
Chapter 259 STOP!

"That was very good of you, and I will rely on you in the future to use that expert-level assessment to make sure that the others that are less experienced in combat stay out of situations that they cannot handle," I said and Rexa nodded as I put a hand to her cheek. "As for what attacked me, they were summoned minor demons from a place called the Underworld. They are dangerous, but if you can deal with the caster that is holding the circle open, they all die, no matter how many of them there are. The dangerous ones you would find on continents, they will be on deserted islands. That involves someone sacrificing themselves and a bunch of others to create a portal to the Underworld and grant them Demon Queen status there and lots of armies, but it takes a while to make the portal bigger, and you have to send demons out to gather Negative Energy. Demon Queens are like Lesser Blood Witch, but only while they are stuck in the Underworld. If their portal can get big enough, they can get out, and then they are a serious problem, sort of."

"Sort of?" Rexa asked, and I snorted.

"I am not sure why, but as a cruel joke, demons cannot swim or fly," I said, and then there was a smile in my mind.

*Poof!* "Did I hear something about a demon?" Xieus asked as she appeared in my lap, and I grinned, giving her a kiss.

"Yes, it seems one of your sisters is being lazy," I said, and Rexa looked at Xieus in confusion. "Sorry, Rexa, this is Xieus, my Succubus Demon that is in a contract with me, so you don\'t have to worry about her."

"There is just no limit to what you can do, is there?" Rexa asked as she looked at me with admiration. "I mean, you have angel wings, an army of women, and now a succubus demon."

"Well, I am trying to be prepared for anything," I said with a shrug before looking at Xieus. "Do you want to go back to the Underworld and see what Rem is up to?"

"Of course! I will have to be gone for a bit, and you are going to have to send me there, but I should be able to see what Rem is doing. I don\'t know her well, but I do know that he is pretty adventurous," Xieus said with a grin, and I nodded.

"Alright, just let me know if you find anything," I said as I used dark magic to create a portal to the Underworld. There were screams and roars coming from there, but Xieus would be fine, and I kissed her before sending her off and closing the portal behind her.

"Is it always like this? What else do you command?!" Rexa asked, and I chuckled.

"No, sometimes it is much worse. I don\'t command anyone; I just have lots of-"


I whipped my head to the other side to see Tallia open a portal and then almost walk out into thin air as we sped away from her. I couldn\'t help but scoff a little, but then she appeared again.


Gone again.

"GALIO! Stop-"

Zipped by and gone again.

"Should we stop?" Rexa asked.

"If we don\'t, I am pretty sure she will not be impressed... We should stop, like now! STOP!" I roared as a massive golden portal opened up ahead to the top of a mountain peak somewhere.

"What is that?" Rexa asked as she halted the carriage, and I hopped off.

"That is what happens when you tease a goddess," I said as a golden portal opened, and Tallia and a laughing Goldy walked out.

"You love him but are still ready to toss him off a cliff!" Goldy giggled, and Tallia scowled.

"That is because I have things to do, and so does he! I still think that you should just watch over him and be done with it. Both of us have things to do, and Galio is already running from the Black Goat Cult at night!" Tallia snapped, but Goldy shook her head with a shrug.

"No can do that, I have exams with the new Starlets, and it is my job to teach them in the final month! This is the only time I have had to work all year, and you know that! This is not going to take that long, and I will sit with Miss Rexa so they can keep moving while you two go deal with Titania! Just remember that she is an independent woman, but she likes to be shown a good time!" Goldy said, and she walked over and gave me a hug. "How are things going? This silly woman really set you up this time! But it is good that you are keeping the girls safe, I think. You need to balance your ability to use force with your ability to use your heart, right?"

"Did you see those god-awful cat things?!" I explained, hugging her back.

"Yes, they were quite horrifying," Goldy said with a shudder. "But you dealt with them quickly and efficiently. I was very impressed."

"Thank you," I said as I hugged her back before she walked over to climb up beside Rexa.

"We should go," Tallia said, and I nodded as we both turned to leave.

"You know where we are going?" I asked as we walked, and Tallia nodded.

"We are going to the island of the Fae to get you a watcher of sorts. I just want to ensure that there is someone there to help you out if you need it, and it would be good for you to get to know the girls better. I also heard that you were talking with The Creator, and she is not very happy, but she is also not making a big fuss about it like I thought she would. Good job on that because I really didn\'t like what was going on with the Living Dolls," Tallia explained as we stepped into her house.

"Is there anything that I should know about Titania? I tried to remember things about her before this, and like most of the others, I am still blocked," I explained, and Tallia sighed.

"All I can say is that the woman is not the strongest in magical or physical strength, but I am sure that she stands above all of us in her tenacity. If she does not want to do something, then there is no chance of it. I am just along for the ride in case she doesn\'t want to come. You will have to convince her yourself. she is a fan of grand gestures, so you might want to keep that in mind when you introduce yourself," Tallia explained as she opened another portal for me to a strange and enchanting forest. "I need to go back and continue the conversation that I just had to pause when Goldy told me to come and get you. This is going to be the best time to deal with her since she just claimed the last part of her kingdom, so she will feel like celebrating."

"Alright, I will see you soon," I said as I stepped through the portal into the most beautiful forest that I had ever seen. As soon as I stepped out of the portal, two massive trees slapped their branches together to close off the path behind me.

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