a succubus and produces the same aphrodisiac compound. The ability is always active making the user saliva extremely dangerous to males.

[Hidden blade] The art of fighting with multiple hidden blades hidden in the user’s clothes and body, is one of the most common fighting styles among novice assassins.

[Devastated emotions]: The holder unconsciously sealed his own emotions to avoid harm, after years of abuse, and after realizing that her tears only brought pleasure to her abuser. Gracie Gray gave up on both sorrow and joy. The holder experience less guilt and could make harsh decisions easily, this has given her resistance to any type of magic that relies on emotions like [Fear].

[Lingering Scars]: The holder’s body stills hold the scars of her abuse, always reminding her of what she has gone through and preventing her from expressing any signs of happiness. The user’s body is numb to pain and tickling, unable to feel both hunger and thirst. Gracie Gray has to consciously remember to eat and drink, always check her scarred body for wounds she might not felt. This so she wound die of hunger or infections. This also allows the user to move even when badly injured and fight until the last drop of their blood.


Cain quickly closed her stats screen, ‘I guess I shouldn’t have seen that holy shit I didn’t know it was that bad!’

“Master, is there a problem?” Gracie asked as she saw him get paler. “No, I’m okay…Sorry.” Gracie thought he apologized for making her think he was sick.

Crack! The door slowly opened and Miko entered with a nervous face, it was time to try and use the seventh tier spell. [Greater Cleansing]

This spell worked by scanning the target body and removing any forging substance, be it magical or not. After that the spell will repair and heal the body to its natural state, albeit it can’t restore exhaustion and lowered stats, it still means you are almost guaranteed to remove any disease or curse.

Alice, Sofia, Selena, Gracie, Sebas, Takeshi, Yamauba, Daraku, and the maids. They all gathered in the room to see if the cleansing would work. Daraku and Yamauba were the most excited as they were able to see Miko reaching the Seventh-tier. If she managed to pull it off she would have surpassed even the pope, not all people who reach the required level could learn or afford the spell.

If the spell succeeded, Miko would be the strongest healer in the city and possibly one of the strongest in the kingdom.

Miko on the other hand was shaking, she was nervous as the words started to fade from her mind. Looking at Cain, she almost forgot the spell name.

“Why did you all gather? I’m pretty sure this isn’t a show.” Cain said looking at them, “Would mind leaving us alone?” Cain asked them, especially eyeing Daraku who was cheering in the back.

The maids left immediately with Sebas, Takeshi turned around, and “I also hated the audience when I was tested!” He left dragging Yamauba who was crying for him to let her watch, “You can watch her another time, now let her be alone!”

Sofia slowly walked out taking Alice and Selena with her, “We must trust Cain, you two know right?” they both agreed and left. When Daraku was about to exit Miko stopped him, Cain didn’t mind if she wanted him to be there for her.

On the table beside Cain was a small box filled with MP potions, they were for Miko to use in case she failed.

Miko slowly walked to the bed, putting her cleric charm on Cain’s chest and chanting something unintelligible. A faint golden glow start escaping her hands, her eyes flashed with golden flames as the holy magic condensed.

Spindle who was hiding in Cain’s shadow had to jump out and run through the chimney, the holy magic was burning him. Daraku noticed the creature but he was more focused on Miko to care what it was.

The next moment a large magic circle appeared above Cain and started to expand rapidly, as it reached about 6 feet in diameter it started blinking that shattered with a loud cracking noise. Miko fell on her back while Cain felt as if he was hit with a hammer to the torso.

The spell failed as Miko couldn’t keep the spell under control at the end.

Cain coughed blood, “It’s the first time…Let’s try again, and please heal me before.” Miko who was about to start crying stood and cast [Heal] on Cain to fix what she has just done to him. After gulping down one of the MP potions and having Daraku hold her back. She tried again, this time the spell didn’t even start. Then, again and again, she kept trying over and over.

The spell seemed to just fail without a reason, and Miko started to lose faith in herself. Maybe she isn’t destined to learn Seventh-tier Magic.

Cain then noticed what she was doing wrong, there was something she must have not thought of. “Try not to think much about the spell, you’re a cleric who is supposed to receive support from their god. Just wish the spell to be cast and pray for Amaterasu to make it possible!” Cain meant that even if she know how the spell worked and had memorized it, it will be hard to conjure a holy spell with reliance on faith.

Hearing Cain’s words opened her eyes, she was focused on the numbers and chanting, and how the spell was constructed. She forgot to rely on Amaterasu’s help.

“Amaterasu, Please grant me this wish, [Greater cleansing]”

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