
Chapter 516 A dragon's grooming

The moment he stretched, Bela appeared behind him with a worried face. “You must see Amaya, her polymorph had worn out.”

Cain slowly turned back and looked at her. “I will be there in a few minutes,”

He then went into the bath, washed his face, and ate what breakfast he found ready. This was an important day as he has a fight with Zaleria at noon. Right now she must be in her Hut getting ready, this will be the first time he fought her for real.

As he finished, he headed to the maze to check on Amaya.

In the undead room, she sat silently on a chair waiting. As Cain walked in he saw her.

‘Is this from taking all of my undead? What a monster have you created?’ Morena thought as she sensed the countless undead linked to the rotten maid facing them.

“Master, you have come.” She said and all the undead around her bowed. This caused Cain to look around and then stop at Bela standing at the door. He then looked toward Amaya.

“An undead lord? You’re…everywhere?” Cain gasped, he had never seen such an undead. All those zombies around him weren’t normal. Amaya is no longer just linked to them, they were a part of her.

“That seems to be the case.” A zombie at the corner spoke. “All of those are me” Another zombie spoke.

“We’re Amaya,” All the undead growled at the same time.

“But who’s the main body, there must be one,” Cain asked as he wasn’t able to differentiate between the undead necrotic magic. They all seemed to belong to Amaya.

“There is no main body, those all are my body. If you want the original body, it’s me.” Amaya stood from her chair and walked toward one of the zombies. She gently touched its head and the whole monster got sucked into her body.

Bela approached them, “Her soul is still inside you. All of the undead consciousness has formed a second soul for her. Unlike me, she now has two souls and phylacteries. One is you and the other is all those corpses.”

Cain looked at Bela’s worried face, “What about you?”

“I can feel her crawling under my skin, her consciousness is living inside my head,” Bela said scratching her head.

Amaya approached Cain, “I got a glimpse at her head, now I can do this.” Amaya lifted her hand and a spear of ice formed. She then clenched her fist and the ice shattered.

Bela cringed, “See that, she was using me to cast that. There are thousands of undead spread around this city, Ourals, and the capital that she can possess at will and then summon the whole army.”

“I’m still weak on my own, but I won’t die. Neither will the army.” Amaya’s smiled didn’t appear as her undead face couldn’t convey emotion well.

“I understand,” Cain walked toward her, “The polymorph spell broke when you evolved, I should be able to recast it quickly.” He immediately started working on the spell, it was probably uncomfortable for Amaya to stay in that form.

After a few minutes, Amaya asked Cain the question which plagued her mind since the last night.

“Master…do you know that my link to you almost broke last night?”

Cain stared at her surprised, “No…how did it happen? You shouldn’t have informed me immediately.”

Amaya went and explained what she felt, and how it all happened.

“I can only think of one reason, doubt it makes any sense.” Cain shook his head, “I will try and create multiple links to make sure this never happens again.”

Amaya looked at Cain with worried eyes, hesitant she asked, “Can you tell me what that reason is?”

Cain looked at her face and then explained.

“This is probably wrong but, have you heard of Loki?”


“He’s a god of sorts and had three sons. Fenrir the nine-tailed wolf, Hel the undead queen, and Jörmungand the world serpent. It’s said that those three never liked each other. Probably Hati’s magic got into me and interfered with your phylactery.”

“I don’t understand…”

“You don’t have, as neither I do.” Cain sighed. Things have gotten complicated managing all those around him has started to become taxing. He has no time to conduct experiments and test information.

He stood up and gave her a smile, “Yep, this will do it.” Amaya has regained her humanoid look.

At noon, Zaleria walked out of her hut. She took a deep breath under the warm sunlight and smiled. The birds chirped on the tall trees as the grass danced with the wind a massive jagged boulder rested in the middle of the garden with Mold growing on its sides due to the humidity. It was a beautiful day for an important event.

Her blood was already pumping, and a smile crossed her face. She has never cared for seriously finding a mate, but now she could understand. Cain was strong, will she be able to win? She can’t guess which made her teeth tickle.

She can hear her heart rumbling as the heat reached her eyes and a stream of flames gushed from her nose. She quickly rushed toward the empty garden and gently transformed into her draconic form. It was time to get herself ready.

She extended her hand and grabbed the boulder. That wasn’t a normal stone, to dragons, it was like a nail clipper but instead used for sharpening claws.

She sat down balancing on her tail and started sharpening her claws. With each stroke, a wave of sparks glowed with a crimson flash.

After she was done with her claws, she grabbed one of the trees and pulled it off from the roots. With her jaw, she bit the roots out and cut the branches leaving only the massive trunk. She then gently munched on it to turn it into a sort of massive brush.

With that trunk, she cleaned her fangs and sharpened them with the boulder as she did her claws. That might have seemed painful to anyone but it was normal for dragons. Their teeth never stop growing like those of rabbits so they had to wear them often.

After she made sure her fangs were sharp and glowing white she turned to her two black horns. Those things were the dragon’s pride, to them they were like hair to humans. She sharpened them as well and a thought came to her mind now that she lived with Cain and the girls for some time.

The only body care she did before was sharpening…and occasionally bathing in her molten gold…

‘I probably find something that smells nice…’ She sniffed her scales, she smelled of sulfur and pumice. To Red dragons, this was an attractive smell, but she was almost sure it wasn’t for humans.

She walked around sniffing the trees around until she found one that smelled kind of okay, she pulled it out and crushed the leaves in her hands until they turned into a green paste.

She then leaped into the sky and flew to the nearest pond, THUD! As she landed the whole ground shook. All the animals in the area ran away if fear of the gigantic monster.

She gently put the paste on the ground and approached the pond. Glaring at the water, a couple of crocodiles were hiding under the surface. She could understand that they weren’t hiding to ambush her, but were hiding to save their lives. Most animals had a strong enough instinct to realize that such a massive monster was not to be messed with.

She slowly closed her massive jaw to the crocodiles, “Get out.” She growled and all of them quickly ran away. They didn’t understand her words but could she didn’t want them in the water.

She turned around to grab the past, Clunk! Something pricked her toe. She looked down, a single crocodile tried to bite her.

GRWAAA! She growled at him and kept moving, she didn’t want to kill him for such a minor thing. He must understand and run now.

But, as she started moving away, The crocodile bit the tip of her tail, he was keen on fighting her for some reason.

“Fine,” She sighed lifting her tail, he stayed dangling, biting as hard as he could.

Zaleria opened her mouth and dropped him in, she didn’t even need to chew as the heat in her throat immediately grilled him. She glared down at the other crocodiles and a stream of flame escaped her nose.

GRRRRAAAAA! She growled, almost resembling a loud cat purr. It was a sign she was mad and that approaching her meant death.

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