
Chapter 463: A Change In the Air

Chapter 463: A Change In the Air

Following behind Karsa striding through her halls filled with the shadows of our movement, my gaze fell upon the emerald torches resting on the walls, burning with familiar screams of tormented souls. It was a bit off, but no one but Lilith and me seemed to be aware.

Feeling our gaze upon the emerald Torches, Karsa released a bloodthirsty smile, "Would you like to join them?" She asked, licking her cherry lips, "Ever since my secret got out, regarding these torches, many have been far too fearful of visiting dear old me."

"It could be due to you being insane. Who decorates their home with the burning souls of their victims?" Lilith bravely rebuked, crossing her arms, "I have been around souls before, but normal people would be terrified."

"What are you all talking about?" Yu Jing suddenly called, puzzled like the others around her. Except for Cleo, who seemed quiet and pale. I had missed it before, but her arms were trembling, and her eyes were growing wet with tears.

"You know your master is no different, right?\' I unexpectedly spoke, it was not my intention to explain, but I felt I needed to as I gazed dead at Cleo, who shuttered, "No matter how he acts or behaves, there are some enemies where death is too sweet a punishment. For me, there was only one, where I hear his screams just about every day."

"So she can hear their screams too? How interesting. I don\'t believe I know what you are? A new bloodline? How strange." Karsa muttered softly. Pushing open the doors from out of the hallway of sorrow and death. There we saw a towering gate with various sigils and prism shape pillars surrounded by two female warriors.

Like Karsa, they held her snake-like eyes; however, both of them had exquisite pink scales that ran over their naked arms and legs. Donned in chainmail, wrapped tightly over their bodies, they bowed.

"Your Grace."

"Open a portal to Casia." Karsa fluently commanded.

Lowering their heads lower, the female duo parted in a bow, making various gestures with their hands; the flash of a deadly arc of lightning erupted, sending tremors through the air. Connecting between the two pillars, a massive swirling vortex appeared. Buzzing with a powerful pressure.

"This looks nothing like what we went through. Holy shit, is this going to kill us?"

Clitting her tongue sharply, Karsa smirked, "What you went through was probably a domestic Nexus Gate. My Gate can bring you to the various Regions on Alos. Come. Let us go. I need to get rid of this looming blade on my neck.

Staring at Karsa stepping through the Nexus Gate, without hesitation, I narrowed my gaze towards the snake woman watching us vigilantly. Not willing to test my luck here, I held Lilith\'s hand stepping through the portal, appearing on the other side before I could even blink.

"What?" I muttered in shock at the swift transfer. "Was it supposed to be this smooth? Last time I almost broke a few bones landing.

"Hey! it wasn\'t that bad. I got you here safe and sound. That is all that matters!" Lilith exclaimed, crossing her arms defensively.

"Sure you did, dearie." I sarcastically replied, although Lilith didn\'t seem to notice. Smiling warmly in my direction. Till her hands flashed, holding onto the family jewels before I could see what had happened.


"What was that?"


Snorting, Lilith chuckled darkly, letting me go before storming off in a puff of rage. A little confused, I simply held my crotch, "What did I do?"

Noticing the others beginning to appear with the crackles of thunder, I hurried after Lilith, seeing that Karsa was nowhere to be found.

The air was a bit different than before. The scent of death had seemed to heavily obstruct the ambiance this holy city once had. It was quite, almost dead even.

Making our way out from the central building that housed all Nexus gates, I snapped my finger, placing a cloak around my body just for extra measure.

"You there! What is your name!" shouted a towering half lion half man standing at the exit of the Nexus Gate ports. He was massive, with the upper body of a man, but his lower body was that of a lion consumed with tight overgrown muscles.

"Give me your ID! I need to--"

Sneering, I arched my held high, carrying the attitude of a young master. "Show some respect, Ian!" I reprimanded, coldly taking note of Lilith approaching just outside the building we appeared in. Shaking my head, indicating for her to stop, I snorted. "A lowly guard daring to speak to me. I should have your badge for annoying me!"

"How do you--"

"Shut your damn mouth, you lion fucking shit! I know your name because it is my job to observe and report, not to speak or comply. Now fuck off and do your work. The lords and ladies behind me are not ones I wish to keep waiting."

"Indeed," Sig roared, playing along with the fire that hid his amusement. He glared, baring his fangs. "Unless you wish to face the power of a Chosen of Nox, you had best bend a knee. And crawl away."

Shooting Arkanos a knowing glare, the young Dragon shivered as a silver draconic pressure began to shower the threshold in a storm of domineering bloodlust, sending a chill through Ian\'s spine. He staggered as the other chosen began to release their pressure.

"you may pass... Forgive my rudeness. My lords and Ladies."

Skipping away, Arkanos snorted, "Dumb Dumb!" leaping into Lilith\'s bosom with a cheeky smile. Destroying all the dominance she had created, revealing she was nothing more than a child.

Rolling my eyes, I moved ahead and away from the sphinx who would forget my appearance soon. These people were all looking for me. What happened here?

"Hey, Sene." Lilith grimly whispered, pulling me close, unsure who was listening, spoke, "You need an Id, and we need a place to say. It cannot be a hotel. You always seem to gather too much attention."

Stroking my hairless chin, I could not agree more, "Lilith, you are with me, and Yu Jing. You will take care of Arkanos. I am going to see your mother. She may be able to get me an ID and a place to stay."

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