
Chapter 655 Chad VS The Dragons

Sylph disappeared with Chad, Ariel, and Evelyn just before Cain started rampaging. The next moment Chad opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the balcony of the elvish royal castle.

"Welcome to my land. I hope you find it fun." Sylph said with a smile.

"Found what fun? Your teleportation sucks compared to Cain\'s." He stared back at her, "Where are those dragons you\'re so worried about?"

"Can\'t you at least smile a bit?" Sylph sighed, "They are camping to the north. they will attack soon, so it\'s better to kill them before they approach the capital." Sylph explained with a smile.

Chad walked to the balcony and stared at the city, Evelyn and Ariel by his sides. "Are you ready to fight?" He asked, and the two smiled, their eyes gleaming with holy light.

"Are you asking the gods\' killing machines if they are ready to kill? Don\'t you misunderstand our existence?" Evelyn said with a smile. Divine magic started rumbling on her skin.

"Talk for yourself, Archon. I\'m not a mindless killing machine."

Ariel stared at her. "We need the plan to ensure dragons reach the city."

Slyph smiled from the back, "I will handle that. You make sure to kill as much as you can of them. But be wary. They are equipped soldiers with ample training."

Chad grabbed the sword he got from the dwarf, "This blade, let\'s see what it can do." The sword was invisible in his hand, but everyone felt the concentrated divine magic oozing from it.

Chad smiled, "Let\'s take care of this," He jumped off the balcony, landing on one of the houses in the city.

Thud! Thud! Thud! He leaped from one roof to the other. All the residents stared at him, "What is a human doing here?" They wondered.

"No, that isn\'t a human. His magic is strange." The more versed of them in the arcane arts realized that Chad was strange for a human.

At that moment, the whole city felt a divine pulse from the castle. When they looked, they spotted two angels flying out behind the man, rushing north where they heard the dragons were camping.

BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! Chad leaped to the ground and rushed toward the gate, running faster than any horse could dream. Each of his steps left a mark on the concrete road\'s foundation.

"Open the gate!" He yelled at the guards, "You shall not leave. Who are you?" They pointed their spears at him, "Fine!" Chad yelled back, rushing past them.

CLANG! He blew a hole in the steel door with a single punch and ran outside. The guards could do nothing to stop him.

"A message from her majesty, let the human and the two angels. pass without stopping them." A crystal ball rang in the pocket of one of the guards.

"Order late. The human had already busted the gate. I haven\'t seen the angels yet." He replied, and two shadows flew past him, tearing what remained from the gate into pieces.

The guard lifted the ball, "Update, I\'ve seen the angels, and we need a new gate." He sighed, "What is going on?"

"The queen says they are going to face the dragons. Make sure no one escapes the city."


Chad leaped from one tree to the other, ascending the northern mountain and jumping from the peak. He then saw the dragons\' camp at the base. Hundreds of them were lined, polishing their weapons and armor.

It was a strange scene to see a gigantic dragon clad in heavy armor and holding a sword.

All the dragons looked up, perceiving Chad\'s presence.

"Who is that?" A great blue wyrm growled, taking his human shape. He Located Chad immediately and flew at him.

"Who are you?" The dragon waited for Chad to land, holding his greatsword ready.

BAM! Chad landed, standing and without bending his knees. "I need you to leave," Chad said, walking toward the dragon as the dust settled.

"General Aledorio Kamigorian, I led the scout team for the great dragons\' empire west unit. What is your name?" The dragon seemed calm and collected and, most notably, never broke his smile.

Chad smiled, opening his arms, "Chad Lisworth, a mere human."

The dragon looked behind Chad, "A mere human, you say? Why are there two angels behind you?"

Chad looked back, "They are my wives. Do you have a problem?"

The dragon smiled, "No, not at all." He stabbed the ground with his sword, "Chad Lisworth, best of humanity. Why did you come to our camp?" He growled, "Do you wish to oppose our cause?"

"I need to leave, at least for this day." Chad said, "I don\'t want my son\'s business to be interrupted by you."

"And what if we don\'t?" The dragon smiled.

"I will have to fight you all here," Chad replied, lifting his sword.

"Our business is with the elves. We never made humans our enemies. What is your son doing for our attack to interrupt?"

Aledorio was right. Dragons never attacked humans directly to this point. All of their attacks were directed at the elves or in search of the shards.

"Chad, there is no use talking to those idiots. They only understand one language." Evelyn said, creating a holy sword in her hand.

Aledorio looked at her, "I can\'t pull the army because a human said so, and this is a good time for us to attack. You\'re the ones who are being unreasonable."


Sylph watched them through a crystal ball, "They are talking with him. It is the first time it happened beside Lilia."

One of Sylph\'s servants peeked into the ball, "A person with such condensed divine energy dripping from him, followed by two mighty angels. The dragons might be mistaking him for an Avatar of some god."

Sylph nodded, "They usually attack and ask questions later, but now they prefer to end this peacefully."

"I thought the dragons would be more enraged by seeing an Avatar." Another servant asked.

"They hate the gods. But they can\'t risk fighting an unknown god without preparation. They need more information first," Sylph explained, standing up. "I should start reinforcing the city and the world tree. Follow me.


Aledorio sighed, "Fine, let\'s decide this with a duel between us." He pointed his greatsword toward Chad, "I lose. We retreat. You lose, you leave."

Chad rested his fists on his hip, "Do you want to face me alone?" He smiled, "I expected you all to charge at me at once."

Aledorio Shook his head, "We won\'t do that. Let\'s decide this between us."

Chad sheathed his blade, walking toward Aledorio, "Come at me. I want to test what I have."

Aledorio growled, "You dare insult me by walking into the battle unarmed?"

"You dragon always insult the others by fighting unarmed. What\'s the harm in me doing the same to you?" Chad smiled, "I\'m the hunter now."

Aledorio turned bright red, "Shut up, let\'s see how you speak later." With one leap. He appeared beside Chad, engulfed in lightning.

"Die!" Aledorio swung his blade at an immense speed.

Like a master, Chad waved under the sword and swung his fist at Aledorio\'s stomach.

Thwack! the fist connected with a massive blast, sending the dragon rolling away.

Aledorio landed on his feet, staring at Chad with a surprised face. Was that fist coming from a human? [Thunder Flash] He flew at Chad with a ninth-tier spell. His speed was unmatched by anyone else.

BAM! Chad bent his neck when he approached, headbutting the dragon down. CRACK! "Don\'t charge blindly, kid." Chad said, lifting the dragon with one hand, "You\'re supposed to be stronger. Stop underestimating me and show me what you have."

CRACKLE! Aledorio raged, swinging multiple kicks at Chad. BAM! BAM! BAM! He deflected most of them. But one landed on his chest, sending him back.

Chad retained his stance, watching the dragon charge at him rapidly.

Aledorio swung his sword at Chad [Teleport], and he disappeared.

Aledorio appeared behind Chad, swinging down.

SLASH! Aledorio cut a large wound on Chad\'s back. "You aren\'t that tough. As expected from the humans\' soft skin."

But as soon as Aledorio opened his mouth, Chad\'s wound flashed brightly, immediately closing.

Chad turned around, swinging a fist at Aledorio. "What were you saying?" BAM! BAM! CRACK!

Aledorio deflected two fists and got hit with the third, but it didn\'t shake him. ROAR! Opening his mouth, a massive blast of lightning flashed across the sky, rumbling like a hundred explosions.

Chad swung a kick up, hitting the breath before reaching him. BAM! With all the dragons staring with stupid faces, Evelyn and Ariel smiled as they saw the breath deflect to the sky.

Thwack! Chad dropped his foot to the ground, taking a deep breath. His arms waved around, collecting momentum.

"This hit is a gift from a dancer."

VOM! CRACK! Chad uppercuts the dragon on the chin, breaking two teeth and sending him flying away.

KABOOM! The ground shattered.

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