
Chapter 260: Little Devil and Mr. Bear

Chapter 260: Little Devil and Mr. Bear

A/N: Devil Warning - Big Devil Warning, I did say Devils/Demons have no filter.

"We are close to the Vanir Clan!" Said Silvia noticing the eerie silence. "Will you be returning with me, or are you..."

"No, I have to get little miss crazy. I had thought I had more time." I begrudgingly said in annoyance. " Give me a few hours, and I will appear. Inform... Shit, I forgot his name Grnnn Gand something, anyway just till the supervisor I am returning with two guests. Warn him one is a God. She will not be staying with me, but the Vanir should be aware of her." I declared, looking around for a missing face.

"Ok! Big Sis Ezra, this place is amazing; thanks for showing me!" Shouted Silvia wrapping her arms around the Demon Princess.

Returning the hug, Ezra\'s eyes soften to my surprise. Frowning at the sent of a plot, Silvia\'s entire body vanished. Leaving me pondering for a moment.

"I call bull shit. What are you planning with that fool?" I asked; there was no way Ezra would simply make friends. Can a Devil even make friends?

"None of your business," Ezra cunningly whispered. "And as for the rest of you, please follow behind. This will be fun!"

Taking their leave, I could not help but be a little impressed and warry. Ezra was learning; while they\'re still flaws within her mask, she was starting to act the way she was when we first met. I wonder what will happen when I break it and her schemes. Did she genuinely think all this was hers? Trust between devils can never be presumed.

There were only two people I trusted with my life—Lilith and myself. Even those that held my emblem within their souls did not garner my trust. For nothing is perfect, there always be one or two to break free. There always is.

Teleporting away, I suddenly appeared somewhere in the city created by Ezra. Creasing my brow, I covered my nose, glaring at the large lab filled with the stench of rotten flesh. Glancing at the large tubs of...

"What the fuck is Zanris into? Is that a fucking leg?" I asked, touching the large green tube filled with liquid. "And this place, why is it so high-tech? Is this the work of Anya and Mare?"

"Nope! Zanris did this all on her own." A vibrant voice echoed out, startling me. Charging into my chest Zanris crimson eyes glimmered with infatuation, "Did master come to see Zanris toy?"

"Toy?" I hesitantly asked, feeling a chill run down my spine.

Nodding in childlike innocence, Zanris spoke, "yes, Master said not to kill him, so Zan had to improvise."

"Wait, you said you made all of this? How? Midgard is not this advance; at least, I don\'t think it is."

"It\'s not; I got this from Baels knowledge. Uncle Bael has a lot of good knowledge to help Zan make Mr. Bear better!"

Gasping in shock, I pulled her arms away, staring around in amazement, "all of this is within Baels Inheartnt memories? I thought that man was a fool, but I guess I may have judged him too early. He did say he was not always like he is now."

"So, do you want to see Zans toy? Zan calls him Mr. Bear." She asked to my horror, recognizing the rotten stench of flesh present in the air.

Pulling my arm Zanris did not even let me finish as she pulled me away. Dragging me through her lab, I could only gasp, staring at the bodies beginning to pile up. Coming to a quick stop, I frowned, staring at a large woman with her stomach ripped open her organs and various liquids pooling around her.

"Zanris, was she..."

"Em, Zan needed small and flexible bones, and what is better than form those that are not fully formed. But Zan needed them to form a few hundred. But worry not master, Zan gave the leftover for Mr. Bear to eat."

Slowly looking at the empty eyes of this woman, I could see the horror upon her face as she died from blood loss. Stepping past Zanirs, my eyes only widen when I entered a rather large room. Covering my mouth, I held my breath as the stench stabbed into my soul.

"Dear God!" I muttered

Turning to the proud expression of Zanris, I could not help but feel like I may have opened a rabbit hole I was never meant to. I knew I was evil, but... BUT THIS!!!!

Drawing close to the large bodies of the rotting flesh of those that never had the chance to be welcomed into the world. A wave of sadness and disgust filled my mind. Turning to Zanris, I opened my mouth to explode in anger, but nothing came.

"These were those that Mr. Bear never got to finish eating. Zan put him on a diet." The young devil stated, not understanding the cruel sin it had committed. The bodies before me were still filled with its mother\'s fluids before it was ripped away. Their small heads and arms still not fully formed still and cold upon the icy lab.


With my skin crawling in disgust, I turned towards the giant creature a meter in size. Its entire body was covered in brown fur. But large patches of hair could be seen from various monsters, while large white bones could be seen stabbing out in multiple places, especially its chest. Were its heart and organs appeared into my sight, twirling like worms?

Taking a step back, the creature suddenly grew startled, turning its face towards me. Watching the deformed form of the man who once waitered for Lilith and me, I almost vomited. Rotten flesh was growing from his entire body as this thing with arms and legs beg than one another crawled on the floor towards me.

"Mother, who is this?" Mr. Bear asked, its many mouths moving in tandem.

"This is my master! Say hello, my..."

"ENOUGH!" I bellowed, feeling a rage I had only felt against Aldrich. "JUST STOP!!!!"


"I SAID SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!!" I shouted, feeling the mark of Baphomet pulsing from my chest. "THIS!!! THIS IS FUCKING MADNESS!!!"

"Is this not what you wanted from those that you wished to follow?" the sinister voice of Bahoment questioned in amusement?" Such art, I must say I am jealous it has been a while since my own satanic cult did something like this. Have you ever eaten a child not fully formed? It\'s quite a unique treat. It\'s like foie gras. If done right, it\'s so rich in flavor!"

"This is not..."

"But it is Arsene; it is exactly what you wanted. You are finally seeing what its true face looks like. We are from the Nines boy. Did you think we are like demons and devils from other pantheons that only share our evil name but not our nature? They might be misunderstood, but we are not."

"They were fetuses Baphomet, not even ready to be born." I roared in a fit of rage, "There is no meaning to this madness."

"And that is why it\'s called madness." said Baphomet, "But get used to it, for all of your creation including that lich of your will fall, insanity runs within your blood boy. And it will be in there\'s."

Shotting the teary eye woman a vicious glare, I sneered in disgust, "Clean this fucking mess, torch it in flames. As for that thing, it shall not appear before me again. Return to my side once it is complete."

"Y...Y...Yes, master," Zanris tearfully whimpered.

Snorting, I teleported back to the village of Katala. Staring up towards the Azure skies, I sighed, "This was... no, this is my sin. All this will be on me, I am sorry, but my quest shall continue. The blood has already been spilled. If you are evil, be evil. If you are good, be good. There is no middle, at least not for me."

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