
Chapter 155: One Wing

Chapter 155: One Wing

Feeling a cool liquid run down my throat, I pretended to awake as my injuries began to heal yet again at a quick rate.

"Silvia?" I yelled, looking around in a panic. "Roald, where is he?"

"Hush," the young redhead quickly said, walking towards the young man with grey tips. His skin was so pale I could practically feel his icy body from here. However, the sound of his heart was present, causing me to sigh in relief. It looks like I\'m safe to return to Hallr.

Pouring a strange liquid down his mouth, I smiled, sensing his aura beginning to stabilize, "Your body is truly monstrous. This was only the most basic type of healing elixir, yet you."

"Hehe, it\'s the sweetness. You can\'t touch this." I weakly bragged, still feeling hundreds of souls entering my body.

"Ho...How many have died?" I asked, already knowing the answer, still feeling the heat from the Legend I used. The last time I had not gotten to see its effect but this time... I really fucked up. I didn\'t think amplifying the legend with Soulforce cause such devastation.

"Do you know what happened, young man?" The elderly man coldly replied as a terrifying power pulsing out before a virtual screen began to form. Revealing the battle with Roald against Orin. Witnessing all the blood and slaughter, I smiled inwardly as the screen cut to black.

"How? How is this possible?" He bellowed in horror and fear, "Not even I could do this?"

"I do not know when I battled against Orin. Someone else appeared?" I didn\'t truly want to make up a story like this, but him showing the past made me have to change my story. Orin didn\'t show the ability to hide from the stream of time, so saying Orin did it was foolish. "He had long silver hair with emerald-colored cat eyes and a single black wing. When he arrived, I felt space begin to shake and shiver in fear at his presence...I believe he said his name was Sephiroth. "

"Sephiroth?" Siad the elderly man as he turned to me with a scrutinizing gleam, "Oh, and what type of weapons did he use." He asked as if not believe me.

"A long black and silver katana about seven meters long." I curtly said without skipping a beat. I mean, who could forget his weapon. The man was a fucking badass. "Do you know what a Katana is? It\'s quite a rare weapon. not many..."

"I know what it is, boy," said the elderly man, "But this doesn\'t explain as to why he appeared here using such a powerful Circle."

"I do not know, but he took Orin\'s scythe." I meticulously said, gripping my bloodied chin, "There was something else there, but I could not make out what it was. I was more preoccupied fleeing from the streams of lava."

Waving his arm, all the lava suddenly turned to ice before fading off into the distance. Opening my mouth wide, I gasped as I, along with Silvia, appeared within the room I killed Orin in. Waving his arms, a small circle appeared before expanding out.

Suddenly four types of energy began to gather within his palm. A cold shiver quickly gripped my heart, but my mask did not break as I felt my element of Darkness, Demonic qi, and Orion\'s emerald qi gather within his hands. However, the one I found oddly familiar was the last one. It was black as night but held a rather sinister gleam.

"Helheim and this aura...How could such an evil aura exist." Siad the elder as he released my demonic qi along with my darkness without care. "Silvia, pack your things. We are leaving. I need to report this."

"But Lord Torgeir, what about the horde we saw. Millions will die if we do not act." Siliva defiantly said.

Shooting her glance, the light within Silvia\'s eyes vanished as she dropped like a lifeless doll. Catching her within my arms, I turned to Torgeir, radiating a powerful qi. With a cold expression, he nodded as Silvia suddenly flew into his arms.

"I\'m sorry, Arsene but, this city is lost. I would suggest you abandoned it. Only death with following should you stay." Lord Torgeir warned as he vanished with Silvia.

Oh damn, Arsene, why do you keep making waves. Why not just stick to your cannibal ways. Hanging my head low, I quickly made my way up, gazing at Lisa and rave, sitting side by side as tears ran from their faces.

"About a hundred thousand are injured and three thousand dead," Lisa said as I nodded, Feeling about four thousand souls within my body pulsing. I didn\'t bother to say anything, enjoying the look of shame present in their eyes. "It\'s our fault had we simply informed the higher-up\'s none, this would have happened."

Sitting beside the couple, a sadistic light shone from my eye, "I agree. All of this would not have happened had you all waited for me. I knew all about Orin and his little cult. I knew for days, but I was trying to find out what he was doing. Why do you think I was silent for so long. You two really fucked up."

"Arsene!!!" Rave yelled as Lisa broke down, balling her eyes out.

"What? did you all not do this? Three thousand are dead. It will not be long before one of you three hanged. They need to blame someone, Rave. Who do you think it will be? Roald, a rich nobleman or one of you two."

Putting the image within their eyes, I snickered as Rave froze. Like a child, he backed away, eyeing me with a hollow light. "They may kill both of you...but that\'s only if you let them. I believe you know what to do."I whispered, portraying a heartbreaking air. Tears began to run cold from my eyes as he shivered.

"Yes...Yes, I know. I need to turn..."

"No, please, no anything but that. It was all Orins doing. Why should we be blamed." Lisa screamed, gripping her husband. I could see guilt as she gazed at him. She could not even look into his eyes as she cried.

Clenching my fist, I looked away...trying not to laugh. My little toy was slowly becoming undone. I guess Lilith will not need to kill her as she will end up killing herself once I\'m done.

"It\'s politics...Someone needs to pay." Rave bitterly replied as he held her within his arms, "I love you, Lisa."

"Rave!!!" Lisa howled, coughing up blood as she simply fainted. Catching his wife, giving her bloodied lips one last kiss.

"Take her; I will take care of this." He whispered as blood dripped from his lips, "Leave this city. I will take full responsibility. Roald..."

"No one is going anywhere." a cold, powerful voice said as I felt the very air turn cold. An influx of killing intent filled the air as I gazed at a man surrounded by an army of soldiers, all pulsing with the aura of the Gate of Truth.

Leading the soldiers stood a rather pale man. He was quite skinny for someone from Midgard, but his face was quite hollow as long golden hair fell to his back. I could feel the very air freeze as he stood in front of Rave.

"Governor Bo"

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