
Chapter 828 828 A New Adventure

Chapter 828 Chapter 828 A New Adventure

"Cultivation? It\'s..." Zi Ling started to answer but paused to better acquaint herself with her real feelings on the subject.

Ever since she was young, her family had fully emphasized on her about the importance of cultivation.

And since she was also found very talented in this path, there had been no other dream for her but to ascend to an ever greater heights in practice and make her family proud in the end.

From that day forward, Zi Ling has only trained day and night. In truth, this was not an easy life at all.

There need to be an obsession in her heart or else the fire within would be eaten by the sins of laziness and procrastination.

"...a way of life. It is all I\'ve ever known for as long as i can remember." Zi Ling tried to be subtle in her words.

She believed that it would not really matter whether her husband knew what she really felt or not.

"Then you must be good at it then. I can easily imagine you becoming a respected expert who can command a million cultivators at a whim, Ling\'er. I can\'t wait to see that day."

Clark said excitedly.

"Cough." A slight disturbance happened before Zi Ling could reply. This was of course none other else than Yan Huan who stood on the side.

She could not believe the audacity of our very own protagonist who claimed that he could see that day in the future. One should know that a mortal could only live a very short life.

"Thank you for your encouraging words." Zi Ling replied formally. She did not even reprimand her servant Yan Huan because her opinion has also not differed much from the latter.

Things of this nature would come so far in the future and thus predicting them was nigh impossible indeed.

"..." Clark nodded with a smile and the two resumed their dinner in silence once more.

That night, they slept together in one bed but no moans of lust nor love accompanied this simple union. Only the familiar snores and peace of mind.

Zi Ling continued to go home every night until the 8th month after that fated encounter.

* * *



"BANG!" The kiss of multiple sword lights threw disarray upon a huge boulder nearby.

If one observed carefully, one would notice that the division on the rocks was no more a centimeter thick from the whole.

The sword rays expanded in all directions and it would give anyone the illusion that a sword immortal was born at its midst.

This was of course a grave fallacy and an overstatement of the truth. In fact, this was only Zi Ling who had achieved a whole new realm of power.

She was now at the 1st Stage of Physique Accumulation Realm and her life span was extended up to 200 years.

"Finally." Zi Ling muttered a single word to celebrate this feat. Only she knew of the hardships and penance she\'d gone through in order to step in this realm.

"Well done, young miss! Your mother would be so proud and also surprised when you tell her this great news later on!" Yan Huan jumped in joy.

"Yes. But that would have to come much later. I need to do something more important before that. Come, Yan Huan. Let\'s go home." Zi Ling said in reply.

They rode the carriage, arrived in the mansion, eaten dinner, until Zi Ling was once more alone with her husband on the soft king sized bed. The hours went on unnoticed.

It was exactly at 3 o\'clock in the morning when someone tried to break the silence.

"Are you still awake?" One asked in hesitation. If this conversation would not happen at this time then she would have to try again on the morrow.

It was only the fear of rejection that hindered her more so than usual.



"HARK!" The snoring sounds persisted for three breaths before it stopped completely on its rhythmic tracks.

"Yes? How can i serve my beautiful wife in this most romantic time of the night?" Our bored gamer obliged Zi Ling\'s whispery summons.

"I want to go back to the Silver Sea Palace." Zi Ling was direct in her answer. If her husband would tell her to stay then there was nothing she could do about it.

Nevertheless, she would of course not give up that easily and would try her hardest to convince him. Luckily for her, what she heard next almost made her sat up in surprise.

"Okay." Clark merely replied with this one word.

"Really?" Zi Ling asked after a long pause. This was out of her expectations at all!

"Of course! But if you get tired in your life in that place, you can always stop to rest and come back here anytime you want. Know that I\'ll always be waiting for you here.

But i can\'t promise you that i won\'t collect a dozen or more concubines in your absence." Clark laughed softly at the end of his words.

"Thank you." Zi Ling said. Although she could always practice in this city but it her progress would be greatly stunted compared to what she could have in the Silver Sea Palace.

The most talented disciples would get much resources there and there was also no lack of elders to teach them. Thus, this approval certainly meant a lot to Zi Ling and her future.

She slept with a beautiful smile on her face.

* * *

Morning came.

"So she\'s gone." Clark sighed as he look around him to see an empty room and no other soul but him.

With a thought, the air in the chambers materialized into being to display a live viewing of Zi Ling and her attendant. Both were already riding a flying boat back to the sect.

The richer clans would have flying magical mounts but in this desolate city of Lucky Origin, not one cultivator has even tamed a suitable beast for long distance travel.

"But life goes on." Our avid gamer smiled and prepared early for today\'s work.

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