
Chapter 669 Enrilia

Richters expression could not have been darker, contorting into a hideous beast that craved blood. Eroma had stated he held the devil\'s blood in him, but I felt nothing even as his hatred blossomed. I am curious about Asmodeus intentions.

Seething with hate, Ritcher reached for his waist, ready to unsheath his sword. His silver eyes glowed, releasing a menacing aura that had my brow arched. "I will cut you down!"

"Richter," Mother softly mourned, placing her hands over his shoulder; a weak whimper escaped her throat, and tears crept over her cheeks as she shook her head, "Please don\'t. At least, try—"

"Not even for you, mother! Never! He crossed a line!" Said Richter darkly.

Rolling my eyes, an exhaustive breath of air raced from my lips, "If you think you can defeat me, please do draw that sword of yours. I will kill you now and let this matter rest. Or you can grow the fuck up and accept what happened with a smile or frown. I don\'t care which. Right now, we are all in danger. Now shut the Hell up before I ask dear old Seraphina to knock you unconscious."

Loathing poured from Richters expression. He shuttered for a few moments, then dropped his hand off the hilt of his sword. Then snorted, bearing a grim look, he sent a disgusted glance toward Sera, revealing to him more about her character than she would have liked. After all, we were once enemies.

"Mother, Father, Good to see you two again. Unfortunately, time is not on our side. Lilith, Sera, Simp, we are leaving," I inform, allowing a wave of darkness to permeate our bodies and bring us to the first layer of the Shadow Realm. We appeared in a world of grey. The scenery had not changed much, as even my mother and father were there, but they could not see us, but we could see them.

"So," Said Lilith, awkwardly glancing at Sera, who stared. "How have you been?" She asked, having killed one of her kin not even a day ago. "I\'m sure this is—"

"Arsene," Seraphina coldly called, "Keep this thing from speaking to me."

Lilith smiled and nudged my shoulder, "You sure you want this one? She seems too vanilla for you."

Knowing better than to answer, a misy haze of contracting light seemed to blend seamlessly from out of space, revealing a gate covered in the ancient runes of Noctem. Fading in and out, the Gate of Noctem slowly became tangible; Glistering like shattered shards of crystals, the runes hummed to life, and the door to Noctem sang to me, placing me under its spell. I became spellbound and approached.

Tracing my fingers over its mysterious surface that ran smoothly over my fingers, a resolve I did not think belonged to me nor Aegis filled me.

Pushing the Gates to Noctem open without resistance, darkness swallowed me faster than I could blink, much less think. Unsure if Lilith and the others followed behind, eternal darkness welcomed my eyes, washing over my heart. Knowledge of Ancient Lore seemed to wash over my soul, filling me with information regarding Rule, Darkness, and much more.

A piercing silver suddenly ran through the darkness and touched the center of my head, awakening me to the Land of Enrilia, one of Noctems Seven Prime worlds. Shaken by the Planer Moon, Lunafreya, named after Tenebrae\'s daughter, I stood wrapped in her benevolent glow that seemed to stir the Sin of Sloth.

Lunafreya, the moon of Noctem, shimmered through the infinite Darkness of Noctem, where the sun never rose, yet stars seemed to glisten like embers. Taken by the cloudless skies of multicolored amethyst, I released a soft breath, feeling that I was home for the first time in my life.

"Arsene?" Lilith called to me, pulling me from this wonderful sensation. Noticing we were in a forest, I smiled and turned to her curious expression. "You Ok?" She asked, placing her hand over my head. "You look pale."

"Pale? I feel good." I softly said, but her cloudy eyes seemed stained with worry. "Are you ok? You seem—"

"We have company!" Sera suddenly said, rushing out from the bushes alongside Richter. "There is a small platoon heading in our direction. One High God and twenty Midgods draped in black cloaks. They are powerful. What do you want to do?"

Enrilia was a very political planet, housing Noctems sole Bank. Of the Seven Prime Worlds, Enrillia was utterly neutral. They did not take part in wars, but that did not mean they did not influence the rising empires or clans. The Banking Clan was always known to play both sides. To battle in this Prime World was asking for death; not even the Chaos Lords during the Broken Era dared to oppose them. Not unless you wish to become enemies with the Imperial Families.

"We will do nothing," I explain, shaking my head. "Place your weapons in your soul in case they steal them."

Sera was the first to open her mouth, but I merely gestured no. "You will die if you fight. Not here, not in Enrilia. This planet is too important. If they are a part of the Banking Clan, it\'s best not to pick a fight. At least not till I rise to power."

"And we are to believe you?" Richter remarked, crossing his arms.

Not bothering to explain more, I gazed off in the distance, where I saw, as Sera had said, a platoon of soldiers carrying the crest of the banking clans insignia, of a blind goddess holding a scale filled with coins on each side over their chest, was shone over there cloak.

The High God leader stepped out, appearing like a being of darkness, peered through his cloak towards Sera, then Richter, Lilith, and finally me.

He appeared hidden from even my discerning eye when Aegis\'s voice resounded in my heart, "Arsene—"

"I know," I calmly said, knowing what I needed to do.

Taking a step forward, The platoon of twenty swiftly drew their weapons. Unafraid, I narrowed my eyes and drew a deep breath as a feeling of absolute control washed over me.

"My name is Arsene Snow," I calmly said. "The New King of Noctem, the Next monarch of darkness."I grew solemn instantly, and a regal aura exploded from my serene expression, "And you all will kneel."

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