
Chapter 549 A Demon In The East

GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The samurais screamed in agony, their blood smattering like splashed water. Thud! Thud! The demon woman leaped from the ground to the house wall slicing one of the samurais\' heads off.

"Hehe! Seeing you cry in despair like that, your sacrifice has been in vain." The woman growled with a slight giggle, and her severed arm quickly regenerated.

One of the samurais pulled his bow from his back and took a shot. Cling! Swinging her arm, she deflected the arrow away revealing her power. Her hands turned into mantis-like blades, her skin got covered in green scales as her eyes grew larger.

"She is the real demon, she had us earlier. Kill her!" One of the samurais shouted holding his blade straight, he took a deep breath and rushed ahead. The woman leaped at him with a swing but he deflected the attack.

He stopped, turned around, and swung at her neck. GRAAA! Two pairs of arms grew from her back and disemboweled him. "You humans are…" She turned around to face the other but then, STAB! As she looked behind…

The man she thought was about to die, with his guts spilling. He has remained standing. And stabbed her back. "GET HER!" He roared with his last breath and the other rushed to skewer the demon.

Without mercy, they stabbed her over and over, when she was bloody enough, they flipped her on her back and continued stabbing. "Bring the axe so we can chop her up, get the fire pit ready as well!" one of the yelled.

Demons were hard to kill, beheading them or stabbing their heart only stopped them temporarily. They regenerate like crazy.

The only known way for them to kill a demon was to deal as much damage to the body as possible so it won\'t regenerate as quickly, and then burn the whole thing to ash.

This usually kills the demon, but there was a case when a demon regenerated from his ash. To that, another step was added. That is to mix the ash with mortar. And then turn it into a block of stone and throw it into the ocean\'s depth. Some have even suggested separating the ashes across the whole country but that would have required a lot of work and taken a lot of time.

They chopped her up into bits and started carrying her to the flame pit.

GRAAA! One of the screamed, the first man they thought was the demon has moved again, he leaped and chopped one of the samurais in half, kicking the other away and piercing the flesh pieces with his hand.

"Hehe, watching you hope and despair, it\'s always entertaining!" A voice boomed as the two bodies got mixed together.

The monstrosity that emerged was the stuff of horror, the true form of the demon. A pink mixture between a mantis and a woman, with two hands, two long mantis blades, and two small ones on her back. Her wings upper half raised behind her back with what looked like two eyes, the other one dripped on her waist like a robe. As she tilted her mantis head to the side, their sensory antenna horns wiggled. GRGRGRGRGRGRG! A grigeling sound escaped her mouth as she glared at her meal.

The samurais stood there shaking, she has played them well. Could they fight her now, they need to retreat. No, it\'s either they die fighting her or spill their guts with their own hands. "WE shall triumph, or die trying!" They roared.

CLICK! It was then, they heard the footstep of someone approaching from the forest shadow. The demon looked in that direction as did all the samurais. A heavy aura approached.

CLICK! CLACK! As he emerged from the shadow, the moonlight illuminated his face. A long-haired foreigner in a samurai outfit, his glowing six eyes glared at them.

"Another demon." One of the samurais pointed his blade before coming to a halt. He noticed that the new demon was staring at the mantis demon, he even wore their uniform and held a Katana on his waist.

"Who are you?" one of the samurais growled.

Kayden stared at them, "Woof!" was what he heard. He grabbed his blade\'s hilt.

"Doges like you need to run away, you aren\'t trained or raised to face monsters." He said as he approached.

"What do you…" One of the samurais was about to growl when his friend tapped his shoulder, "Let\'s move, if demons would kill each other it\'s for the best." They ran away.

"Letting food run away, what a waste." The mantis demon growled staring at Kayden, her mouth cracking and her blades twisting.

"Your meal has run away, mine is still here barking." He slowly pulled his blade, his aura slowly became denser.

The mantis demon took a step back, this man was a problem. He hasn\'t even transformed fully yet his aura already matched her, not he surpassed her. "Who are you?" She growled.

Kayden immediately leaped at her swinging his blade. She dodged to the side and attacked his arm. CLANG! Her blades cut through his kimono but did nothing to his flesh.

Kayden switched his foot position and swung the blade at her horizontally. She easily leaped away and took a hit at his neck. He remained unscathed.

The demon got confused, Kayden was strong, yet his moves looked strange, easily predictable as if he never wielded a sword before.

Kayden stood staring at her, grabbed his katana with both hands, and swung at her. She easily dodged and took a shot at his arm again. "What is your deal?" she asked.

Kayden looked at his katana with a puzzled face.

Then, a voice spoke from the darkness, "See, you still haven\'t got hold of the fighting style." Daraku was there watching.

"I just wanted to try in a real battle, seeing them train was interesting," Kayden replied taking a swing at the air, and then another.

The demon stared at them in confusion.

"Testing it on a demon is risky," Daraku growled. Kayden was learning a new sword style and is in the early stages, he barely started that morning and he now is wanting to test his skill on a demon.

"It will be fine…" Kayden said and glared at the demon, "She\'s weak after all."

A moment of silence, "Shut up!" Demon yelled. She leaped at Kayden swinging her blades as fast as she could. He tried to block but got hit, and tried to dodge but got hit. His skills in that fighting style weren\'t a match for the demon in any way.

A swung after swing, she unleashed a creaking deadly barrage of slashes aiming to kill Kayden. All of her attacks hit their mark. She started laughing, "You can\'t keep up, and you will die here." She didn\'t want to believe that he was only playing with her.

She leaped away panting, having slashed him hundreds if not thousands of times. She stared in shock. "I really need to train more, you shredded my kimono without me being able to do anything," Kayden said with a sad voice.

She stood there watching as his torn kimono fell off revealing his muscular body, pure white skin with vein-riddled muscles. Not a single scratch on him, all her attack did was merely shred his kimono.

Kayden lifted his sword giving up on trying his new style, "Guess, I will get this over with." KABOOM! His blades exploded with demonic flames and his aura became far bigger.

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