
Chapter 137 Space Ninja Fairies?!

I burst forward, but Skylar was unbelievably fast, and it was all I could do to keep up without tearing up the roadway. I wasn\'t sure how she was able to move so fast, but it couldn\'t be natural.

I couldn\'t get close enough to her to sense if she was using magic, but I had to assume that was the case. That meant that I was going to have to get creative.

I jumped up a stack of crates, made my way up onto a roof, and started jumping across them. I looked around but couldn\'t spot her, so I dashed behind an oversized chimney.

Maybe chasing Skylar wasn\'t the way. Maybe Senna caught her by hiding from her and ringing out on her! That had to be it.

"What are we waiting for?"

"I am trying to spot...."

I turned to look into glowing green eyes, but then they were gone, but I felt the apparent use of magic. Not only that, but Skylar was using it like I was.

\'This is hardly fair,\' I complained, and Xieus laughed.

[You should try telling that to Senna! I am sure she would laugh harder at you than I am!] Xieus giggled.

I was starting to get why Senna had so much trouble. If someone like me was having this much trouble, I couldn\'t imagine how Senna did it.

"Galio! Quit wasting time!" Eliza yelled from far up above, and I looked up.

A large group of women was looking down from a cloud hanging suspiciously low. I even spotted Listenia up there with them all.

"I am trying to figure out how to catch her!" I called up and saw Senna\'s head peek over the edge of the cloud, but just barely.

"Not as easy as it looks?!" Senna called down, and I rolled my eyes. These women must all just be loving to see me struggle at something for once.

In my defense, I wasn\'t allowed to use magic or go fast enough to catch Skylar, but then again. Senna didn\'t have any of my advantages, and I still had more than her in terms of speed and strength.

I jumped down from the roof, and Skylar was waiting for me, looking ready to dart.

"Wait! What if we play a game?" I asked, putting up a hand.

Skylar put her hands up to cover her face and then peeked through her fingers at me.

"What kind of game?" Skylar asked shyly.

"One where you chase me, and I will talk to you if you catch me. How does that sound?" I asked hopefully.

,m "But you can\'t catch me. I will catch you immediately," Skylar said, starting to turn.

"That is because we are in town. I bet you can\'t catch me out on the open plains! I am pretty fast, but I will wreck things in town if I go too fast," I explained, and Skylar made a surprised face.

"Really? But what if I can\'t catch you?" Skylar asked.

"Hmm? I thought you just said you were faster than me, right? You should have no trouble catching me then, right?" I asked, and Skylar lowered her hands.

Again, I was pulled into her eyes, feeling every energy she was putting off, pulling me in. In truth, I wanted to chase her and tackle her to the ground. The things I would do after would not be something that I would want to be put on display.

This was my best chance to get Skylar out of the city and then run from her for a bit before letting her catch me.

"Umm, I think I am just going to go home tonight," Skylar said, then dashed off, leaving me confused.

Is it over?

I looked around, seeing the blue curls peeking out from the corner.

This woman.

I burst forward, and she disappeared, but I started to regulate my breathing to increase my heart rate. Things slowed down, and I could start to follow Skylar\'s movements.

Skylar kept looking back at me as I chased her, so I decided to just keep on her. There would have to be a moment where she slipped up, ran into something, or stumbled. I would just have to take advantage of the situation when it happened.

Then it happened, and when Skylar tried to look back at me, she ran into a hip-high crate. This sent her cartwheeling in slow motion, but as I watched, trying to catch up, she righted herself in the air. Then she ran into the wall.

"Oh, come on! What is this ninja bullshit!" I complained as I chased after her.

[All Fae are adept at using their Astral Chakra for running up trees and many other things. Some of them have wings, but they all live in very tall trees, so being able to stick to them is a promising talent. They also can walk on water.]

\'Well, then that isn\'t really magic, is it then? I wonder if I have Chakra? Astral Chakra? Space Ninja Fairies?!\' I asked Xieus as I ran.

I was also trying to see what I knew about this stuff, and I did have some knowledge, but it was spotty. There was a summoning art, but I wasn\'t sure if that would help. The knowledge that I had said that it would summon a spirit to coat my body in Astral Chakra Armor. I wasn\'t sure what it would do, but I wasn\'t making any progress this way.

[This should not be breaking the rules. I only know a little bit about this, but if you are summoning for the first time, you will have to beat the spirit. That is the only way to gain respect from it, so it will allow you to use its energy.] Xieus explained, but I was already biting my thumb to draw blood.

I stopped and slapped my hand down on the ground. As I did, my blood was pulled out of me and created a strange circle on the ground with thirteen circles surrounding it. Each one of them had a name, and I recognized them as Zodiacs.

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