
Chapter 124: Thrall

Chapter 124: Thrall

With my little experiment, going on I smiled as Vragi, a meager qi realm of Blood, glanced around, striving to survive. A week had passed since then, and I could see the desperation, and I could already see the city. He knew, and I knew that his time was slowly getting closer. Every flicker of his eye, flare of his nostrils was all captured by me as I gazed at the boy.

The desperation in his eyes was quite delicious watching him squirm, and it was my only source of entrainment. Lilith was not here to hold my attention, and I wanted to know if this would make a soul more powerful. I had a feeling it would not, but something was going on with him. Something that could potentially change the way I live.

I had skipped a day of qi transfer, and he fell to his knees, wailing, begging for the gods to give it back. I honestly burst into laughter, knowing he was begging the wrong gods. It was then I learn I was turning him into a pet, or maybe I should say my personal demon. I could wrap his mind anyway I see fit. Without my qi, he would go mad.

Unforntaly for him, I was not one to have someone by my side that would betray me. A weak demon-like him served little purpose. There was one more week, and I dint want to show my little toy to the various people...at least not yet.

Staring at the kid, I appeared in front of him, ripping his heart from his chest. "m~m~M~Master?" He confusedly whispered as if not understanding that his life was ending.

"Shhh, just let this happen," I lightly said. Watching the life fade, I watched as his blackened soul entered my body. A bright smile filled my lips as I chuckled. While the soul was weak, it produced vital energy for my body a lot quicker...ten times quicker than all the other souls at his level.

Smiling, I suddenly frowned, "I would have to turn an entire city into demons and then kill them. That is a lot of work, or I could have these little demons of mine bring me, souls. They would slaughter all throughout Midgard and gift them to me. "

Turning Vragi body to ash, I continued on my way after fixing my robes. Looking at the city in the distance, I smile, picking up the pace to reach it in a few days. However, my steps suddenly froze after a few hours as I stared at the little darkish men in a cage.

Their bodies were small and rugged, with large calluses on their fingers. A look of fear and betrayal was present as they wailed," we had a deal, he promised us. He promised. take us back to..."

Turning around, I saw a woman with long blonde hair flash her teeth as she shot out a whip striking the Dwarve in the face blasting his eyeball from his eye socket as she bellowed in rage. "Shut up, you fucking Thrall, before I sent you straight to Hellhime," said the woman as she sent me an annoyed glance. "Who are you?"

Oh, so they are slaves here...how interesting, but I thought they were respected creatures. Although I do understand the attraction of having dwarven Thralls(Slaves)

"What does it look like" I annoyingly said, pointing at my dressing as I rolled my eyes. Why do people ask such obvious questions? I was wearing fine robes. Can they not see I look out of place? Glancing at the massive man beside the woman, frowning as his tattoos began to glow similar to the man I killed when I arrived.

Suddenly feeling an uncomfortable sensation, I leaped back, my gaze never leaving the man who arose. there was a bloodthirsty smile upon his lips as he turned to the blonde woman, "Bitch sit down, stop damaging the merchandise, and you boy, state your name." He brutishly said, his body showering the area in the aura of a peak Gate of Man. Yet, there was something odd about those tattoos.

<crimson winds=""></crimson>

As if a hailstorm of Blood and wind had arrived, cold killing intent filled the area as I smiled savagely, while black flames and demonic Lightning showered Dragonsbane.

"S-S-Sorceror," He muttered. A look of surprise filled the three-meter tall giant, but it quickly faded as he grabbed a long ax from his back.

Watching as his tattoos glimmered, I smiled, sensing excitement in the pits of my stomach. Feeling DragonsBaane hum i shot forward. In of black ray of light, I stabbed at the brutish man. My strike breaking through mock three with ease.


With a shockwave of light, I smiled, twisting my body and arms, ruthlessly shooting out a stream of flames as the man screamed. <astral slash=""></astral>

Frowning at how his tattoos sucked the qi of heaven and earth in before shooting it out, similar to a sword slash. I rolled out the way like so many others should have before shooting under him as a small ball appeared at the tip of my spear. \'



Knowing he was still alive, a clone of myself remained behind as my real body faded into the darkness of the debris. Charging out, I watch the man struck down my clone as I stabbed through his chest into his lung.

Scream in anguish. I could feel my flames torch his insides as tears ran from his eyes. WIth steam shot from his nose, he swung the back of his ax towards my head as I dodge with ease. I twisted my spear that was still in his body. I ripped Dragonsbane out as a massive gash appeared. Blood drained from his body as black veins ran from throughout his skin, turning him dark as night.

"How are you still alive," I ask, I wasn\'t tired in the least, but that should have killed the average man. Staring at his stature, I suddenly laughed, "you are part giant, huh. that must be it."

A cold, fearful gleam flash through the man\'s eyes as he nodded, his wounds slowly closing, but I could see my darkness still there. Opening my palm, I smile, clenching down as the darkness within him shot out of his skull.

Any Element that entered a man needed to be isolated, or you would risk death. Elemental cultivators, or at least that\'s how it is for me, should be capable of manipulating their said elements anywhere.

A look of disbelief masked his face as I laughed, shooting to his body before severing his head. Sighing, I looked at the blonde woman as she took out a little dagger. Pointing at her, the blood hovering around me flashed, piercing her skull before she could react.

"Wow, I think I hate Midgard. Do people just attack you without reason?" I cursed as I looked at the twenty dwarves. I could use some slaves, but they belong to someone. I don\'t need to be making waves yet.

"I will free you. In exchange, I want your souls and for you to craft me a set of armor," I said as I threw them to contract.

A look of disbelief filled their faces as they looked at one another. suddenly the one-eye dwarf stepped up, "Why our souls?" He questioned with a hateful light.

"Deal or no deal, I am not here to negotiate," I said, not caring. They were going to be hunted anyway. This way, I could take their lives anywhere I wanted. "drop a single drop of blood over the contract if you choose to wish to be free."

A look of fear flashed as they all nodded, bringing a smile to my face. Seeing all of them sign, I grinned, "That will be twenty armors. Call my name once you completed them. If I\'m not too far away, I should be there in a few minutes." I declared before opening their gate.

"But...what is your...." Said the one eye dwarven before he stopped, his eyes growing wide as he whispered my name, "Arsene Snow."

With a burst of demonic laughter, I left. I personally never liked dwarves. They were annoying, loyal, arrogant, righteous, and vulgar. Well, that was how they were always portrayed in movies. But I must say their ability to craft was legendary.

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