
Chapter 412 Ashura Demon

After exiting the bath Kayden saw Miko and Yamauba waiting for them outside. “Lily has rented some rooms for us to rest in, let’s head there first,” Yamauba said with a smile.

As they reached the room Kayden looked around, “Where is Lily?”

“I will go asked the innkeeper,” Daraku said. He returned after a while.

“She went outside to buy some things, she should be back soon.” Daraku returned.

“Is that so? She must have gone a bit far away as I can’t sense her nearby.” Kayden said as he sat on the bed, he didn’t know that dogs were like cats sometimes.

“Here use this, you did want one before.” Daraku threw an apprising orb at Kayden.

“Where did you get this?” Kayden asked.

“I found it downstairs in an abandoned old leather bag, apparently someone there it on a chair and left.” Daraku found one of the guild’s executives chilling in the bar downstairs so he took the chance and stole it from his bag.


<Name: Kayden Daimon><Race: Ashura Demon><Level: 32/40><Exp: 785600/2830000>

<HP: 1152><MP: 512><SP: 1024>

<Strength: 28><Dexterity: 22><Constitution: 20>

<Intelligence: 12><Wisdom: 16><Charisma: 14>

Demon Innate ability.

[Blood of the full moon]: The demon can’t be killed under the full moon but he will lose sanity after each fatal hit.

[Demonic Body] Ashura Demons are far stronger, tough, and dexterous than other creatures due to their nature. +2 to dexterity, strength, and constitution.

[Demon Eyes] Allow the holder to see the unseen light. (He can see all the possible light wavelengths)

[Demon ears] Increase the hearing ability of the user to match that of bats

[Expanding flesh] The demon can expand his flesh to any object that he is touching for a limited range, this will allow both control and manipulation.

[Demon teleportation]

[Quick Regeneration]: Constantly heal the user for 5 HP per second passively. Or 25 per second if the user spent 1 MP each time he heals.

[Human shapshift]

<Martial Skills><Retract>

[Triple Slash]: Able to make three slashing attacks at the same time with a single blade.

[Blade flow]: A sword fighting style than utilize multiple continued slashes to overwhelm the opponent.

[Demon Blade]: The ability to cover the blade with the devil’s cursed magic in exchange for it feeding on the opponent’s blood. You gain no experience from killing while using such an ability.



“It’s weak, it can’t display my magic.” Kayden threw the orb back to Daraku.

“It’s a dud then, of course, they won’t let someone wander around with a high-quality orb like that. I will go give it back.” Daraku walked out.

Down in the bar, Daraku approached the half-drunk executives and smiled. “How are ya doing, drinks are good?”

They looked at him and then smiled, they were almost out from drinking a bit too much. “Yeaaa!” One of them cheered.

“Master, give them more on me,” Daraku called the bartender with a cheerful voice.

“No chance, they can’t drink anymore. I was about to kick them out before they start throwing up!” the bartender replied.

The executive looked sad after they were excited to get the free drinks.

“Heard him, no more drinks for tonight. I will nonetheless pay if you convince him to let you drink. Have a fun night.” Daraku left.

In that interaction he slipped the orb back into their bags, the drinks were his way of thanking them. But since the bartender won’t serve those drinks then he won’t be spending a penny.

As Daraku was heading toward the stairs a man entered the bar, he was a regular person but Daraku spotted something in the far distance outside.

He simply spotted a red dot get snatched into one of the buildings. This can be nothing of importance, but Daraku had kidnapped enough people to realize the action. What more, Lily was wearing red clothes.

“Northwest, at the end of the street!” Daraku whispered faintly, enough for Kayden to pick up.

Kayden was sitting on the bed about to start clipping his nails when he heard Daraku. The candle’s flames extinguished as the demon disappeared leaving just a fading whisper of air.

Kayden landed in front of the door where Daraku saw the action take place. And just as he did, he could hear Lily’s muffled screams inside. It has been less than ten seconds since they kidnapped her and they were struggling to tie her down.

Kayden opened the door and walked in, he could see everything through the wall so he wasn’t in a hurry.

“AHHH! A thief!” A woman screamed as she saw Kayden walk into her house.

Kayden kept walking inside unbothered, treating the woman like a barking dog. She can bark as much as she wants, he heard enough to not care.

As he was walking toward the basement door she cut his way screaming, “Guards save me! A man entered my house.”

Kayden looked at her, Lily was dragged through here. He grabbed the brook she kept at the wall side and snapped it in half.

“Here’s a stick, go grab it bitch.” Kayden threw the stick to the other side of the room expecting the woman to go grab it.

The woman snapped and leaped at Kayden trying to stab him with a knife she was hiding under her clothes.

CRACK! Kayden swung his arm and hit her shoulder with a backhand fist. The woman’s body flew at the wall and smashed onto it. She was dead on the spot.

‘Dog madness (Rabies)? No wonder she was barking a lot and didn’t go grab the stick. I better ask Yamauba to burn the corpse before it spreads around.’

Kayden opened the door and walked in, He could see the people through the wall. They have finished tying Lily and threw her in a large bag, and there are running away from another door.

“Hehe, we caught her we caught her!” When of them cheered happily as they run away with Lily.

“I saw her pay for multiple rooms and buy a lot of food! She must be rich!” The other one added.

“Even if she wasn’t carrying money with her, I bet we extorted the people she came with!” Another one said with a massive smile as they got out to an alleyway.

After a few seconds of running, they spotted a strange man waiting for them at the end.

A tall, decently muscular man wearing a grey kimono and a Katana at his waist, his slightly wet hair was tied in a short ponytail behind his head.

What was so strange that they stopped was the fact that he had six eyes instead of two as he approached them.

“Give Lily back,” Kayden said with a passive face.

“This? You better pay up if you want her!” The man swung his arm toward the bag trying to punch Lily. That gesture was simply to show they are intending on harming her, just a way to put pressure.

But, nothing hit the bag. The man was missing the arm needed to do so. It was then that he realized the blood dripping from his armpit and the pain finally surged in.

As they looked at Kayden in horror, he had already drawn his sword and the area around him started to morph.

[Hallucinatory Terrain]

The kidnapper found themselves standing in a dead, withering forest that smelled foul. Facing them was a six-armed, three-headed humanoid monster.

“I guess…” The first head said, “The dog madness has spread…” The second head followed. “Sadly, you must be put to rest…” Those were the last words those kidnappers heard.

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