
Chapter 979: Requests Reinforcements

Chapter 979: Requests Reinforcements

However, Dr. Pym didn’t respond to Scott’s cries for help. In fact, since Scott entered the warehouse, his communication with Dr. Pym had been cut off. There were clearly devices in the warehouse that were blocking other forms of communication as well.

Buzz Buzz~

“Damn it!!” Without waiting for Dr. Pym’s response, Scott already felt that death was approaching him quickly.


Scott was in a dire situation and felt like he had no other option but to use his last resort. He quickly reached down to his waist and retrieved three metal darts. With a forceful motion, he threw the darts toward the laser nets, hoping that they might find some way to crack through.

Scott was aware that the chances of success were slim, but he had to give it a try. He had always been one to never give up hope, no matter how bleak the circumstances seemed.

Bang Bang Bang!

Soon, the three metal darts instantly grew bigger and rushed out of the production line and hit an approaching laser net. As Scott expected, under the powerful energy of the laser, the three metal darts just knocked out a few sparks and were directly turned into powder.

“Is that the only way to use it?” As Scott watched the laser nets continue to move closer and closer, he wondered to himself with a serious expression on his face.

Despite the potential dangers, Scott was determined to find a way out of this predicament. Suddenly, an idea came to him – the Quantum Realm.

He remembered the warning from Dr. Pym about the strange, alternate dimension that existed beyond the limits of normal space and time. He realized that by shrinking down to the smallest possible size, he would be able to avoid the energy particles of the laser beam and escape its destructive path.

However, entering the Quantum Realm also meant that Scott would keep shrinking until he reached a point where the laws of physics as he knew them no longer applied. This could result in him being trapped in a world with no concept of space or time, unable to return to the normal world.

The reason why Dr. Pym had never allowed his daughter to use the Ant-Man suit was rooted in a tragic experience from his past. Dr. Pym’s lover had entered the Quantum Realm and never returned. This loss had left a deep scar on Dr. Pym and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing another loved one in the same manner.

This was also the reason why Dr. Pym had warned Scott about the dangers of entering the Quantum Realm. Despite the potential benefits, it was a realm of unknowns and unpredictables, and Dr. Pym did not want to experience the same heartbreak twice.

Buzz Buzz~

As Scott struggled against the relentless laser nets, he realized that their speed showed no signs of slowing down. With only five seconds left until they would reach his position, he knew that he had to act quickly.

“Fight! Alice, I love you!” With no other options available to him, Scott mustered up his courage and prepared to engage in battle once again. He took a deep breath, then reached for the shrinking device at his waist.

But just as his hand brushed against the device, Scott felt something unexpected. He quickly withdrew his hand to find that he was holding a familiar object – the same one that Lin Rui had thrown to him days prior.

“This is…?” Scott was momentarily stunned as he gazed down at the object in his hand. The laser nets were still closing in, and time was running out.

“The object that the young man gave me! He said that I could turn to him for help if I ever needed it.” Holding the metal ball tightly in his grip, Scott felt a glimmer of hope rekindled in his heart.

“Hey! Can you hear me? I need help right now! Hey! Are you there?” Without hesitation, Scott raised the metal ball to his mouth and cried out for assistance. At this point, he had nothing left to lose and was willing to try anything to survive.

Dī Dī!

Just as Scott finished yelling, two eye-catching red lights suddenly flashed on the metal ball in his hand. Then, a voice that sounded like heaven to Scott came out.

“Don’t worry, I’m here for you.” Lin Rui’s voice was like music to Scott’s ears after he had yelled for help.

Scott was unaware that Lin Rui, who was located in a different city, couldn’t stand to watch the situation any longer. Even if Scott hadn’t called for help, Lin Rui would have still intervened. However, it was better to make his move after Scott called for help.

“Ah! You’re really there! How can you help me? I’m surrounded by laser nets! Is this metal ball a super bomb? Can it blow up these laser nets?” Scott asked excitedly and urgently. The laser nets were now less than ten centimeters away from him.

“Uh… don’t worry about it.” Lin Rui responded calmly, understanding Scott’s current state of excitement.


As Scott was sensing the energy from the laser nets, a message suddenly emerged from the metal ball in his grip. Despite the swift motion of the laser network, it could not outpace the speed of signal transmission.

Just as the message from the metal ball arrived, JARVIS, who was managing the defense system behind the scenes, received the transmission. With JARVIS’s rapid processing speed, he immediately analyzed the source and authenticity of the message. Without informing Tony, JARVIS acted promptly to address the situation.


“Ahh!” Scott cried out, his hand clutching the adjuster at his waist.

The voice from the young man in the metal ball had only spoken a few words before falling silent. Meanwhile, the laser net was still closing in on Scott. He could not simply surrender his life to others.


And just as Scott was about to press the zoom-out button on his waist adjuster, the laser net that had encircled him suddenly stopped mere millimeters away from his face. Although Scott was now the size of an ant, the five-millimeter distance was still close enough for him to touch with a small movement.

“Uh, is this your assistance?” Scott asked with a quivering voice, having confirmed that the six-point laser net had indeed stopped.

“Yes, the danger has passed,” Lin Rui’s voice came from the metal ball.


As soon as Lin Rui finished speaking, the laser net that had hovered just millimeters away from Scott vanished into thin air as if it had never existed. If it weren’t for Scott’s ability to still sense the presence of energy particles in the surrounding air, he would have thought it was all an illusion.

“Whew! I made it!” After confirming that there were no further threats, Scott tumbled off Anton Ant’s back and collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath.

“I have already repaired the defense system of this warehouse for you. Oh, and I would like to remind you that your target this time should be in the room on your left,” Lin Rui’s voice echoed again.

Given that Lin Rui had participated in the construction of the base, he likely knew where the items originally stored in this warehouse had been moved to. This time, not only did he assure Scott that there was no danger, but he also provided a helpful message.

“Oh! I understand! Thank you!” Hearing Lin Rui’s reminder, Scott, who was still lying on the production line, quickly expressed his gratitude.

“Hurry up, I can’t guarantee how long I can keep the defense system at bay. Remember, this is Stark Industry’s system,” Lin Rui added a final reminder before cutting off the conversation.

Lin Rui couldn’t reveal the extent of his involvement with Tony Stark or the fact that he was more powerful than him. Doing so would undermine Tony’s reputation, and Lin Rui didn’t want to do that. So, he chose to leave Scott with a few words of caution instead.

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