
Chapter 146 Fuck It

The weight of the day seemed to hit me all at once after I stripped down. Once I got into bed with the two girls tucked in close to me with an arm around each, I tried my best to stay awake.

The weight of my eyelids got to me as I fell asleep to the sounds of the girls giggling softly. My mind slid and drifted until I found myself sitting on the edge of a building.

I was in an old town, and this was one of the highest in the town, but something was different. Very different.

I lifted a small white paw up to my face and then almost jumped off the side of the building as I skittered back. I was not supposed to have paws! What the hell was going on here?!

I took in some deep breaths and tried to focus and look around me, but nothing made sense. I had no clue where I was or why, but then I heard a voice call my name.

"Galio! Where are you?! You had better not be on the roof again!" Tallia shouted, and then I saw her angry face pop over the side of the building. "There you are, little twerp! You know, I should have got a dog! You are always making me look for you!"

I just stood frozen. The Tallia that I saw before me was much younger, only a girl, and she knew me as her cat? I feel like I was missing something very important.

As Tallia picked me up, then started to stroke my fur, and press her face into my side, all thought left me. I could feel her love for me from her touch, and that was all I needed.

"You know. I love you, but you are always just doing whatever you want! I have chores, so I can\'t be looking for you all the time, Mr. Galio," Tallia said as she rocked me.

I tried to speak, but nothing but a meow came out.

"I know, you are a cat and just want to be free, but you are the only friend that I have. I don\'t even want to lose you, okay? Stop hiding from me, got it?" Tallia told me, and I nodded my head, and she set me down.

Tallia started to crawl off the roof and called for me to come. I tried to follow her, but my eyes opened to the morning light shining in through a poorly placed or expertly placed window.

I tried to put my hand up to block the light, but the girls were still in my arms. My hands were hands again, but that dream left me feeling strange.

It wasn\'t only that, but Xena had called me a name. Ophiuchus, but that name meant nothing to me, but now it felt connected to the dream.

Pieces were slowly coming into being, but all I had was a puzzle box with half the pieces. There were connections, but for each connection I made, there was a piece missing. I had hoped that this morning\'s exercise would help, but I wasn\'t confident.

I could also ask Tallia about the cat.

"What do you want now?" Tallia asked as she suddenly appeared in the bedroom.

Both girls jumped in my arms and looked up and around like a bomb had just woken them up.

"You know, not every thought of you requires you to come and see me," I said, and Tallia frowned.

"It felt like you wanted to ask me something. I will just ignore you next time if that is the case. Have you ever thought about maybe not thinking about me so much?" Tallia scowled, and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Ever thought about not breathing as much? Don\'t be a prude; I just wanted to ask you if a white cat means anything to you?" I asked, and Tallia raised an eyebrow.

"What about it?" Tallia asked, which was not the resonance that I thought I was going to get.

"Well, what does it mean to you?" I asked, and Tallia looked away.

"Nothing! Don\'t worry about it! What does it matter anyways?! Don\'t you have more important things to be worrying about right now?!" Tallia demanded, making both girls burrow into my armpits to hide.

"Jeez, calm down; I was just asking. If you don\'t want to tell me-"

"I don\'t! Goodbye!" Tallia snapped as the portal opened, and she left, giving the impression that she slammed the portal shut behind her.

That was not what I had expected. I mean, who would have expected that reaction? What exactly was she hiding about the damn cat?

"I know what it is," Eliza giggled, but then the portal snapped back open, making her duck back down.

"Do not test me, Countess! If you or anyone of the others speak a word of this to Galio, I will throw you off the island!" Tallia snapped through the open portal, and then it slammed closed again.

"On second thought, I have no idea what it could be. No clue. Completely lost!" Eliza said with her face still buried in my armpit.

"Wow, that woman is scary. Why do you have so many scary girlfriends?" Chili asked me, and I laughed.

"Because if I only had cute ones like you two, I would never get anything done! I said as I kissed both of their heads. "Now, let\'s get up. Once we are done, we can come back and bathe and have some fun after. Does that sound good? I mean only if you girls want to."

"Oh, I am ready for another round! Last time was too much, but this time I want to go a bit slower! Chili wants some of the growth in her too! Right?" Eliza said, and Chili nodded shyly.

Yup, see this right here is why I need crazy girls! I was already fighting with myself not to just stay now, but I wanted to get clean first. Might as well get dirty first, and then clean, and then dirty again!

Fuck it. The training could wait.

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